Video Not Playing When Copied To Server

Mar 25, 2010

The video in my .swf does not play when I copy from one server to another. I do see the skin but it just displays a scrolling timeline bar and no video. I have checked the source parameter in the component inspector and that seems to be fine.

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Of Any Domain (for Test) And Copied It Directly Into File Server?

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In http:[url]...., I have this for test:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

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Professional :: Video File (flv) Not Playing After Uploading To Server?

Apr 12, 2010

I did a bit of search without success to find if anything like this was answered before.Sorry for asking a silly question, I am a newbie and hence maybe missing something obvious.I used the Encoder to create the flv file and embedded the file in the timeline and the swf file plays the video just fine locally. For some reason, it's not playing after I uploaded it to the server. I did copy over all the files (swf)s) & flv). It's a very small video and I can't even see the video(just blank) while running the swf file after uploading the files on to the server. All other frames are working as expected.

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Media Server :: After 70 Minutes, The Video Stops Playing?

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Media Server :: Know When A Playing Video Stream Has Anything To Show?

Jul 4, 2010

How can I tell after issuing a NetStream::play call when there is any video arrived which I can render (Video::attachNetStream)? I can see that most of that stuff is asynchronous and highly dependent on a number of variables like FMS latency, client latency and bandwidth, server load, weather etc. I however need a reliable dependent way of figuring when there is any picture to show. I administrate our service and need to monitor content people are publishing, for that I need to browse a hundre or so streams as fast as possible. What I do is I have a number of "player" streams that play a stream name (I use Administration API to get an array of these) , wait until there is picture, show it in a video object, disconnect video from stream, create new video object, play another stream, wait until picture, show it, and so on.

I found out that I can achieve a way to check whether video has arrived by NetStream::info.videoBufferByteLength, alternatively perhaps 'videoByteCount'. I cannot create a new stream for new video object, that is too much overhead, so I reuse streams. I close a stream, play new stream name, and wait until the either of the properties above is non zero. This has been working quite alright, but still occasionally I get stale data in the subsequent video objects, even when a stream is supposed to be playing new content. I need to avoid these.

So my question boils down to the already mentioned: what would be a reliable way to do what I am doing? It's just a stream of compressed data, there must be a way for Flash Player to know what is new data and what is stale data. In fact I don't think there is supposed to be stale data in a NetStream that is already playing something else! I know this is hardcore stuff, but we are pushing it :-)

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Oct 5, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Files Are Not Playing Progressively Off The Host Server?

Jul 6, 2009

My video files are not playing progressively off the host server. They do in simulate download: Here's the code for one simple module that plays 3 different f4v's on radio buttons. In theory they should stream progressively in a flvplayback instance called qualtestplayer when a radio button is pushed. But they fully download before starting to play.


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Media Server :: Recording And Playing Back Streaming Audio And Video?

Sep 12, 2010

I have this sample code from the e-book: "Learning Flash Media Server 3". The purpose of the code is to create a FLV. The code is not running as it should. When I click on the 'record' button, the label is to change to 'recording', that dosen't seem to happen and also when I click on the 'Stop Record' button, I get the following error:
"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object MinRecord/stopRecord()"

My deduction is that the 'if' statement in the 'startRecord' function is not resolving to 'true' and hence the label is not changing to 'Recording'. Also I feel that the assingment to the variable 'ns' of type NetStream is not being done and hence in the function 'stopRecord' I get the above mentioned error message when I click on the stop button. How do I rectify these problems?

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Media Server :: H264 Video Published With FP11 To FMS4.5 Not Playing Anywhere Else?

Feb 3, 2012

I have created an swf where I can record the webcam picture as H264 video to a FMS 4.5 (I am using the developer version).My code is looking like this:

var h264Settings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
h264Settings.setProfileLevel("baseline", "1.2");[code]....

I can then replay the video from FMS just fine, but if I try to copy the video from the FMS application directory into a local project and try to play the video with the FLVPlayback component, or with the Adobe Media Player, it is not playing at all.Is this to be expected? Can't I record a webcam video with FMS in H264 and use that video later without FMS?

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Jul 30, 2010

So far , I only found tutorials on control these attributes while publishing the stream

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VIDEO Stops Playing, Continue Playing Flash Movie?

Aug 7, 2009

I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...

If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?

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Media Server :: Video Chat Over IP Using Flex IDE And Flash Media Server For Live Streaming Video And Audio?

Feb 15, 2011

I am developing Video Chat over Ip (including audio and text too). But I am unable to get the proper startup material for my desktop application.

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Professional :: Playing An External Video File And Upon Video Being Played, Move Onto Next Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

I suppose the title says it all.  I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play.  I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip.  The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end.  I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloaded Video Already Starts Playing While Preloading (at About 30%), But Without Showing The Video?

May 2, 2005

I've been using the "Reusable Preloader Using MovieClipLoader" from the tutorial section of this site.The only difference is that i don't use'm for preloading jpg. I load external swf files containing video. Everything works fine so far. The only problem is that the preloaded video already starts playing while preloading (at about 30%), but without showing the video.This is the code i have so far:

bar._visible = false;
border._visible = false;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", "100");[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multi Video Player - Audio From The Last Video Remains Playing Even When Prompted To Stop??

