Professional :: Animation Start/stop/pause On Mouseclick #2?
Jan 6, 2012
My final goal would be to have the animation pause after the first click, then resume with the next click and so on.So, after successfully having started the animation on I tried adding a
function stopF(e:MouseEvent):void{
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Jan 6, 2012
I have a most simple animation which I want to start on mouse click. I use CS5 and ActionScript 3.0. I have one layer where my animation is in, and an actions layer. When I add a stop(); at frame 1, the whole thing does not start. So far, so good. How do I tell Flash that it should then start the animation after clicking the mouse?I am a complete newbie but have tried since hours to overcome this problem.
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Jan 28, 2010
I created a simple animation that is 90 frames long. How can I start and stop it at specific keyframes so it takes 3 separate mouse clicks to complete. Example: a picture is on my website. When you click it, the first 30 frames play and then stop. A 2nd click makes the next 30 frames play and a 3rd click makes the last 30 frames play.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have created an animation by making a series of frames. So now I have a FLA file with the frames in.So far, so good.I can export this as a movie and create a SWF file.I can use this SWF file in a HTML document and get it to display in the browser.This is where I hit a brick wall. I have done a lot of searches but I am getting something wrong. I need to adjust this FLA/SWF so that in the HTML file, when the SWF is first loaded it does not play. If the mouse moves over the object it starts/continues playing. If the mouse moves away it stops playing.
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Jan 26, 2010
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however, the 'hit zone' for the button shows up from frame 1 of the animation. is there a way of getting the hit zone to start when the button shows up?
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Jan 15, 2010
I'va any troubles in controlling sound in an external swf. I need to stop/play/pause it. I've put the sound file on the timeline of the external swf and I want to control it from tha main movie in wich I've load it. the swfs are made using AS2.0
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May 1, 2010
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May 23, 2005
How can I get the pause button to stop sounds and music, and the play button to start them up again? As of now, it only stops the animation, and lets the music continue.
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May 27, 2009
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May 18, 2010
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Nov 1, 2011
I'm currently making a little header in flash. I created an animation ( things appearing and such ), and I like the way it is. But I'd like to know if it's possible to create two buttons : "stop animation" and "start animation", allowing people not to see the opening animation even if they reload the page and to skip to the last frame. The thing is it's the header of my forum : so it can be a bit annoying if it loads everytime you click on another page.
I read somewhere it's possible by using the "cookies", and a ... "shared object" ?
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm creating a simple image slideshow gallery where the images are presented one after the other in -fade-in - fade-out animation. I'm looking for a 'smart' way of delaying/pausing the slide show at the peak of the image brightness. I've found several codes however, they messed up the function of the PAUSE, NEXT and BACK buttons. Pause button would pause on an image, however the delay timer would start counting once again and the animation continues.
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Feb 15, 2012
I am trying to set up a presentation with small clips (pictures that fade in and out) but I need to insert pause so I can provide some explanations to the public. I create a button and inserted an action (stop) on a specific frame, then on click, the timeline move on to the next frame and the animation starts again.This works well. this is the code snippets I used
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Apr 9, 2007
I just want to add controls so that people can control if they play or pause or stop the animation when I export the fla.
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Dec 11, 2010
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var l:Loader=new Loader();addChild(l);l.load(new URLRequest("MyLogo.swf"));l.x = 17;l.y = 60;
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, growLoader);
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Oct 4, 2010
How to do this? I'm very new to flash.
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Apr 26, 2011
I am using a single FLV file. On the player interface in addition to play/pause and stop, I have a number of chapter buttons, which I have successfully pointed to the corresponding points in the FLV file. I need to find a way to capture and hold the relevant start and stop times of each of these chapters so that when I am in each chapter, the stop and play buttons will reference the chapter times and control only the relevant chapter, ie in Chapter Two clicking stop will reset to beginning of Chapter 2, not the start of FLV file. Not sure if there are built-in properties and methods I can use, or I need to create something custom.
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Sep 19, 2011
I am new to AS3 and am trying to work out how to stop a movie clip from playing on mouse click. At the moment I have created a movieclip which plays when the user clicks it, but I now want to be able to stop the movieclip if the user clicks on it again. At the moment I have the following code:
stop();bigTree_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickplayAnimation);
function onClickplayAnimation(event:MouseEvent):void {; }
The tree animation plays fine, but i want to be able to stop it if the user clicks it again.
