Professional :: SWF Not Playing On Localhost (through Apache) [Might Be Size Related]?

Feb 17, 2010

I've been looking for days now and can't find an answer to this problem (even within the apache community).My swf plays fine when loaded outside of the local server, just clicking the swf or the html page loading it.It also plays fine in the .fla preview.When I uploaded it on my webspace, it worked as well.I tried playing it on my localhost at work and it worked...ache 2.0), it doesn't work.What I found out is the swf will play if I remove some images, which is why I think it might be a size related issue. Like, when the swf file is smaller than 50ko it works, when it gets bigger (75ko for exemple) it doesn't.I've seen some issues when the server tries to compress the files, etc, but I don't think it's the case as I tried with and without mod_deflate with no change at all.I've also seen issues related to firewalls, so I tried disabling my firewall, my anti-virus and anything I could think of. No change...

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Mar 1, 2010

i have realy pain start with af3 when i was fine with of my probleme is i load a login.swf from localhost .
Probleme1. i test on my pc "wamp" then i test on a remote server let call it  "Lamp". my code in main swf (As3.swf)  look a something like this.

var chemin = new URLRequest( "http://localhost/As3_login.swf" ) ;cadre.load ( chemin );cadre.x = 40;cadre.y = 100;addChild(cadre);

what happen is in localhost test everithing does the job but when i upload on my distant server "Lamp"  as3.swf and As3_login.swf,the main swf (As3.swf) don't load the As3_login .swf that is on my distant server "Lamp" .in fact it try load the swf that is on my local "wamp" server (my own hard disk).so if i close my "wamp" what happen is As3.swf from "Lamp" load then it can't load As3_login.swf.seem totaly ilogique to me since when localhost isn't local?

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Professional :: Stop A Sound From Playing If It Is Playing Already

Dec 6, 2011

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Apache Server W/ XMLSocket?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a perl socket on my apache server that correctly takes input from sockets and sends it back out to every socket connected to the perl socket. I have tested the perl socket, and it works correctly.
When I launch the Flash in the IDE, as a flash program, it functions correctly with the perl socket.
However, when I try to launch the Flash in a Browser on my apache server, it tells me it is unable to connect to the server.However, I am seeing from feedback from my perl socket, the flash connects for about a half of a second, and thats it.

What could be the problem, do I have to include code in the flash to allow XMLSockets to connect in a browser as well? Is there certain things I need to do with my apache server to make it work?

Also if I 'Preview as HTML' from Adobe Flash CS4, it does not connect.

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Server Side :: PHP Won't Run On APACHE ?

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LoadModule php4_module "C:/PHP/php4apache.dll"

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Jun 8, 2010

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Jan 12, 2010

The company I work for has their own Flash based video player and the question I get from our execs is "Can we tell what website our player is embedded on?"At first, I hypothesized I could use Apache mod_rewrite, extract the HTTP_REFFER, and append it to the end of the requested URL. So as the browser gets http://.../viewer.swf, I could slap on ?However, I don't think our CDN will cater to our htaccess file. Plus, mostly all the access_log entries show a dash rather than the domain.So I'm casting this question our here to see if I catch any ideas or solutions. Currently, everything points to 'not possible'.

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Flex 4 / Apache Ant - Cannot Load ActionScript Libraries

Jun 26, 2011

I have been searching google, Apache Docs*, and FlashPunk forums looking for an answer to this: I cannot get Ant/Flex to find and compile a folder of libraries in *.AS format.

Here is my build.xml.
<!-- Flex SDK Properties -->
<property name="FLEX_HOME" value="/opt/flex"/>
<property name="MXMLC.JAR" value="${FLEX_HOME}/lib/mxmlc.jar"/>
<!-- Project Properties -->
[Code] .....

Results in many errors of the type "Definition net.flashpunk.masks:Grid could not be found" even though when I open the directories I can see the *.AS files right there. I decided to use Ant because neither FlashDevelop for Windows nor Eclipse for Linux seemto work for me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hex To Dec (not RGB Related)

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I'm doing a simple hex converter with a input window(hex) and output window(dec)Currently i'm using a simple script on a button to covert the hex to dec [code] This is ok if you want to convert one hex number at a time, what i want to do is input lots of hex values (in the input window) and convert them to dec (to the output window) in one go.

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Media Server :: PHP Shown In Browser As Text On FMS Apache

Oct 22, 2009

We have several small websites, some with limited php and some with small mysql databases and we are planning on running Flash Media Server as well all on one RedHat server. I have installed the FMS and apache as per default installation and all is working ok I see the sample videos and have added some of my own videos. I have added some content under /opt/adobe/fms/webroot and this appears ok.

I have 2 flat sites called mysite1 and mysite2
Apache is installed as the default install on linux under /opt/adobe/fms/Apache2.2.
I have installed php php -vPHP 5.1.6 (cli) (built: Feb 26 2009 07:01:12) Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP GroupZend Engine v2.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies

I have the following in my httpd.conf file and this seems to work ok for the virtual hosts in apache as I can see these sites
NameVirtualHost *:8134
<VirtualHost *:8134> DocumentRoot "/opt/adobe/fms/webroot" ServerName myservername
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error.myservername.log .....

