Actionscript 3 :: Deployed Applet Suddenly Not Working?

Apr 12, 2011

I put together an applet that uploads images via as3httpclientlib to a servlet. The applet works fine in debug mode (through flash builder) and until today it worked when deployed. From the servlet logs, it appears the servlet never receives the image(s) byte stream, therefore my hunch is the applet is not posting the multipart data.

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Actionscript 3 :: Deployed Flex Applet Not Processing Web Service Results

Nov 20, 2010

When I test my deployed app in a browser the popup window continues to be displayed even after it should be closed. Everything works as expected when debugged in Flash Builder 4.

Following is currently what's happening: the request is sent to my restful web service, which processes the request, (seemingly) the ResultEvent is called which in turn dispatches the profileEvt dynamic event that changes the view state. However, the popup window does not get closed and the applet gets 'stuck.'

Below are the flex applet web service event listeners/handlers:

webService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, function(event:ResultEvent):void
var rawData:String = String(event.result);
var profileEvt:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent("profileSaved", true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Suddenly Not Working In IE?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a photo gallery I developed using AS2 in Flash 8 Pro. You can find it at [URL] I used a loadMovie to import different swf files into the main swf file when a button is clicked. It works great in Firefox and Safari but suddenly stopped working yesterday in IE. It worked in IE (6, 7 and 8) since last Friday when I uploaded it but stopped yesterday. I am using IE on Windows XP. I did try IE on Vista yesterday when I started having trouble with my XP IE and it seemed to work...however, this morning I can't even get my IE Vista to come up so am not sure it is still working on that version.I removed the preloaders that are in the imported swf files but it didn't help so I put them back in. I am using the following code in my html to embed the flash:


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
width="815" height="570">


I thought maybe there was a change in the way my server was serving the flash so I uploaded onto another server...still not working in IE. I also checked to see that the server did not store my swf files in all lowercase names.

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Flash - OSMF Player Stops Working When Deployed Onto Apache Tomcat Server?

Dec 28, 2010

I downloaded OSMF Sample player and opened osmf.html, (C:playerosmf.html)it worked perfectly without any problem.The same file when I deployed onto tomcat server,[URL] I get the error "The specified capability is not currently supported" while debugging.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Suddenly Not Working In IE - Won't LoadMovie

Nov 10, 2009

I have a photo gallery I developed using AS2 in Flash 8 Pro. You can find it at [URL]. I used a loadMovie to import different swf files into the main swf file when a button is clicked. It works great in Firefox and Safari but suddenly stopped working yesterday in IE. It worked in IE (6, 7 and 8) since last Friday when I uploaded it but stopped yesterday. I am using IE on Windows XP. I did try IE on Vista yesterday when I started having trouble with my XP IE and it seemed to work...however, this morning I can't even get my IE Vista to come up so am not sure it is still working on that version. I removed the preloaders that are in the imported swf files but it didn't help so I put them back in. I am using the following code in my html to embed the flash:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash [Embed] Suddenly Not Working

Nov 15, 2010

I've been using the embed tag for a while and it has been working perfectly. I've got an XML file that I have embedded into my .swf, using


I had added a new function just before this error started appearing, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the embedding and the problem still happens after I comment out everything I added before the error.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Suddenly Project Went Havoc And Stopped Working By Itself

Mar 21, 2006

url...My first and current flash project is located at url...In the background is a XML-based slideshow. In addition to the pictures being loaded, each of these pictures have one or two words associated to it.The word is supposed to fade in, stay for a second or two, then move and fade out. All this works fine locally, and it was working fine on the internet until one day.Someone mentioned that I shouldnt use setInterval etc. but im really stuck here. Doesnt help that im totally green on flash either.

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Flash :: Uploadify Suddenly Stopped Working Completely In Chrome 10

Feb 18, 2011

I'm using Uploadify to allow for multi file uploading in my web application. It has always worked across IE 7,8, 9, FF 3.6, Safari and Chrome. Today I discovered by accident that it was working in each browser yet not in Chrome. I'm currently on Chrome 10.0.648.82 beta. The issue there is that I can select files to upload, yet after that nothing happens. I put alerts in all Uploadify events and non get fired. Then I went to the official demo site: [URL]

...and discovered that it does not work for Chrome there anymore either. I am running Chrome as default as can be, so it updated to this version itself. I have all default settings intact and no popup-blockers, ad blockers or any other add-in installed. I tried to debug using HTTP Fiddler, only to conclude no HTTP request is made at all after selecting files to upload.