Jun 2, 2010

I built a timeline based player with 2 menus and many videos that you can play.The buttons move the timeline to a frame label and the video plays. The back button has a stop function built in it so the video stops playing when its hit.It plays wonderfully locally but once on a server after a few clicks it boggs down and sometimes the audio from the last video remains playing even when prompted to stop. I was pointed to use the add and remove child functions to prevent this but being very new to Flash and 100% self taught i have zero idea on how to do this. The link to the player is[url]....Even if its a link to a tutorial or something.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: How To Detect When Video Finished Playing To Play Next Video

May 31, 2010

How can I detect when a video has finished playing a.k.a stopped playing, so I can tell flash to play the next video in an array?

This is my code:

Code: Select allvar x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
var urls:Array = new Array();


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Detect When Video Finished Playing, To Play Next Video?

Aug 17, 2009

How can I detect when a video has finished playing a.k.a stopped playing, so I can tell flash to play the next video in an array?

This is my code:

Code: Select allvar x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
var urls:Array = new Array();
var desc:Array = new Array();


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Media Server :: Switch Or Change A Server-side Stream - Starts Lagging After 2 Seconds Of Playing And Sound Disappears

Jan 28, 2010

I try to switch or change a server-side stream, it starts lagging after 2 seconds of playing and sound disappears. Here are scenarios that result in that terrible lag:

1. I create server-side playlist with with reset=false; when it is time to play the next movie in the playlist, it starts lagging after 2 seconds.

2. The same problems appears when I just switch streams. I installed FMF Feature Explorer and tried to launch SwitchStreams sample application: the same problem - server stream starts lagging after I switch streams with

I tried on different servers (local and remote), with different players (debug player of FMS Admin Console, Standard Flash videoplayer component, OSMF player, Flex video player). I also tried all possible flv, f4v and mp4 file compression options for video files - still the same problem. I have also tried literally thousands of Application.xml settings: changing buffer, buffer ration etc. Is there any tip where I should search for a solution?

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Media Server :: Hosting Files On A Different Web Server And Playing?

Jul 22, 2009

Is it possible to host my /media/ directory on a different server (that has more space) and have FMS Link to it to player VOD ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Buttons Not Work Unless Video Playing

Jan 20, 2010

I have a vido page. Once I get to that page I can't navigate anywhere else unless I click the video thumbnail button and as long as the video is playing the buttons are active. I can I change this so the I don't have to click a video thumbnail button to navigate out of that page.

one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);
two.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK. vid2);
function vid1 (e:Event):void {
vidPlayer.source = "vid1.flv";
} function vid2 (e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Together A Class For Playing Video Using The Video Object?

Aug 23, 2008

I am trying to put together a class for playing video using the Video object. So far, I have only been successful in getting the Video object to fully work when not using a class setup. In the documentation, I have read that to use the Video object you have to actually drag/create the video object onto the stage. So, in my next attempt, I created the video object onto the stage within a MovieClip but still trying to use a class/linkage setup with the Video inside inside of a MovieClip container. No luck there either. Here is the basic AS2 script that is linked to a MovieClip that contains the Video object ("video" instance) within it.

class VideoTest {
private var nc:NetConnection;
private var ns:NetStream;


I am getting the following error with this script.

Line 14: There is no property with the name 'video'.
Line 15: There is no method with the name 'video'.

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Change Colour Of Copied Buttons?

Mar 13, 2012

I created an animated button and copied this six times. i would like to chane the colour of each individual button, but when i do this it changes the colours of all the buttons. how can i do this so it changes the individual the colour of a single button.i need to know how to do this as also later i want to apply different sounds to each button.

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Drag A Copied Object Around A Canvas?

Mar 10, 2011

I am able to drag a copy of an object and drop it on the canvas, using drag-drop manager functionality in Flex.

The original object remains unchanged and a new copy of the object is created. However, If i further want to drag this copy and position it differently on the canvas, I find that the object is not draggable.

Since this copy is created at runtime, I am not sure how I can achieve to drag it? [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FlashDevelop - SWF Not Working When Copied

Nov 16, 2011

I am developing a word game using flashDevelop . the game is working fine when I compile and run using flashdevelop and it also working fine when I directly open [swf] file from the source [bin] folder. But the problem is when I try to copy and open [swf] file from other than original location its not working. I have also tried to copy the whole bin directory but that also not working. I am using XML file to load in swf file. I am also using flash [swc] file for fl.controls.package.

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Copied/duplicate Layer's Image Changing?

Jul 30, 2009

I have just taken over a Flash website for a friend (like two days ago!) He needs me to add a picture to a movie in his website. He likes how the previous designer has the images fading in and out not a slide show, i 10 layers with actions on each) so I figured I could duplicate/copy an existing layer & paste it into a new one... but here is my problem, when I change out the image on the new layer it also changes the image from the copied layer. What am I doing wrong?

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