But when I go to look at a php page all I saw was the php text. So for example I go to [URL] page appears fine, when I go to [URL] all I see is the php text. I looked at the php.conf file from another server and I noticed that it used modules/libphp5.which is not available on this copy of Apache so I am not sure what I need to do to get php running on the server.

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Media Server :: Apache Service Stop Automatically?

Jul 26, 2011

I have Flash media server 3.5 and  it is working fine but now a days Apache service is automatically stoped  so all streaming services is stopd then i restart the Flash Media  Server after restart FMS goes smothly and all streaming services goes  smothly.ut this issue, below are the event viewer detail wehere the appache service stop  detail is mentioned.

here is the event viewer details for FMS
Event Type:  InformationEvent Source:  FMS (Master)Event Category:  (258)Event ID:  1413Description:C:Program  FilesAdobeFlash Media Server


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Media Server :: Apache In FMS 4 Developer Vs XAMPP Environment For PHP?

Sep 15, 2011

1.Have a Flash Webpage under development designed to permit preview and streaming of FLV video.Downloaded FMS Developer as a test server on my computer.Apache 2.2 loads with it with a checkbox option to install it or not. I'm able to stream my video OK in this setup using RTMP://localhost and the FLVPlayback component in Flash Pro.I like some of the OSMF players better like the one in the FMS Start Screen, but I haven't been able to integrate/embed it into my Flash webpage using the HTML provided.They say just paste it to the webpage, but in ActionScript how do you do that?how to embed Strobe Media Player into an FLA webpage using their HTML.

2.I plan to use PayPal Express Checkout for Digital Goods (EC/DG) as my pay facility on the Flash webpage. My videos will play to a cuepoint and then jump to a PayPal button which executes (EC/DG) .I'm having trouble integrating PayPal with my Flash webpage. There's a lot of online help, but most solutions involve PHP. I bought the e-book, "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 for PHP" which recommends downloading the XAMPP platform which contains Apache, PHP, MySQL etc.

(a) If I use the XAMPP software, as recommended in the Dreamweaver book, do I have to first uninstall the Apache that comes with FMS? I assume you can't have two Apache's running at the same time.

(b) Is FMS the Server or is Apache the server in the FMS installation?

(c) Does the Apache software installed with FMS include PHP and MySQL, which seems to be required for any server-side coding?

I want to use FMS with Amazon Web Services to implement my Streaming Video Project, but I'm not sure I can do it with all the problems I'm encountering.Two final questions:
3.Why would I need Flash Builder if I have Dreamweaver?Don't they do essentially the same thing?

4.I'm trying to do in 1 and 2 above just using ActionScript and JavaScript, which I understand is just Server-side ActionScript?

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Media Server :: Using Port 81 Fallback For Apache Configuration

Dec 14, 2011

I need to upgrade FMS 4.5 for HDS/HLS streaming. I am using Server 2008 and I need to use IIS7 port 80 for legacy web sites. I would like to configure in fms.ini using ports 1935 and 81 and Apache requests to port 8134. Can I use this configuration? Do I need to open ports 81 and ports 8134 in the network? What is recommended in this case?

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Media Server :: Apache Not Working with FMS 4.5 On Windows 2008?

Mar 30, 2012

FMS 4.5.1 Windows 2008 SP2 (64bit).We are deploying Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5.1 on a new server but Apache does not work (does not serve html files or stream Quicktime H.264 files).Assorted Problems & Error messages:

1.  The webroot/index.html page loads locally, but the HLS/HDS streams result in a 2032 error.

2. The webroot/index.html page does not load from  external locations:[URL] (does not load externally).[URL] (our old server, FMS 4.0 and Windows 2003). Everything on this server works, the 2 major differences being that it is running FMS 4.x on Windows 2003.

Some RTMP streaming works externally and internally (f4v files):[URL]FMS does not stream Quicktime H.264 files even though f4v files work.New server (does not work): [URL]Old server (Quicktime/H.264 file works):[URL]Apache does not serve Quicktime/H.264 files: I made sure that Apache had all of the correct mime types specified.

Error messages and attempted solutions:Apache's erro_log file: a. httpd.exe: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

2. FMS master.log file

a. FMSHttpd -k start returned 1: [URL]1a:  Edited httpd.conf file to include ServerName

1b: The presence of this error message also indicates that Apache httpd was unable to obtain a fully-qualified hostname by doing a reverse lookup on your server's IP address.
In order for the server to accept external connections a reverse DNS lookup needs to be created. I created a reverse DNS lookup and  edited the /etc/hosts file to include the IPaddress, Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), shortname.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Can't Connect Localhost

Jul 15, 2010

What is the problem the localhost doesn't connect with localhost in fla its working well but SWF

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