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Flex :: Deployed SWF Not Accessible In Firefox?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm using swfobject.js to deploy load my flex applet. Unfortunately, while I'm able to run/debug in Firefox via Flash Builder, I cannot access the deployed applet via its URL -- the applet doesn't load/start. I can access the deployed applet via its URL from both IE 8 and Chrome 7. Below are the swfobject code and the produced object tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
<!-- For version detection, set to min. required Flash Player version, or 0 (or 0.0.0), for no version detection. -->
var swfVersionStr = "10.0.0";


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FLV / F4V Video Player Not Appearing When Deployed On Server

May 26, 2011

I've imported a video into Flash and have selected a skin for the video player.When I test on my local machine the video controls (skin) display and function as they should.But when I load the upload the .flv to the server, then re-import into Flash and select video deployed on server, publish, upload to server and and test the movie, the video plays fine but the video controllers are not appearing.I am using the html that Flash(CS5) created in the Publish Settings. I've different player skins with the same result.I've tried importing both .flv and .f4v's with the same result.

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Javascript :: Flex - Works On Bin-debug, But Not On Deployed Server?

Feb 18, 2010

My Flex application is successfully calling functions in a JavaScript file through the ExternalInterface class when these are in the bin-debug folder and the JS file is located in the same directory as the Flex app.But when I test the Flex app on the server, it is not interacting with the JavaScript. The only difference I can find is that on the remote server the JS file is being pulled in from a URL, instead of locally. The JS file URL is in the same domain as the Flex application, therefore I don't think this is a cross-domain issue. What am I missing?

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Flash :: Embed Applet In It?

Apr 9, 2007

Possible to embed a java applet into Flash?

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Android :: Deployed Project Using Flash Builder Burrito Not Work On Mobiles

Mar 13, 2011

I have created a simple "Hello World" Application using Flash Builder Burrito SDK. I have tested the result in the emulator it is working great. After that I deployed the application using "Export Release Build Option" and entered valid certificate details and created the .apk file. I copied the .apk file into the device and i run the application. I am unable to run the app. I have tried these in 3 android supported devices and in each of these I am getting different error messages.

I have mentioned the device in which I have tested and the error message I got while I tried to install the app (.apk file).
HTC Desire - "Error while parsing the package of the application"
Samsung Galaxy Tab - "Error while parsing the package of the application"
LG Optimus one (LG P500) - "Application not installed"

I have created a New Mobile Project in the flash SDK and added simple label "HELLO WORLD" in the view section. Before deploying I have installed Adobe AIR 2.5 in the device. I need to know whether any restrictions are there for applications developed using Flash Burrito Preview Release. (whether by default all android mobile version more than 2.1 will support it?) Also when I try to install "Tour De Mobile Flex" apk in LG Optimus, it is saying "Device not supported" message. How do I overcome these problems to run the apk file without any problems.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert A Applet Into Flash CS4?

Jan 31, 2010

Is it possible to insert a Java Applet into Flash CS4 (ActionScript 3.0)

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Java :: Flash Whiteboard Web Applet?

Nov 5, 2009

I want to put a whiteboard on my website so users can draw something and then save the image to the server containing the drawing. Are you aware of any open source/free already made whiteboard application out there ? I also need the save image function.

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Force The Web Browser To Reload A Newly Deployed Flash File Without Clearing The Cache?

Sep 16, 2010

When I deploy a new .swf file in an HTML file as shown below, I have to clear the browser cache before the new .swf file loads in the browser. Is there anyway to force the browser to load the .swf file when I replace it with a new one on the server.

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" name="Prototype" bgcolor="#869ca7" quality="high" id="Prototype" src="/flex/Prototype.swf">

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feasable protection of my Zend_AMF gateway? I mean, how can I prevent someone from calling my service methods?

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Flex :: 'Root Folder' Name In Flas Builder 4.5 If Java Web Application Is Deployed In War File?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to develop one simple application using Java, Flex and Blazeds. I am using Flash builder 4.5, blazeds 4 and JBoss 6.I have created 'Dynamic Web' application in Eclipse, added blazeds related file in WEB-INF/lib and in WEB-INF/flex folder. I have deployed this web application in JBoss using Eclipse, so this application is getting deployed in war file.Then I tried to create new 'Flex Project' using flash builder 4.5 and I am stuck in 2nd step where we have to configure Root Folder, Root URL and Context Root.As my java web application is deployed in war, there's no folder to which I can set Root Folder.

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Weather Applet Doesnt Work When Embedded

Mar 29, 2010

I have a weather applet using Flash and XML, its works great, but for some reason when i use a LoadMovie action to pull the SWF into my flash movie, it doesnt work. When i view the Weather.swf on my webserver it works just right. but when i pull Weather.Swf into Home.Swf it doesnt work.[code]i have a MC container on my stage called weather.i think for some reason when embedded its not reading the XML, any ideas?

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Java :: Video Uploading Applet For Users?

Apr 17, 2010

I am working on a small project that I need the ability to let users upload a video to my website or use a webcam to record a video and then upload it. I have seen this done on several sites (youtube,facebook etc) so I know that there is a java or flash applet that supports this. However I have not been able to find one. Any good flash or java based video uploader with these features?

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Flash :: Do A Audio Video With Java Applet?

