Swf File With Video Clip - Cs4 Not Playing On Server

May 21, 2009

brand new to cs4. Created a short swf file with video clip, playback component under the clip, and small gray box around it. Plays fine locally. Copy swf, html, f4v to server and the gray box shows up and the player component shows up, but no video plays. Just have s white/green striped image running where the time indicator in the playback component shows up. Have earlier version of Flash running on server fine (created through 3rd-party). Server is Windows Server2003, running IIS6. Mime types include:


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on everybutton before I tell it to go anywhere. what to do to only get audio from the video clip in that section of the timeline to play.

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Sep 12, 2010

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"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at MinRecord/stopRecord()"

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Aug 12, 2009

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flv file not playing from server?[URL]

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I want to play an f4v file in flash, however when I play it I want it to already be loaded and buffered before I send the commands to play it.

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Oct 18, 2011

I have this problem, I'm creating an autorun cd content that it will autorun by itself when the the cd is inserted into the drive....The external video ( link using FLVplayback component) is suppose to play at the beginning and close by itself when when done
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Aug 7, 2009

I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...

If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?

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Media Server :: Save Video File As .mp4 Not .flv?

Sep 19, 2010

AS3 Code:
ns.publish( "mp4:" + videoname + ".mp4", "record" );
It saves the file to the Flash Media Streaming Server successfully, however, when I try to stream the video it does not play, when I download to my pc and try to play using vlc player, it doesn't play.
I'm trying to keep using .mp4 and not the default .flv.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Upload Local Video File To Server

May 10, 2010

I'm building an art installation which records video files and the idea is to upload each video to a server. The files typically come at at somewhere between 5 and 15mb and are in AVI (mpeg4) format.I'm using a Max/MSP patch (program) to do the recording and encoding, and controlling it remotely from Flash.Once Max has recorded the video file it passes the path to the finished file back to Flash.Flash is interacting with a web server via SWX/PHP for a number of other reasons to do with the project. I'd hoped to upload the video files using the following method:Load the video file into Flash as a ByteArray via URLLoader.Serialise the ByteArray as a String using Base64 encoding and pass that to a SWX/PHP method on the server which would in turn save it to a file.The problem is that serialising a large file such as an AVI is causing the Flash player to crash, so I'm going to have to look at a different method of doing the upload.Get a video file from the local machine onto a web server simple as that.

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Media Server :: Closed Captioning And Pause Video File

Jun 10, 2011

I currently have a problem with captioning on a video file that I am streaming from Flash Media Server. For some reason, the first time the video is viewed, the captioning pauses right around 6 mins. I've verified this happens from multiple computers, from different physical locations and on different networks. The video continues to play, but the pause button on the playbar also looses functionality and the captioning does not progress.

I've created a total of 11 videos all using the Flash CC plugin with a custom button for show/hide captions and minimal playbar which only includes the pause button and the mute button. This only happens in this one particular file, but they are all setup the same. From what I can tell, the xml is constructed correctly (TT XML generated by contractor).

The code I've written works fine on all the other files. The only thing I can see that's different among the files is possibly the size of the movie I'm streaming. Its the longest. If the viewer refreshes the page and watches the movie again, the pause does not happen. Is it possible that a setting may need to be changed on the Flash Media Server?

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Jul 6, 2009

this Flash CS4 and Action Script.i am working on something which needs me to insert a vide file in the Action Script of a swf file?how can i do that?? (if the video file is not imported to Flash CS4, is the procedure different??)

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Professional :: Keyframe A Video Clip Without Effecting Playback Of Video Clip?

Aug 11, 2011

I've imported a Quicktime video clip into my scene. I want to slide this video clip in from off screen and have it stop at center stage using keyframes. When I use keyframes to move a video clip - the playback of the clip resets to it's first frame at every keyframe. Is it possible to move a rolling video clip using keyframes without altering the playback of the clip?

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