Flash :: Professional - "Pixelated" And Out Of Sync Movies Played

May 12, 2011

Recently i had a problem with my flash player after installing a Windows Update (not sure if its related). Movies played on sites like YouTube became out of sync and pixelated. Im not exactly sure how to explain this, so i uploaded a few pictures of the issue.

[URL] The sound is normal and the only thing affected if the video. If is there is any sudden movement in the video, it will distort the image. using v10.2 and am on Win7 x64. Viewing the video's in Firefox. I had the same issue on my older computer a while back using Vista x64 in both Firefox and IE. The problem on my older computer was resolved by simply restarting the computer. But this time that didnt work. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash, and restarted multiple times

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Flash :: Professional - Audio Out Of Sync

Aug 14, 2011

I have an animation that I am exporting as either a .wav or .mov file then editing in different software but when I import the new file it is out of sync. That sounds confusing so I will explain. The project is a cartoon and a temp dialogue track was created before animation started. Then that temp track was used to animate over and do lip synching. Recently, actors have re-recorded the original temp dialogue track.  So, I need to export the original dialogue track out of Flash, use an editor, in this case Final Cut Pro, and replace the dialogue then export that as an audio file and bring it back into Flash.

But it is always out of sync. I have even exported a .wav file from Flash then immediately re-imported it and put it on the timeline and it is already out of sync. And it is the exact same audio! I don't even know how that could be possible. Surely if you export a wav from Flash and then re-import it, it should be exactly the same.

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Professional :: Flash Audio Out Of Sync Even As Image Sequence In Premeire Pro?

Apr 11, 2010

I'm using Flash CS4 to animate hi-def music videos. It seems that I can't keep the audio to stay in sync for anything over 2 or 3 minutes.

- I'm working a stage at 1280x720 and 30 fps

- audio is streamed on a separate layer

- mp3 publish settings are: stereo 128kbs

Inside the FLA file everything syncs perfect, but when it's published, everything drifts in the SWF and in everything else I've tried.I've tried exporting image sequences and popping the sequences into premiere pro to match up with the original wave, and i've also put the swf file in a premiere pro project as well. Whether a SWF or an image sequence, it always lapses after 2 or 3 minutes.

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Professional :: IK MovieClips And Lip Sync?

Oct 25, 2010

I've got my head around bones now, which isn't too bad once you get used to it.  I have ten minutes of dialog which I have created mouth movements for in Lipsync MX, these are imported as a swf and then placed within my character's Head MovieClip.
Problem is, IK insists on using MovieClips instead of graphics.  This means that the lip sync doesn't stay in touch with the main timeline - it only stays in sync until the main timeline is paused or jumps to a different point.
Is there an established method which allows you to embed a lip sync symbol within part of an armature and ensure it keeps pace with the main timeline, or am I going to have to code it somehow?

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Mar 17, 2011

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Professional :: How To Lip Sync And See Sound Wave Better

Jan 16, 2011

I'm working on an animation where some guys sings and in order to make that look good, i need some good lip syncing. Since this is not short clips, but a whole song on 2-3 minutes, it's very hard for me to make the lip sync perfect because I have to replay from the beginning in order to hear the music. So question one is: Are there a way that I can play the movie in the middle and still hear the music? And so the second question is that I can barely see the sound waves in the Music layer, even though there's lots of music. Here's a picture of how big the sound waves are: And that's in the middle of the song! The problem is not that the music is too low, because it's quite high. So question number two is: Are there a way that I can make the soundwaves bigger in the music layer without affecting the music itself?

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Professional :: Flash CS4 On Mac OS X - Cannot Publish Movies

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"Error creating SWF movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long."

The file name isn't too long, and I am logged in as an administrator on the machine. All folders I have tried to publish to are unlocked and I have read/write priveliges to them. This is a new install of CS4 and has been updated to the very latest version (and it didn't work before the update, not does it work after). This is NOT to do with my specific permissions. This is a clean install of Flash CS4 Professional on a very new Macbook Pro running OS 10.5.7.

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Mar 2, 2010

We are creating a 30-track mixing desk to demonstrate our percussion instruments. Take a look at www.bellpercmixer.com. As you can probably hear, the audio is not properly syncing up.
The files should be exactly the same length (8 seconds) but they are mp3s so I don't know if the compression messes the length up as I know it adds the gap between the loop? More than likely, it is my lack of action script skill that has caused this problem... e.g. does each track need to be on a separate layer with a sync-track type thing? Here is an example of the script:


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May 16, 2010

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Jul 8, 2010

If i create timeline slideshow with tweensbetween the pictures, how do I add music so that it ends when the pictures end?I read that audio can come out of sync??What if i use another program to create the swf like after effects that exports with audio? and import, would it lose sync then?

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Mar 18, 2011

I'm sure I'm missing somethin simple; but I have spent hours looking and trying ways to do the following.  I have a movie clip A (which is manually set to frame 1 or 2 or 3) and I have a movie clip B that is played when a timer is triggered.  I want to move clip A down a bit during the first half of clip B and then back up bit by bit to its original location in the second half.  Along the way I want to change the frame showing in clip A.  For the first sixth of clip B I want clip A at frame 1, For the second sixth of clip B I want clip A at frame 2.  I know the length of clip B.  So I can hard code tests for when to do things if I know what frame number clip B is in.

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Professional :: Cannot Sync Ipa To IPhone, No Error Message

Sep 4, 2011

I can produce ipa and release to apple store by CS 5.Now I try CS 5.5 in my office , it cannot sync to my iphone. No error message found, just when sync , the check box of that ipa being unchecked.I am considering to upgrade to cs 5.5 but cannot view the different...

