FLV / F4V Video Player Not Appearing When Deployed On Server
May 26, 2011
I've imported a video into Flash and have selected a skin for the video player.When I test on my local machine the video controls (skin) display and function as they should.But when I load the upload the .flv to the server, then re-import into Flash and select video deployed on server, publish, upload to server and and test the movie, the video plays fine but the video controllers are not appearing.I am using the html that Flash(CS5) created in the Publish Settings. I've different player skins with the same result.I've tried importing both .flv and .f4v's with the same result.
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Mar 21, 2011
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<manifest xmlns="[URL]">
[Code] .....
That's not working. And I have several doubts about it:
1.- It's not working, and I don't know where is the error. I'm not sure what I should add as parameter in GroupSpecifier constructor? GroupSpecs from manifest file?? "com.adobe.pureIPMulticastGroup"??
2.- I've been watching the multicast.as application in FMS4. The only way of publishing multicast streams in FMS4 is using the configurarion from Multicast Config Tool? Is it possible publishing a stream without the GroupsSpec generated by the Config Tool?
3.- If It's mandatory using the config tools for managinf the pure ip multicast. I would like to integrate the Multicast Config Tool in my platform. Is there any place where I could get the code of Multicast Config Tool? Any documentation about how to build it? This component have any flashvars or callbacks that could allow me integrate it in my platform?
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Sep 20, 2011
I have installed FMS 4.5 successfully. I am able to run all the videos in the index.html page (filmthos.com/flash), including the HLS video on my Iphone. I was able to setup a video player for rtmp and it works fine, but I am having trouble with setting up video players for HLS and HDS. I am looking for somthing simple.
The source file or located in these location: /hds-vod/mvp5/media/MP.mp4.f4m and /hls-vod/mvp5/media/MP.mp4.m3u8 respectively (the httpd.conf location for both is HttpStreamingContentPath "/opt/adobe/fms/applications"). So obviously I want a simple video player for the HDS that plays flash and another to play HLS and HTML5. The index.html seems to cumbersome to fine out how these players work.
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i using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2, Adobe Flash Media interactive Server 3.5.3 and sample file "live_dynstream_dvr.zip".
1. I setting up my FMLE and set FMS url and stream name
2. I monitor connection in fms_console.htm
3. I run DVRController
4. i configure and play the video with livedvr
but my video player is show blank
5. in my fms_console.htm show 3 connection
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Feb 18, 2012
My assignment is to create a real time (meaning using a game loop) Flash game in an object orientated manner. I've been following guides online, and I think I've got the basics down, but my player sprite isn't appearing.
I imported an image into Flash and then converted it into a symbol called Player, and now it's a movie clip. I exported it for ActionScript, and called the class com.Player.
Also, I have set the class of my document to com.Engine (this is where I plan to have my game loop and call methods to other classes).
Then, I created a directory called com in the same directory as my .fla. Inside that directory, I made Engine.as and Player.as, and here's the code for them both:
package com {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;
According to what I know, that should make the player appear in the center of the screen when I run it, but it doesn't. I've verified that the Engine class and constructor is being called using trace("hello world"), and I get that output. I also know that the constructor for the Player class is being called by using the same method. I just don't get why the player doesn't appear on screen.
If I drag the Player symbol (correct terminology?) from my library onto the stage, the player sprite shows up... so I know there's an image attached.
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Apr 4, 2007
I have a puzzle. I have some test movie clips that areoperated (played) by pressing a thumbnail. All works ok in theresultinmg html and flash file that is produced, but when I importthe flash movi into DW, the controls disappear, but the movieplays...if you look at the link below you can see the flash moviecontrols in operation OK[URL](press thumbnail 2 to play the test movie)
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If I have set up the following facebook application settings[code]...
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Nov 16, 2009
When I upload file using a simple uploader the file does not appear on the servers directory..Everything is working, the preloader the status text etc, as if it is uploading the file but nothing appears on the server I am not very sound in php The code goes like this:-
Select allSystem.security.allowDomain("http://localhost/");
//import the FileReference Object
import flash.net.FileReference;
//initial settings - since no upload file type selet yet user cannot upload a file
uploadButn.enabled = false;
//create a new FileReference object
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
[Code] .....
I have given a folder called uploads on the server and that is where files are supposed to come. Also I have given the correct name of php file which is upload.php in the fileRef.upload But its not working.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have two mp4 video files on webserver, i wanted to play them in flash player(flv player) on my asp.net page, but i couldn't be able to play them, i also tried to play them in quick time player the same prob occured. but i waz giving the accurate path, there were no spaces in mp4 file names etc. Does it need to have mp4 player(or codec etc) installed on webserver?
I have also some wmv files on that server , and i am playing perfectly using silver light player, and media player object on my website.
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Jul 7, 2009
Just wondering where I could get a flash video player that enables the user to embed the video like youTube functionality.URL....
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Oct 28, 2010
I'm trying to get a video (flv) or an swf video player to work on Facebook walls, however no matter what I do - facebook posts the raw fbml and ignores the code.
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Oct 21, 2010
Create a html video list that uses a flash video player?
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Apr 30, 2011
I have a website [URL] when I go there if I click the video archives button then play a video then click on the home or photos button or one of the alternate background buttons on the left the video goes away as it should but not always the audio (especially when I click while the video is still buffering). Is there a command I can use to kill the sound from the flvPlayback component and nothing else(I have a mp3 player there also I so I don't want to use the SoundMatrix class. btw the videos are all played on an instance of the flvPlayback component.
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