Professional :: Can't Run/test Movies In Flash

Jul 24, 2011

I'm running Flash CS5 on a Mac (yes I've got Adobe running).  However, when I press Cmd and Rtn I get the followng error message:  "Error opening URL [URL] how I can run movies in Flash?

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How To Run Multiple Test Movies In Flash (Sandbox Mode)

Nov 18, 2009

I'm making a binary socket server for Flash and I'm trying to figure out a way to run Multiple clients in a local environment for testing purposes. Tried to run the exported flash movie in my browser (to open multiple tabs of flash swf) but I just could not figure out how to solve the cross-domain problem. I'm running my server right from my PC (localhost) and just simply want to test my darn Flash document multiple times so I can simulate multiple clients.

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Professional :: Buttons Don't Work When Test Movie/Test Scene?

Aug 4, 2011

My buttons only work when I click on them on the stage while having the "enable simple buttons" option on. They do not work if I try to "test movie," "test scene" and publish it to a SWF. Nothing responds whenever I am in these modes. I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Actionscript 2.0.
This is the code that I put in for the buttons:

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Professional :: Test The Movie In Flash?

Mar 8, 2011

I  am creating a 4 frame application demo which stops on the first frame and lets the user navigate to other frames using buttons. I've done something very similar before and didn't have this problem.  Now with this new project I've created the pages in photoshop and imported them onto the stage. The dimensions are  1024/768 px.   When I go to Control -> Test Movie -> In Flash professional.  The window pops up very small , but the page looks nomal size so i get the top left portion of the design. Then when i expand the window, instead of seeing the rest of the design the desing floats to the bottom right as I pull the window open leaving all this white space around the top and left margins. 

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Professional :: Flash CS4 On Mac OS X - Cannot Publish Movies

Aug 3, 2009

Any movie whatsover (i.e. any file in any location on my drive) cannot be published (including test movie via Command-Enter) because I get this error:
"Error creating SWF movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."

The file name isn't too long, and I am logged in as an administrator on the machine. All folders I have tried to publish to are unlocked and I have read/write priveliges to them. This is a new install of CS4 and has been updated to the very latest version (and it didn't work before the update, not does it work after). This is NOT to do with my specific permissions. This is a clean install of Flash CS4 Professional on a very new Macbook Pro running OS 10.5.7.

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FLASH :: Professional - Test Movie In CS4 Not Working

Aug 2, 2010

I created a graphic on one layer in my timeline in FLASH CS4 and then added a new layer above it with text to create a zoom out effect. When I click Control>Play the movie plays fine with the text zooming out as it is supposed to but when I click Control>Test Movie the movie shows white with the text constantly visible and the graphic flickering on (visible) and off (not visible) so fast that it's barely visible.

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Professional :: CS4 Flash Test Movie Won't Work?

May 11, 2011

I have been working on my final project for class all week. Suddenly tonight once I have finally worked through so many bugs in transfering things into the thing, I can't get the "Test Movie" option to work to view anything. I even tried to view just the scene. It keeps making these flashes and then basically stays where it's at

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Professional :: Test Movie Using Flashplayer11.1 In Flash CS 5.5?

Dec 28, 2011

I downloaded the flashplayer 11.1 (playerglobal.swc,flashplayerDebugger.exe and etc ),and created a molehill project seccessfully. when I used Ctrl+Shift+Enter to debug my swf,everything is ok,Flash CS 5.5 opened flashplayer 11.1,but when I used Ctrl+Enter to test swf, a runtime error happen "can`t find flash.display::stage3D", I found that Flash CS5.5 opened an another flashplayer(not flashplayer11.1), maybe is flashplayer 10? I have replaced AdobeAdobe Flash CS5.5PlayersReleaseFlashPlayer.exe and AdobeAdobe Flash

CS5.5PlayersDebugFlashPlayerDebugger.exe to flashplayer 11.1,why when I used "Ctrl+Enter",Flash CS5.5 opened flashplayer 10? only when I used "Ctrl+Shift+Enter",Flash CS5.5 opened flashplayer11.1?

a runtime Error

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Professional :: Loading/Caching Flash Movies?

Feb 6, 2010

Using Actionscript 2, I'm a bit new to all the scripting stuff.I have a loader loading a couple of flash movies like this:loadMovieNum("sound.swf", 1);loadMovieNum("logo.swf", 2);loadMovieNum("mainmenus.swf", 3);Those 3 movies I need to go to the main section of the site. However, I would like the loader to also load the remaining movies needed to further navigate the site, but without displaying them now  Kind of like 'caching' the rest of the site, so when the access is needed, there's no load time.

