Professional :: Character Amimation- Stop(); Not Working?

Apr 2, 2011

I am trying to write code for my char animation. in the scene I have 4 layers: character, sky, ground and actions. all are to symbols(except actions of course) .For my character symbol(movieclip) I have one still frame as default, 2 walk cycles, and a jump. all done on a timeline. the main problem im having is that it doesnt stop, as it is supposed to, on the first default frame.

i put stop(); in the first frame of the movieclip and wanted to do my code in the actions layers in my scene but this stubborn character will not stop and I dont know what to do.....

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on (release) {getURL("");
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------


Unless I'm mistaken, the way flash works, it matters not which server it is on so long as it's directory is public. This enables the flash to be placed on any page (via it's root link / Embedding code) and still have it's buttons work.

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For now the example with the leftArrow key;

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stage.frameRate = 30;
var angle:Number = 0;
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[Code] .....

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function keyHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {


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var left:Boolean = false;
var right:Boolean = false;[code].......

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Oct 11, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Character Animation - When I Press Left Or Right Key - Draw Each Frame That Makes Character Movement?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a 9 frames image of a character.In other language generally i used to make character animation by looping the array consisting of different frames and drawing each frame when pressing key.What i want to do is when i press left or right key, i want to draw each frame that makes character movement and update x coordinates of frames, and it will appear as character is moving.

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eg. All A-Z and a-z.

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Professional :: Button Link Not Working In Safari, But Working In Firefox?

Apr 18, 2011

The ad on the bottom right of the screen (the one with lightning flashing) has an invisible button in its Flash file (CS5) linking to [URL]. This file is imported as SWF in Dreamweaver CS5.
The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Professional :: Flash Template Modifications For Character Font?

Feb 21, 2010

When the files are downloaded to your computer there are several file folders included.  Some are for pictures and there is HTML as well as the SWF files and the INDEX.  In very short order I determined that you could simply replace there pictures with your pictures and even change the text on the buttons as well as the body of the site.  It seemed very painless.  We are now down to just one issue that I cannot figure out.  On the main page there is a place on the page for the company name.  I went into the HTML and changed that which worked fine. 

My issue is that she already has a predefined font for her company.  It is Trajan Pro.  I cannot find anything in the HTML that has to do with the font.However there is a folder included in the download which is entitled "fonts".  Within that folder is the various fonts used in the website.  how I can change the font that is being used?

PS -- There is a folder full of Photoshop images which are basically the pages of the site.  They have many layers.  I tried to change the company name and font in Photoshop but it had no affect.

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Professional :: TextField Character Encoding - " Displaying Instead Of @

Mar 17, 2010

I have a webpage which is served as UTF-8 and has the following meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
I have an swf on the page which has some textfields on it each of which are just using arial for their font and no embedded fonts.
Now when someone types an @ into one of the textfields the " character is displayed instead, I thought this would be because my browser is set to ISO-8859-1 character encoding, but changing it UTF-8 and refreshing makes no difference.

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Professional :: Make A Shared Library Of Character Embedding?

Oct 10, 2010

If I make a text box inside a fla, then publish, the swf size will be KB.But if I use character embedding in the text box, and embed Chinese, then the swf size will be MB.Is there a way to use a shared library to do the character embedding? BTW, the text box need to be changed at runtime.

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Professional :: Countdown Timer - Getting Extra Character Before Each Set Of Digits

Nov 19, 2010

I wanted to create a basic 'Countdown Timer' set for this years Christmas date using Flash CS3. I've seen online video tutorials of how to create one which I followed to the later to see if I could get the basic function working. Well it does work however there is a glitch in the countdown text field display itself when it's running.

Basically it should like the following: 36 : 14 : 30 : 52 (days, hrs, mins, secs).
However, I seem to be getting an extra character (hyphens) before each set of digits making it look like this: -36 : -14 : -30 : -52

On top of that the code is supposed to include an extra "0" digit for when the countdown goes below 10 to maintain the position alignment. This doesn't seem to be working and as a result the timer continually shifts position. I've seen another example of how to create a Countdown Timer and the code is very similar (especially regarding the extra 0 digit). Why it's not displaying properly.

Here is the code for the Timer
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var today:Date = new Date();
var currentYear = today.getFullYear();
var currentTime = today.getTime();
var targetDate:Date = new Date(currentYear, 11, 25);
[Code] .....

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