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Professional :: Loading/Caching Flash Movies?

Feb 6, 2010

Using Actionscript 2, I'm a bit new to all the scripting stuff.I have a loader loading a couple of flash movies like this:loadMovieNum("sound.swf", 1);loadMovieNum("logo.swf", 2);loadMovieNum("mainmenus.swf", 3);Those 3 movies I need to go to the main section of the site. However, I would like the loader to also load the remaining movies needed to further navigate the site, but without displaying them now  Kind of like 'caching' the rest of the site, so when the access is needed, there's no load time.

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Professional :: Adding Sound To Flash Movies?

Mar 29, 2011

When I tried to import music to flash animations I have created, I received error message that: One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them.
The platform: Mac AA audio file Encoded with iTunes 10.1.2, Quick Time 7.6.6
Is it because of the audio file format that music cannot be imported? If so, how can i convert it to the compatible format?

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Flash :: Professional - Works But Movies Never Load

Aug 18, 2011

I created a simple Flash app that shows a menu on the side with 2 movie choices. Each movie choice is supposed to play a different movie. The whole thing works just fine on my local machine but when I upload to the test server, the movies never start. Near as I can tell the SWF loads and functions fine but the movies dont work... constant loading bar. Of course, I want them to stream in a YouTube-like fashion. I've fought with this for some time, tried .FLV files directly in DW (no joy there either) so I'm stuck. If I replace the movies with images, the SWF functions just fine. Just can't seem to do the movies.

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Professional :: Can't Play Flash Movies Locally On Mac?

Oct 26, 2011

Im creating a website and when I test flash content in an html page locally on my mac, I get this annoying message

"Adobe® Flash® Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network: /Users/myname/Documents/Websites/mysite/version 1/site/Scripts/expressInstall.swf

is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location:fpdownload.macromedia.com

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings.You must restart this application after changing your settings." 

Ive tried following the settings button and adding "/Users/myname/Documents/Websites' to local storage settings by site but no joy the content still wont play and every time I refresh or test the page I get the same message. I want to add the whole websites directory so I don't get this message again, when testing other sites pages and content.

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Professional :: Proof Video Played Through?

Nov 9, 2010

I am going to be revamping a required annual intranet training session for employees. For the first time, we are interested in including a video instead of having employees page through html screens/jsps.However, we need some sort of accountability. For example, we previously required that employees answer a multiple choice question correctly every few screens. No record was kept of attempts to answer; the application simply wouldn't proceed until the correct answer was selected.For the purposes of using the video, we'd simply like to verify that the video played thru (no fast forward).I've been perusing the different Events available and don't see exactly what I was hoping for.What would be the best approach to this? Should I disable the drag bar/fast forwarding and include code that checks to see if the video stopped and the buffer is empty?

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Professional :: Export Animation To QuickTime - Audio Sync

Jun 18, 2010

I am using Flash CS3 on a PC. I am trying to export an animation to quicktime (Export > Export movie) and have some problem regarding the sound. The animation contains actionscript 2.0loads external swf contains streaming soundsplay other sounds via actionscript. 4 scenes. When publishing the animation, it works fine, but when exporting it to .mov, the audio goes faster than the video.

Export setting:
Video:Compression type: H.264Frame Rate: CurrentKeyFrames: 4
Sound:Compressor: 24-bit integerRate: 48.000KhzSize: 16BitUse: Stereo
To be honest, I tried many other compression types and frame rates and keyframes, but nothing seem to work.

I tried:
- importing the external swfs into the original animation
- creating a streaming silence from frame 1 for continuous sound
- capturing the animation using CamStudio, but it's not smooth enough

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Professional :: Audio Import Changes Speed - Out Of Sync With Picture

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to edit and mix sound effects and music for a FLASH animation in ProTools. After much trial and error I figured out how to make an accurate Quick Time of my FLASH file to spot sounds to in ProTools. The problem is when I import my audio into FLASH, it speeds up making it out of sync with the picture. I did several tests and it looks like for ever minute of ProTools the audio in FLASH speeds up 2 frames. Both programs are running at 24 FPS.

It is not a NTSC vs Flim speed issue. All other programs read my PT audio file correctly and show it to be the correct length with the SFX where I placed them. FLASH speeds it up, making my animation not time to the music and effects causing me to resync all my layers. How do I accurately export a sound file into an AIFF format and import it into FLASH without FLASH changing the speed? I have my audio set to Stream as it should be. After 3 minutes my audio is 8 frames (1/3 of a second) out of sync with the picture.

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Professional :: FLVs And F4Vs Will Not Load When Played From Server?

Jan 8, 2010

I create FLVs and F4Vs and then use CS4 to create an SWF to stream them.  Everything works well from my hard drive.  I upload all the files to a server, the skin appears, but a green animated bar just scrolls endlessly - which I believe means the FLV/F4V is not loading.  I try this on about 5 different servers and get the same problem on each - so I'm not sure I can call my hosting service and request "changing the mime-type" will solve the problem.
The path to the video appears to be relative - that is, I can copy my exported files to any folder on my local drive and the video plays.  Its just when I upload it that it stops working.


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Professional :: Create A 2-3 Minute Presentation Which Will Contain Several Distinct Animations That Need To Be In Sync With A Voiceover?

Feb 4, 2011

I am looking to create a 2-3 minute presentation which will contain several distinct animations that need to be in sync with a voiceover.  The presentation will run from start to finish without any user interaction.  I can see a few different ways forward -- trying to do everything on the main timeline, using scenes, creating movies clips and controlling their starting and stopping on the main timeline through ActionScript, etc.

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