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Professional :: Adding Sound To Flash Movies?

Mar 29, 2011

When I tried to import music to flash animations I have created, I received error message that: One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them.
The platform: Mac AA audio file Encoded with iTunes 10.1.2, Quick Time 7.6.6
Is it because of the audio file format that music cannot be imported? If so, how can i convert it to the compatible format?

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Flash :: Professional - Works But Movies Never Load

Aug 18, 2011

I created a simple Flash app that shows a menu on the side with 2 movie choices. Each movie choice is supposed to play a different movie. The whole thing works just fine on my local machine but when I upload to the test server, the movies never start. Near as I can tell the SWF loads and functions fine but the movies dont work... constant loading bar. Of course, I want them to stream in a YouTube-like fashion. I've fought with this for some time, tried .FLV files directly in DW (no joy there either) so I'm stuck. If I replace the movies with images, the SWF functions just fine. Just can't seem to do the movies.

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Professional :: Can't Play Flash Movies Locally On Mac?

Oct 26, 2011

Im creating a website and when I test flash content in an html page locally on my mac, I get this annoying message

"Adobe® Flash® Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network: /Users/myname/Documents/Websites/mysite/version 1/site/Scripts/expressInstall.swf

is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings.You must restart this application after changing your settings." 

Ive tried following the settings button and adding "/Users/myname/Documents/Websites' to local storage settings by site but no joy the content still wont play and every time I refresh or test the page I get the same message. I want to add the whole websites directory so I don't get this message again, when testing other sites pages and content.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Crashes At Test Movie - Corrupts FLA

Aug 13, 2010

Intermittently when I go to test a movie, Flash CS5 will crash. I usually get two this-program-is-messed-up boxes about the crash from windows before the program shuts down completely. If I try to open my .fla after this point, Flash tells me that it is an unexpected file format and refuses to load it. These are often projects I have been working on for several hours, and since it corrupts the .fla - all my work is wasted.

Flash CS5 from the Adobe Web Premium CS5 suite
Windows 7 64bit
.fla is on a network drive

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Feb 2, 2010

I have created a simple Flash website:
It's HTML was also created in Flash using Publish Settings. However, when I tried to validate this HTML using online validator, it failed the test:
I am a complete novice in Flash and in HTML

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Professional :: Flash Button Works In Test Mode But Not In An Html - CS5?

May 24, 2010

So I made a button and added the following code (url changed for example purposes)

button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Works In Flash Test But Not Html Test?

Aug 30, 2009

i have a movie that has worked fine in past during Html test but ive been doing some dubugging using the flash test latly and it runs fine here but when i go back and try to test in Html mode no errors come just the movie never fully starts (starts up about as much as if there was an error).

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Professional :: Test Movie --> Close It --> Minimize Flash --> Wait A Second Or Two --> Crash?

Feb 1, 2010

Has any one experienced a crash when using "test movie" in Flash CS4 on Windows 7?For me, it started when I began working on an Actionscript 2.0 project. It happens every time I test a movie, then minimize the window.I have tried re-installing Flash, but the problem still remains. The weird thing is, it waits until I minimize the window. No other time.

Test movie --> Close it --> Minimize Flash --> Wait a second or two --> Crash

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Professional :: Flash Pro CS5 Not Displaying Text When Test Movie / Export Only On Stage

Feb 26, 2012

how I export the thing (as an image, or a movie, and in any format) I can't see the text. This is especially frustrating because text forms the entire basis of my animation.Tried converting text to movie clips, no difference. The weird part is, I was able to test the thing early on with no problem-- text displayed and everything. I should add: I have used MULTIPLE fonts... and I think this was about when things started not working.I'm working on a deadline and if you know how to fix this, it would make a big difference to my life.

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Flash :: Packet Loss Test Like In Ping Test From Flash Technologies?

Feb 22, 2012

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Professional :: Android Development - When I Test A Movie, Flash Is No Longer Generating An APK File?

Apr 6, 2012

The only thing I get is a swf file.I don't really know why Flash CS 5.5 refuses to generate my project's apk file since I've never encountered a problem like this before. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? My player is set to AIR for Android,I have my certificate,I don't get any errors, and debugging on my device via USB works flawlessly.

