Professional :: Whenupload The Site Do I Have To Re-edit The Links?

Feb 11, 2011

I have just put together my first flash menu and have put in the url's or links to the various pages such as contact us etc that are in my Dream Weaver site that is, as yet still sitting on my computer.The links works fine. My question is: When I upload the site do I have to re-edit the links or will, if the SWF file stays in the same folder, the links still work?
P.S. Is anyone finding that the new (beta) version of Firefox 4 having problems with flash - jerky, disappears and sticks etc

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Professional :: Update / Edit Site - Removing Photos And Add New Ones

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Url Links In Flash And Xml Site?

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Can I have a link in an xml doc that then links up to another portfolio(my site is essentially a portfolio of images).Or do I need to alter the script in Flash? This is the xml main doc and here is the link to the page also that I want to link from. navigate to the 'NEWS' section of the portfolio.I want to be able to link to another portfolio from one of the categories in the news section.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
categorySpacing = "15"


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Site Audio Links Not Working?

May 21, 2010

I have  built a site  for a client using AS2 which contains links to streaming mp3s. The audio  loads and runs just fine in Safari but malfuntions/doesn't even play in  other browsers.

Here  is the site in question: [URL].. I'm hoping that one of you lovely gurus out there can help me resolve  this problem. If needed, I can supply the .fla.

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Get The File To Load So That When Someone With A 1240 Or Less Resolution Links To The Site

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Mar 1, 2010

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Cursor Flickering And Links Unstable When Flash Posted To Site

Nov 25, 2009

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When the flash movie is viewed on it's own you can click the main images and you are taken to a product page. However when the flash movie is integrated into the website, the links are random at best and for the most part dont work.

Take a look:

1. Standalone flash gallery

2. Embedded in webpage

I thought that the scrolling marquee to the left of the page might be causing a problem but the problem doesn't go away when I remove this.

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Jul 8, 2010

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Professional :: Edit A FLA's Metadata?

Nov 1, 2011

For the longest time, I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure out why my CS4 FLAs were getting larger every time I did a Save and Compact. I finally tracked it down to the @#$% metadata. Every time you save an FLA, it appends a useles chunk of metadata to it, that looks something like this:
<rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
<stEvt:instanceID>xmp.iid:BD2F8041D0ACE01185F1A1E26A912C41</stEvt:ins tanceID>

This can be viewed in Flash by going to File -> File Info... -> Raw Data.
On frequently-updated files, this junk can easily add dozens or hundreds of K to the size of an FLA. So my question is this: Is it possible to edit an FLA's metadata?

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Flash :: Professional - Edit The Whole Xml Template In CS5?

Jul 11, 2010

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Professional :: How To Really Edit Source In .fla File

Sep 30, 2010

I am a Java programmer and I can read and edit most anything I get my hands on. I don't work much with flash and when  I do there is no reason to look at any sort of source.I received a file from someone to add to a project and the instructions were to open the .fla in CS5 and edit certain lines to pioint to directories . The file is and interactive app type.I have tried doing this but I am at a loss. I had thought that I would just be able to view some source in the file and edit those lines and export the ,swf, but I can see nothing like that.

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Professional :: How To Edit Audio Properly

Nov 19, 2011

how to trim /fade my sounds in Flash CS5 but it is a nightmare. So at frame 800 I want to start to fade the sound from 100% to 0% on frame 850, but whatever I try it just get's mucked up. Those little handles just keep duplicating when I try and drag them. Is there any way to delete the points and how do I get the left and right to be identical.Also, how do I fade the sound? I mean what is the best way to fade the sound so at frame 800 the sound starts to fade from 100% to 0% on frame 850?

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Professional :: Edit A .fla File - Text Won't Appear?

Nov 27, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Edit The Content Without Having To Edit The FLA File Or Any Code?

Aug 11, 2009

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Accordingly, I'd like to know where and how to start. What are the main concepts I should follow/adapt?

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Professional :: See Stage Boundaries Within Symbol Edit?

Jan 17, 2010

Sorry for lack of terminology but I want to create movie clips with moving graphics or objects and so want to see the boundaries of the stage. At present the whole area is filled with my stage colour. A setting somehwere?

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Professional :: Select And Edit All Frames In An Animation?

May 29, 2010

I created a short animation for the first time yesterday, and I ended up drawing a few frames ouside the parameters of the stage. Now I want to adjust the position of the whole composition so that it all fits on the stage. Is there a way, like in photoshop with seperate layers, to select every frame and move them all simultaneously?

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Professional :: How To Edit Default Text In FLA File

Nov 13, 2010

I'm using an open-source Flash mp3 player. In comes in two swf versions. One plays a list of songs and displays the album cover(s). The other version just plays one song. The problem is that the single-song version loads some default text that I want to change (I was able to do this in the other version via the external playlist file). I'm a Flash newbie, and when I open the fla file the player's author provides, I can't find where this default text is located. (The playlist version works fine; its default text relates to what the user will get when they click on the file titles.)
Playlist version that works OK - [URL]
Single song version with wrong default text - [URL]

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Professional :: How To Edit Image On Flash Application

Feb 10, 2011

I'm doing an app for the next st valentin's day and I'm using the Facebook API. The idea is that the user will be able to take a picture with it's own webcam and then edit that photo for to send it to a friend from facebook. But I can't find a tutorial about to edit an image (a bitmap) in the application. Can you tell me how can I do it? I want to edit the bitmap on the same app, like add a frame around the picture and maybe add a message too.

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Flash :: Professional - Create Or Edit - Preloader In Cs4

Apr 5, 2011

I need to create or edit which ever is easier the preloader for a flash banner which someone else created. I have searched for days (well hours) for an answer to my requirement on line and have gotten exactly nowhere. I mean if I just wanted a black box with a 100% loading rectangle I'd be sorted by now but that's NOT what I need so I'm pining my hopes on the expertise within this forum.

What I need is a preloader with a single static graphic and 100% counter which stops running and displays a black rectangle before the main fla file kicks in. I have tried every which way to achieve this and the closest I got was a single static graphic with a static loading sign which was viewable at every transition in my main fla file as the graphics were changing?

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Professional :: Edit Website Flash Templat?

Jun 13, 2011

I am about to buy a website flash template. Before I buy the template I want to make sure, that I am good enough to edit to my needs. I downloaded a free flash template and I tried to edit it in my Flash CS5.I have had a lot of trouble editing it and I can't even figure out how I change the pictures or the text. [URL]..

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Sep 23, 2011

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