Professional :: Swf Won't Show In Chrome

Dec 23, 2010

I've published html+swf from flash cs5 and it won't show in Chrome. all is looking well in Firefox & IE though... Here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">


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Aug 19, 2010

<OBJECT style="WIDTH: 480px; background-color:#181818; HEIGHT: 310px;" codeBase=" rsion=9,0,0,0 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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Can't Get Flash 8 .swf Object To Show Up In Firefox Or Chrome

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I have tried many different emethods of embedding the .swf object in the website I am currently working on. I have use the code from the publish option which didn't work at all.I also tried the SWFObject javascript thing, and that worked, but It wouldn't auto play and there wasn't anyway to set it. So far all the code I have tried works in Opera 9/10 and IE7/8, but not in firefox or chrome.[code]

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import flash.display.Sprite;


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Professional :: Get A Blank White Screen In Chrome

Jan 10, 2011

Should bring up a login when you go to that site. However in Chrome It seems to be loading something and then I just get a blank white screen. Sometimes it loads but if you then hit refresh it will bring you to a blank white screen instead of reloading. Also interestingly if you are staring at the white screen, if you double click, click drag click around alot on the page it will come up kind of like its there but not being displayed. this problem only displayed in Chrome -- IE, Firefox, safarii etc. Perhaps my HTML is bad? I can't believe that because when I use the raw-HTML output from a publish in CS5 It is still giving me this behavior? Also others have had this problem with my site so it isn't just my browser/computer combo.

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flash pro cs5, windows 7, 64bit. as3

when i use ff, chrome, or safari my flash "movie" rennders fine; but in ie9 i get the same movie twice stacked one on the other.' html that is generated by flash pro is:

<div id="flashContent">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="200" height="150" id="isdSS" align="middle">
<param name="movie" value="/flash/isdSS.swf" />[code]....

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<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<html lang="en"> 
Smart developers always View Source.


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Professional :: White Screen With Flash On YouTube In Google Chrome

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Professional :: Error #2032: Stream Error, Chrome

Jan 12, 2011

I've been testing a flex browser app in Firefox. It has a httpservice that loads a file from a remote server. It works fine in FF, but when I tested it in Google Chrome, I start getting Error #2032: Stream Error. Previously there was no crossdomain.xml file on the remote server. But since Chrome started having hiccups I put the crossdomain.xml file up (on the root of the domain). However, Chrome still gives me that 2032 error. I don't know what is wrong. I am testing this locally (localhost) from and also from the Flash Builder 4 ADL, using the Flash debugger (which I finally got working in Chrome).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>

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Professional :: Loaders Won't Show When Published As .EXE?

Aug 25, 2010

My main project loads an external .swf ("room") depending on which button the user clicks. Once that external .swf ("room") is loaded, the viewer chooses a ("demo") .swf to view. For each button click, a loader is to appear showing the viewer that the desired room or demo is loading. All of this works fine for the web...please click the link below to view. The problem exists when I try to publish as an .EXE. We'd like to send these out to prospects on CD and thus I need an .EXE to autorun when insterted in a PC. I've publised the main .SWF (overhead map) as an .EXE and burned a cd containing all necessary files. Now when the user clicks a room and then a demo, the loader that shows up fine on the web does not appear.

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Dec 29, 2010

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Aug 30, 2011

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Professional :: Changes Made In Symbol Does Not Show?

Feb 17, 2012

I recently started working with adjusting a template with flash 8. Everything went smoothly except for one thing. I changed one certain symbol in my libray and when i exported the movie (after changing) i dont see the changes in my website. Other buttons, symbols etc immediatly show there adjustments and this just keeps on remaining the same?

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Professional :: Can't Show A Wingdings Star In Flash

Feb 9, 2010

I have a textbox where there should be a 1 to 5 star classification for a movie, so I used the star symbol (character code 0xAB) from the Wingdings Symbol Font. But instead of the stars, What I get is double angular quotes in Arial, the corresponding character in a normal text font: «
In fact, every Wingding character above 0x80 (included) is displayed in Arial instead of Wingdings. This also seems to happen with all Symbol fonts.
I've also made Wingdings into a font symbol but the problem still happens. It also happens in static text boxes.
To reproduce the error just make a text box and set the font to Wingdings. Now type something and it shows in Wingdings but press ALT+0171 (or copy the star from the Character Map app) and instead of a star, you get double angular quotes.

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Mar 30, 2010

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This is the Coding for the Content


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Professional :: Regarding A Flash News Slide Show?

May 10, 2010

I am having a major problem with the news slide show I want to make, Mainly It's a news slide show where the images source is an external folder connects to flash using Xml.Everything is working, but what I want is to make buttons related to the current slides where it changes it's appearance as the slide changes.

I've tried alot, but I guess I am lacking some knowledge when it comes to action script.

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Professional :: Flash Slide Show Software

May 13, 2010

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Professional :: Show Movie Clips One By One Instead Of Showing All At Once?

Jul 28, 2010

I have 3 movie clips (Header_mc, Logo_mc, Introduction_mc) which all comes animating on stage at one time. Which looks all mess. What I would like is.

1) (Instance Name:Logo) comes on stage first after 5 Seconds

2)Header_mc (Instance Name:Header) should come second ater 5 Seconds

3)Introduction_mc (Instance Name: Introduction) should come at last

and I would like to do it all by using Actionscript 3.0 instead using Timeline in movieclip itself.

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Professional :: Viewing Names Of Each Layer - Currently Does Not Show Enough

Nov 7, 2010

In CS5, when typing names for each layer in the Timeline, it only shows a certain number of the characters. Is there a way to see more of the characters to see what the names of each layer are?

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Professional :: Image Files Will NOT Show Up When Import Them

Nov 12, 2010

I CANNOT see my image files when I import them. This is the case regardless of whether I import them directly from my image files, or from my Flash library. They WILL NOT show up in the stage area, although the panel on the right shows the file! What can I do to correct this? I am using Flash CS4 which I need for my Digital Design classes through the Art Institute of Pittsburgh! I will FAIL this course if I can't get this program to work properly!!

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Professional :: Preloader Loads The Swf But Doesn't Show It

Nov 30, 2010

I've made a simple preloader to load a movie. This is the preloader code


I see the loading progress percentage correctly run, at the end rotator_mc and counter_txt are removed from the stage, but the loaded movieclip is not added to the stage, or at least I can't see it.

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Professional :: Imported Video Doesnt Show Up?

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to import a .flv video to my flash websiteI do it by choosing the "Progressive download from a webserver" optionIn the .swf file generated, the video runs normally , but when I run my website trough the index.html file and I goto the page where It is supposed to be, the video doesnt show up, as if it never existedI dont know what may be hapenning

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Professional :: Flash - Links Show Undefined?

Feb 25, 2011

I just downloaded a trial of Flash CS5 and made a few text changes on my file then i uploaded the .swf file and all the links are undefined.

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