Professional :: UILoader Jumps To Unspecified Location?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a lot of external SWF files loading into my flash site using one UILoader on different labeled sections. I used only one UILoader component (with the same name) and then kept on scaling and repositioning it on different labeled sections. Everything worked fine until the very end for some reason some of the UILoaders jump to its own position and I can not seem to do anything about it. I can not figure out where the mistake could have been.


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var holder:Loader = new Loader() holder.load(new URLRequest("animation.swf")) addChild(holder)

However, It loads this animation on the upper left corner. But I need to load it on a specific location, for example 120 px to the right and 70 px from up...

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" /> </cross-domain-policy>

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Professional :: How To Edit Text Movement / Location In FLA File

Aug 9, 2010

I'm building a site that was bought from a template house that has a flash piece in the header. I have Win CS4 and have been able to swap out the images and replace the text but I am having a hard time finding where I can edit where/how the text aligns/ends up. Here's the test location: FertilityTestSite

Originally there was text of varying lengths that slides in below each image aligning right to the play/stop button. I tried to get them to give me text of a similar length but they just want the phone number. So now the phone number slides in but because the original text was longer (except for the one that had a ph#) they stop at different locations where the original 1st character came allowing to align right.

So my question is how/where do I edit this action? Would this be [in] the ActionScript? I am a complete noob and have only gotten to where I am through trial and error. I was able to find and replace the text in Essentials workspace and I was able to swap images (update) by right clicking them in the library view and I see a text export in there too that I have a high suspicion is what I need to edit but don't know how to access it.

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Mar 12, 2011

I recently came across a small business site that had a homepage with there logo and some basic nav in the center with the business logoBut there entire background had a moving flash background made up of photos in the shape of words, that when you moved your mouse to the left, the background would move to the right, up and it would go down and so on as if it followed your mouse but inverted.

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Professional :: Delete Small Circle And Create Another One At Same Location

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using AS 2.0.I have big MC(circle - vector). It's not perfect circle because of Flash.On this circle I have some mc's (small circles - bitmaps) --> I'm using attachMovie on Big circle. I'm rotating with big circle by 45 degrees.Sometimes I have to delete small circle and create another one at the same location. But after rebuild the position of new small circle is a little bit changed[mm].It's visible and I'm very disappointed. It happens even the rotation is 0.

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Professional :: Application Will Display Contents That Location On Server On Web

Sep 9, 2011

need that the application will display contents that location on a server on the web.I have several html documents that locate on a secure server. I need that the application displays those pages (like a browser) sow If I'll change the html documents on the server, the application will display the new changed pages.I need that the html documents and the data they contain will not be embedded on the application but just display by the application.

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Professional :: Specifiy External Window Size And Screen Location?

Jan 28, 2010

I have this ActionScript: function openNewCart(evt:Event):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");} OpenCartPage.addEventListener("click",openNewCart);

Is there a way that I can have it open a 5 pixel window that automatically closes after it loads? Also, is there a way to specify within the actionscript where on the screen I want the new window to open?

I'm newer to flash. What I'd like to do is have it add a product to the shopping cart and close back down.If I can't do it straight from flash, I'm sure I can have the flash page open up an html page which redirects to the add to cart page and automatically closes, but obviously a much bigger pain in the butt, and it will only work anyway if I can specify in the actionscript for it to open a 5 x 5 pixel window.

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Professional :: Find A Child's Location In Parent's Coordinate Space

Jul 21, 2010

I've created a map of Montana counties. Each county is a seperate MC withing the larger parent clip (allcnt_mc). When a county is clicked on, I'd like to center that county on the stage and zoom to its extent. The challenging part has been telling the parent (allcnt_mc) where to tween to. Since each individual county is a child of the parent, they have their own coordinate space referencing that of the parent.

Is there a way I can query the location (x,y) of a child in the parent's coordinate space? With this number, I could calculate the distanct between the parent's current reg. point and that of the child, indicating the distance that the parent would have to move to be centered on the stage. I was trying to use localToGlobal but could not figure out how to use it.


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