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Apr 16, 2010
I want to do something that is probably very simple, but I'm having difficulty.
I want to create an audio player with play, stop, and pause buttons that I can then import into Fireworks/Dreamweaver.
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Feb 25, 2010
when you go to the home.html page an animation will play from start and then stop at the end of it. However, for all other pages i.e contact.html aboutus.html we need the animation to skip to the end straight away and not to play the whole animation through. I was thinking this would be controlled by a variable or some kind of external text file ect. Basically in the first frame the actionscript needs to basically say
"if this html page is aboutus.html then go to the last frame and stop" and with the index page it would say "if this html page is index.html then keep playing"
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Mar 5, 2010
how to put mp3 which is just speaches done, be put alone in a flash file. Do i have to import sound? I wanted to be able to put 3 different mp3 files in flash and have people able to click on any sound and hear it. Be able to play and start and pause a sound. Is it possible are should I use something other than flash. Are should I convert to mp3 into another format and put in flash.
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Jan 18, 2011
I can't get the movie clips to stop and start in this file. I used the code snippents but it didn't work. In fact after the first movie clip the rest of the movie won't play... It just stops there and loops the first movie clip. I can't seem to attach the flv and the action script files here in the forum... But you can download the fla file here:[URL]
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Sep 27, 2010
We are using default CS5 skins with an flvplayback component built through action script 3. When playing certain videos (and only certain videos, however there isn't yet a pattern), the play/pause, stop & seek buttons are completely unresponsive. They don't change stats on hover & they are unclickable.However, the fullscreen button does always work, and upon going fullscreen and coming back out, the buttons now work again. So far, the problem was seemingly at its worst displaying a video that was encoded with Sorenson spark (an older codec) and we wondered if it had to do with the file itself, the headers, anything of that sort. But the fact that the skin and buttons work fine once entering and exiting fullscreen - that is perplexing.
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Jun 14, 2010
I realize this is probably an old thread, but does anyone have an actionscript example of how to create a custom start and stop time for a Flash video? In other words I'd like to be able to "bracket" the play time of a Flash video with custom start and stop times rather than start at the beginning and end at the end.
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Oct 15, 2010
I'm putting an swf on a website and it's working great except for IE. (Although it works great in IE 9). In some versions of IE it will start to play then stop as if the video was never load and in others it will just go white. It works great in other browsers, just our favorite browser IE seems to screw it up (big surprise).
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Feb 12, 2011
Basically I have a animation loop movie clip and a button layed over top that controls that animation. When hovering overtop the button, the movieclip's saturation changes by moving up a frame in the timeline. When clicked it is supposed to move the position of the movie clip. The problem is I can't have a mouseclick handler and mouseout handler (goes back to frame one) on the same button. I can't create the animation as a button because I NEED the animation to keep playing uninterrupted. I just need the saturation to change and I don't know any other way to do it other than create multiple key frames.
button_11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_26);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_26(event:MouseEvent):void {
} button_11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, fl_MouseOverHandler_4);
function fl_MouseOverHandler_4(event:MouseEvent):void {
} button_11.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, fl_MouseOutHandler_2);
function fl_MouseOutHandler_2(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Jul 10, 2011
i've been looking around for answers to my problem to no avail. What I want to do is create a powerpoint style presentation. But rather than change slides, I have one large "graphic" that I am moving around and zooming into by "motion tweening" Now all I need to do is: (with a keyboard event) start the motion tween and then let it play out then start the next motion tween and let it play out and so on. all i have is this, which allows me to start and stop it when it is tweening, but isn't as effective as it stopping at then end of a motion tween, then allowing me to push a key and for it to go to the next "slide"
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Feb 12, 2010
What I want to do is create a page that many other pages link to. This will be my index page. When it loads, the Flash movies play.But, when they return to this page after leaving it to go somewhere else on my site, I don't want the movies to play again.I thought of just having an HTML page that looks exactly like it and then linking the other pages to it, but, since there are a whole lotta pages that need to link to it, search engines might rank that dummy page more highly making it the landing page and then no one would ever visit the real index page with the animations. What to do? Here's a prototype of the page I'm talking about.
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Nov 18, 2010
I am producing a banner ad and I need to have this 15 second animation loop two times (for a total of 30 seconds) and then stop. If this does call for AS?
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