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Professional :: Using Movies In Movies?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a small FLA file i created myself. its just a simple mp3 player, pause and stop and a volume slider, thats it.I want to import three instances of this into a bigger movie and have them all available to run at the same time.I need them to be all on the screen at one time (same frames) and I need them each to be able to play a different mp3 The user will not be able to decide which mp3, this is all 'hard coded' into the fla file.So how can I do this and get access to each individual movie's controls?
For example when I use the slider on the first player, I only want the volume to change on the first mp3.Would I even have to worry about this in the big file that has all three movies in it?I mean could I just code the volume slider to work right in the mp3 player file and then the bigger movie file will automatically know that when the volume slider is moved, only to affect the voume of the first mp3?if i do it that way, would I have to save out 3 different versions of the mp3 player file. one with '1.mp3', say, hard coded into it, another with '2.mp3' hard coded into it, etc?

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Flash :: Professional - Website Keeping Image Small And Link Movies Rather Than Embed But Still Slow

May 15, 2011

I have recently launched a site for a client which includes an interactive flash element on the home page but it takes a long time to load (10-30seconds). I have followed advice from others about keeping image small and link movies rather than embed but still slow, the swf file is about 7.9mb which i thought was ok for the size of flash file. Does anyway else know where I have gone wrong whether it be the embedding or some other area.

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Professional :: Sound Won't Play When SWF File Is Inserted In HTML Page--plays Fine In Flash Test Movie?

Dec 1, 2010

I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:

Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:


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Professional :: Change Version Of Flash Player That Flash Uses To "Test Movie"

May 28, 2010

I had updated to Flash CS5 recently and as a result Flash Player 10.1 was installed as well. The problem is, Flash Player 10.1 has a small bug that's a nuisance to me. I can change what version of Flash Player is used in my browsers, but I can't seem to figure out how to:

1) Change the version of Flash Player that Flash CS5 uses when I click "Test Movie"

2) Change the standalone version of Flash Player when I run .SWF's locally (outside of Flash and outside of a browser)

I'd like to update the Flash Player to the LATEST release candidate of Flash Player 10.1, but if that's for whatever reason impossible, Flash Player 10.0 is okay too. I realized I used the phrase "Flash Player" more than "Flash CS5" in this post, but at it's core I felt it was more of a Flash CS5 question than a Flash Player one.

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Professional :: Flash Chatable Test Movie Runnable But Cannot Run It As ".SWF"?

Dec 14, 2010

Here's my Flash runnable as CHATROOM

JAVA server

Flash client

RUNNABLE in Flash Test Movie (Ctrl-Enter)

But it does not respond when I put the ".swf" into the Internet and connect it back to JAVA server host.No response at all. No connection at all.

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Flash :: Professional - "Pixelated" And Out Of Sync Movies Played

May 12, 2011

Recently i had a problem with my flash player after installing a Windows Update (not sure if its related). Movies played on sites like YouTube became out of sync and pixelated. Im not exactly sure how to explain this, so i uploaded a few pictures of the issue.

[URL] The sound is normal and the only thing affected if the video. If is there is any sudden movement in the video, it will distort the image. using v10.2 and am on Win7 x64. Viewing the video's in Firefox. I had the same issue on my older computer a while back using Vista x64 in both Firefox and IE. The problem on my older computer was resolved by simply restarting the computer. But this time that didnt work. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash, and restarted multiple times

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Professional :: Test A Flash File By Hitting "ctrl+Enter" It Creates A .swf In Same Directory As My .fla?

Aug 18, 2010

When I test a flash file by hitting "ctrl+Enter" it creates a .swf in same directory as my .fla. does the resulting .swf file actually use the selected publish settings of my .fla file?  Or when creating an .swf by "ctrl+enter" does it only use a "default" setting?

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Professional :: How To Test Preloader In CS5

May 27, 2010

how to test my preloader in CS5. When I look under Control - Test Movie, it doesn't have an option for Simulate Download, and when I just do a regular test, I see nothing.

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Professional :: Cannot Test/export Movie To Swf

Mar 23, 2010

I'm working with Flash CS4. When I test a scene, all work just fine, but when I try to test movie, or export the swf file the process stops suddenly and nothing happens.

In my fla file I have 7 scenes and the file size is about 193mb.

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Professional :: Getting Error When Trying To Test Movie?

Apr 6, 2010

When i click Test Movie no compiler errors,But when my scene finishes, On the bit where all my actionscript is..And output tab pops up with this error:TypeError: Error #1009:Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at JoeTorranC_fla::MainTimeline/frame160()I have 3 Layers,Layer 1 has the actionscript code and some text,Layer 2 has a button and a motion tween,Layer 3 has a button and a motion tween,The actionscript code in Layer 1 is this:stop();

tutorials.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myBtnHandler1);
function myBtnHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay("Scene 59");


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