ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5 Suddenly Not Parcing When I Compile It Into Swf

Jun 25, 2011

Im really confused...Why is CS5 Suddenly not parcing my AS3 when I compile it into an swf? I'm using flash player 10. The only thing I did to CS5 was add the molehill api and I installed it just fine.

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<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
width="815" height="570">


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All images included have "Allow Smoothing" checked.

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- publish stream at 10:48:38
- play stream at 10:48:38
- record stream at 10:48:44
- unpublish stream at10:53:11
- stop stream at 10:53:12

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Actionscript 3 :: Compiler Errors - Flash Files Suddenly Not Compiling?

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i have built a custom class, which i call from a frame script. the custom class takes only one parameter, which is a string URL of an XML file. SUDDENLY, when i move all the files off of my desktop into a different folder, i receive compiler errors, stating it can not find my custom class .as file, even though it's in the same folder! why is this happening? here's my entire frame script:


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Professional :: Movie Clips Suddenly Invisible On Stage (Same File OK On Other Comps/CS5)?

Apr 10, 2011

Flash CS4 had been working regularly on my Macbook Pro (Intel - Tiger) for a while, and then suddenly,I opened a file and all the movie clips went from being visible "stills" to invisible and represented only by an "o". I have tried settings, preferences, even uninstall/reinstall, but somehow my settings or something got messed up and I can't view movie clips on the stage.

I have tried a variety of different .fla files and none allow movie clips to be visible on the stage.The files were created in CS4.This is true for movie clips that have 1 frame to many frames.When I Publish or Test Movie, the clip is visible and normal, but it is impossible to edit the file without being able to see the movie clips.I know that the issue is with my installation of Flash/settings being messed up, not with the file(s) because when opened on other computers (CS4 and CS5), movie clips are visible on the stage, as they should be.Example below: In Flash CS4, the stage just has "o"s where I used to be able to see my movie clip, but in the Test Movie, everything is there. To be clear, I could see the movie clips in this exact file, and then the next time I opened it I could no longer see them.

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Media Server :: Stream Recording Suddenly Stops With No Event Notification

Jun 15, 2011

I'm running FMS 4.0.2. I have a server side script that will record a stream that is playing on a remote server. This script was running fine on FCS 1.5. When running on FMS 4.0.2 the stream starts recording fine, but after a few minutes it stops on its own with no event notifications on the stream. No NetConnection or NetStream events are registered. I thought it might have been been an issue staying connected to the remote server.

But then I wrote something to publish a stream directly to this server, and have a simple server side script record the stream on the same server, but the same thing happens - it stops after a few minutes with no notifications. Again the code works fine in older versions of FMS/FCS. This has obviously proven problematic that I cannot record a stream longer than a few minutes. The problem occurs both on streams published via the Flash Player (Sorenson Spark) and the FMLE (H.264).

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Flex :: Adobe Air App Freezes Suddenly But Debugger Claims Exit With Status 0

Nov 29, 2010

My air program freezes after running for some time without any error. The app will freeze (non responsive) and the debugger will claim the program has terminated with status 0.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recent Download Of Flash / Number Stepper Suddenly Doesnt Work?

Sep 7, 2009

I dont know if there was a recent download of flash or something but the number stepper suddenly doesnt work?URL...on external banners page and on the digital copy page, they are both inactive!?

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Oct 6, 2010

Situation: Got a flash object with an icon bar (div with pngs) on top of it. Works on all browsers except Firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu 8. Example:

Problem: Icons suddenly disappear after the flash is being loaded. See this screenshot: http:[url]...What I've tried: Setting z-index, recoding the JQuery behind it, nothing works.

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Oct 25, 2011

After opening a flash CS5 file in CS5.5 I just can't run it. I saved it as CS5.5 fla-file but I can't start a debug session or anything like that. There is no error message or anything.

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Compile For Flash 11 With CS4?

Oct 7, 2011

Anyone know a way to build to Flash 11 using the CS4 IDE?

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AS3 :: Slow And Buggy Compile And Run

Sep 28, 2009

Firstly, is it possible to speed up the process of compile and run (ctrl+shift+enter), because it's so slow and it's very annoying when you do minor changes and you want to quickly see the effect

Secondly, many times at compile & run command flash player doesn't fire up, because it's running in memory for no reason, and there in no flash movie playing, so it's really nasty that I have to keep killing process to be able to run the movie.

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Flex :: Why Application Cannot Compile Sometimes

Nov 24, 2009

Sometimes when I compile my flex app, I got this error

Unable to create source GeneratedAsset31_dataClass. WebCe line 25 1259045578886 1546

But after I cleaned the project, this error disappeared.

It's not a big problem but very annoying and I can not find any clue by search the internet.

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Flash - How To Compile .Fla And .as Files

Mar 25, 2011

I have downloaded a program called "Piecemaker". Its a flash based image/album slider. Package came with a .fla file and some .as files. I want to make couple of small changes (change the hard coded text) in the code and then rebuild the .swf file. Can you please tell me how I can do that? I am not a flash/flex developer. I am a Java developer and looking for some guidance on the software I should download and how to compile/build.

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