Text Changing Thinkness When Moved?
Aug 2, 2010
I am having a nightmare getting text to display as the font and size I select?I select text tool, I click on MC and start typing, it displays correcly in edit mode.I change the size of the text box (not via transform) and move the text box to where I want the text to display.However, when the application is published the font is showing as though it has been bolded or made a different size.It is not the font size and format I created it in.I have ensured I have no "anti-alias Bitmap" selected, but it's behaving as though it has "animation anti-alias" applied?
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Sep 9, 2010
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//Current mcAdmin text is 'Administration'
//I want to change the color of Administartion on Mouse_Over
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A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Now, this text is in a dynamic text field. I do not want to change the color of the whole field. just made fox red and dog blue.
How, can I do that in AS3. Have been looking around without no luck.
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Apr 24, 2009
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targ.getChildAt(2).text = "back"
then the text becomes invisible. I know it is changed because once I rollover the container movieclip, the text appears.
I tried to dispatch a rollover event after I change the text, but no dice.
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Jul 10, 2002
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on (release) {
set ("_root.movie.graph1.text1", test);
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Sep 6, 2011
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var topText:myDynamicText = new myDynamicText();
topText.name = "NameTextTop";
topText.text = String("Text 1");
topText.text = String("Text 2");
Placing the text element isn't the problem, but I cannot seem to change the text in the element. As you can see, I tried placing the text before and after putting the text element on the stage. Both didn't work. The text element is creating from scratch by adding text with the Text Tool. It's single line dynamic text, Arial regular and the text characters have been embedded. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem, because I'm completely stuck.
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Oct 24, 2005
I have this piece of code which basically takes some text from an XML file and displays it into a dynamic textbox called "a1" then the same text into another dynamic textbox called "a1h":
var a1Node=findNode(rootNode, "a1");
var a1box:String = a1;
a1h = a1
Say if "a1" is "England" is there a way to make "a1h" say a shorthand version...something like "ENG"I could use a simple if else function but I have lots of dynamic textboxes and lots of different countries.
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Nov 9, 2009
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why certain text does not show as changed in the SWF?
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PHP Code:
_root["sonuc"+i].htmlText='<font color="red">good job</font>';
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a class called Background that has a function that creates a textfield when my movie is first called:
public function MakePoint() {
var txt:TextField = new TextField();
txt.text = "Points: " + StaticValues.puzzlePoints.toString();
I want the text to change whenever the user does something. I have a function in another class that controls that. How do I change the text from another class? I've tried with the code below, but it doesn't work:
Background.txt.text = "Different Text"
View 4 Replies
May 6, 2009
I am loading a swf file that is in the same location as the swf loading it. The loaded file is a movie clip with a dynamic text box
feedbackHolder_mc._x = 10feedbackHolder_mc._y = 10
feedbackHolder_mc.loadMovie("feedbackHolder.swf");feedback = "hello";feedbackHolder_mc.feedbackbox_mc.feedback_txt.htmlText = feedback
The text wont populate to Hello. But if I put this on a button click to change the text it works. Not sure what the issue is.I have even tried creating an empty clip into which to load the swf into despite the feedbackHolder_mc being empty.
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May 27, 2009
I have a textField inside a mc. When you roll over an event is triggered.
In the fuction I can do thisCode:event.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).text="fred";and the text changes - so its being targettedI want to change the format of the text so I thoughtCode:event.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).defaultTextFormat=mTitle_fmt;but, its doesn't work.it says "ReferenceError: Error #1037: Cannot assign to a method setTextFormat on flash.text.TextField.at index001_fla::MainTimeline/overHandler()"
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Jul 6, 2009
Curious if you can change only some text in a TextField rather than all of it..Like simple example:The Ocean has alot of water...And make Ocean blue?
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Jul 14, 2009
i've created a mc and inside that i have a dynamic text field, named 'inside'. Iside the mc i've created three key frames, first frame is untouched, second frame, i've changed the color of my text to red, and in the third i've changed the color to yellow. Now i have i awful blinking mc.I'm trying to change the text of my text field. I'm guessing that for every key frame i create i get a new instance of my text field, so i should change the text in every frame of the mc. So i've tried:
mc.inside.text = "test";
mc.inside.text = "test";[code]....
well i know that the text changes in the current frame, but as soon as it goes to the next frame the text changes back to its original.
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Aug 4, 2009
I was wondering how you go about changing the looks of static text via the use of actionscript given the time in seconds when the filter is to be applied/adjusted/removed.so things like the filters and font colour
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Jul 31, 2010
I am trying to create buttons that will replace the text in a text field.The text field is "Staff_Copy".The buttons are "Staff_Saam_btn", "Staff_Nicolas_btn", "Staff_David_btn", and "Staff_Anthony_btn".
//Code in frame 1 of timeline
var Staff_Copy_Value:Number = 0;[code]................
This doesn't work.Whatever the initial value of the variable "Staff_Copy_Value" is will determine the text in the field.So if I use the value 0 as in the above, whatever is in the textfield on the stage shows.If I use 1,2,3, or 4 then the text strings in the defined variables shows up.What am I missing.I am assuming it is has to do with the onEnterFrame command.How do I make the movie keep checking the value of "Staff_Copy_Value"?
View 11 Replies
Jul 1, 2009
ok so im trying to change a dynamic txt in each button but i started with this one and i keep getting this error.
1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program.
what is added or needs to be added? ive gone over the code several times and cant figure it out.
ActionScript Code:
var btnNum:uint = 7;
var spacing:Number = 0;
View 5 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
I created dynamic Textfield using flash interface and named it "score". Now im trying to change its text in actionscript during runtime, but some strange things happen... Anyway the text is not changing. Other properties are OK , but i cant change the text.
View 4 Replies
Feb 11, 2011
Well i got code like this (t is dynamic text created in .fla file)
function onLoop(){
it rotates but the text is not changing...What the heck?
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Jun 2, 2011
I want to change the text in textfield1 with the inputted text in textfield2..for example, the text in textfield1 is "HELLO" i want to make it "HI" by inputing "HI" in textfield2 after clicking the change button the "HELLO" text will replace by "HI"
changeButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick)
textfield1.text = textfield2.text
not working..
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Jul 15, 2011
I have a set of textfields created in a for loop and I want individual textfield text to change colour on mouse roll-over. I can't get it to work - it throws a 1009 null object reference error:
var textField = new TextField();
textField.x = 150;
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