Dec 16, 2010

This is the code i wrote in J2SE with Native java wrapper for Gstreamer. But alas it does not work in Web Browser, i am very upset what i can do now, i have no alternative to end this project. IS it impossible to use audio/video with Java Applet for Gstreamer or To build a CD/DVD quality audio ? (this is not targeted for world wide web, only web browsers between peer to peer or peer to 10 peer). ex: working sample as j2SE but same code does not ever work with java applet from browser.


Note: Follow up: In any web browser this native way works, when you have java. So JAVA applet works in any browser. Those who are like me, faced this problem, do not get confused.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Java Applet On The Same HTML Page?

Jan 19, 2009

I am an amateur game developer working on a class project. I have created a game in Flash AS3 that needs to send variables to a Java Applet residing on the same HTML page. (The Java Applet is a separate interactive audio engine that I am constructing for my thesis work.) Both Flash game and Java Applet work fine on their own. The solution needs to run in a web browser,have not found a solution that encapsulates the usual three languages (ActionScript 3 > JavaScript > Java Applet) within a single tutorial, snippet of working code, or forum thread. I have tried piecing together countless combinations of AS3 > JavaScript and JavaScript > Java solutions, but have not yet found a successful combination. I have found an instance of AS2 > Java communication working, but aspects of the JavaScript source were not available for me to piece it together. I am not a JavaScript guru by any means, and have just recently begun learning AS3 and Java

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preasure Sensative Drawing Applet?

Feb 27, 2009

if Flash is capable of recognising pressure from a tablet pen during run-time? I've tried looking everywhere, but any search i make tends to come up with tutorials of how to use a tablet in construction?

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Actionscript :: Adobe Air Native Process Only Works In The Flash Environment But When Deployed Get Error #3219

Jul 30, 2011

I've been trying to use ffmpeg with an air app that I made in flash cs5.5. I have it so that ffmpeg.exe needs to be located in the directory where the air app is installed (File.applicationDirectory.nativePath). For some reason this only works when I run the program through the flash dev environment. But when I actually deploy the app, I get error #3219:The NativeProcess could not be started. ffmpeg.exe is located in the same folder.

I actually don't know the full message that it gives...not sure what the property of the error that will give me that message when I catch it. All I know is that it's error 3219. Would this be a profile issue? If i didn't have the extended desktop desktop profile, I don't think I would be able to get this error, I'd get a profiling error wouldn't I? I've disabled user access control as well...I'm using windows 7.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: JavaScript - Remove Flash Applet When Done Playing?

Mar 29, 2004

Is there anyway to remove a section of HTML with a javascript? Ive seen ones that replace text segments, and remove certain tags like <br>. I want it to remove the flash applet once its done playing. I know that its possible, I just need someone that knows javascript better than me.

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Professional :: Relative Size Of Flash Applet In A Webpage?

Mar 9, 2010

I tried to set the .swf width to a percentage value but no matter what I use for the height, I get ugly whitespace above and under the applet.
Video demo: [URL]
Is there a way to get away with the unnecessary vertical margins?
The webpage is [URL]

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Professional :: Flex Applet In Flash Application, No Sound?

Sep 2, 2010

I have flex applet which captures microphone and plays back remote contact's voice. This application is running fine in browser or in standalone pages, but when this application is loaded in a flash application, no sound nor microphone capture. I have logs in this application, network invocations are working fine with my remote rtmp server application.
I remember I had an issue with allowScriptAccess which needed to be set to always instead of sameDomain on the web page where the main flash application was loaded, but here, this parameter seems to be set.

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Java :: Voice Recording Applet / Flash In Web Browser

Mar 21, 2011

I'm going to do a voice recording plugin/addon on a website that will record audio and send it to the server for further processing. I have had two suggestions; either write a java applet or use flash. The service is supposed to work for all major browsers(IE, Firefox, chrome,..). I'm new to this area of development and is looking for tips on how to proceed with this. What is the pro's and con's for each solution?

For java applet, what Java speech API library do you recommend? I want a simple, small library, I only need voice input. Also, I am puzzled by Flash development, I can't find any good information about development, the adobe website dosn't make much sense. What is the programming language for flash, and how do you actually run it in html code? I have found ActionScript 3, is that used to create Flash plugins and can it perform voice recording?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5 Suddenly Not Parcing When I Compile It Into Swf

Jun 25, 2011

Im really confused...Why is CS5 Suddenly not parcing my AS3 when I compile it into an swf? I'm using flash player 10. The only thing I did to CS5 was add the molehill api and I installed it just fine.

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Javascript :: Simulate A Fake MouseOver On A Flash Applet In A Webpage?

Mar 9, 2010

I listen to internet radio at [URL] and it works pretty well, except for one minor issue. The Flash applet that runs the radio player has a timer on it, where if you don't move the mouse over the player every once in a while, it decides you're idle and shuts off the stream, even if you're not actually idle, but just working on something else with the radio player running in the background.

Is there any way I can send a fake MouseOver message to this applet to keep it from cutting me off in the middle of a song, maybe with a GreaseMonkey script? I'm using Firefox.

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