ActionScript 3.0 :: The Debug Window Suddenly Stopped Showing Up?

Nov 28, 2009

I've been using Flash cs3 for several weeks successfully and tonight the debug window suddenly stopped showing up.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: News_selector.selectedIndex Bit Is Showing As Undefined In The Debug Window?

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I've got a combo box in my movie (called news_selector), whenever the selection of the combo box changes, I want to do something. Here's my code for the combobox so far...


trace("News feed changed to: " +news_selector.selectedIndex);[code].....

The problem is that the news_selector.selectedIndex bit is showing as undefined in the debug window, and thusly the if/else statements are ignored completely.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Suddenly Project Went Havoc And Stopped Working By Itself

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url...My first and current flash project is located at url...In the background is a XML-based slideshow. In addition to the pictures being loaded, each of these pictures have one or two words associated to it.The word is supposed to fade in, stay for a second or two, then move and fade out. All this works fine locally, and it was working fine on the internet until one day.Someone mentioned that I shouldnt use setInterval etc. but im really stuck here. Doesnt help that im totally green on flash either.

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Flash :: Uploadify Suddenly Stopped Working Completely In Chrome 10

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...and discovered that it does not work for Chrome there anymore either. I am running Chrome as default as can be, so it updated to this version itself. I have all default settings intact and no popup-blockers, ad blockers or any other add-in installed. I tried to debug using HTTP Fiddler, only to conclude no HTTP request is made at all after selecting files to upload.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Is Not Showing Errors/Stacktraces In Debug Player

Jul 29, 2011

I am trying to debug application which fails on me silently online. I am a 100% certain that I am running the flash debug player. To even make sure I am not losing it, i throw an Error ON PURPOSE. But flash shows not a single stracktrace in the browsers. I am kind of close of losing it. Any clues ? I am trying this on chrome, and firefox. WTH? Compiling with FDT, debug mode, even set the compiler argument debug=true. This is normally not the case.

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CS4 :: Flash Debug Window Can Not Show Anything

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We have Flash CS3 and CS4.When I open a simple file with a trace it will show in CS3,but the output window in CS4 keeps empty.[code]...

"Adobe Flash Player 10 couldn't connect with debugmode or anlalyse" (translating it from Dutch)

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Pop Up In Flash Player Debug

Jul 6, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL] confirms that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing. Does anyone have the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix this strange behavior?

I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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Flex :: Flash Builder 4: Variable Not Displaying In Debug Window (Variables Tab)

Dec 15, 2011

In my flex 3.5 project, I have a class (MyItem) extending Canvas. In this I have declared a private variable named itemInfo which is type of ItemInfo (which is another subclass of Canvas).

I wrote code to hide/show the iteminfo when the mouse is over/out of MyItem. I am not getting any error but it is not showing the itemInfo as expected, when debugged the code, surprisingly the variables tab in debug window does not have the variable itemInfo at all.

I have declared a dummy:int variable and it is also not visible.

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Popup In Flash Player Debug?

Oct 27, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL]that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing.I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

View 5 Replies

Showing Content On 100% Browser Window?

May 10, 2009

I am building a portfolio site, and I want my content to occupy all the browser window.

Like this site:

I know GAIA have the ability to do this but I don't know how to use it, and the more I look to it, the more I think it will be overkill to use on my project.

I want my background to occupy 100% of the browser window and have the content to be centered.

Is there a much simpler way to do that without having to do it in a framework?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Could Not Connect To The Debug Player - Debug Session Will Terminate?

Apr 29, 2011

In CS5 I get the above message. I need to debug so it's very important. Anything I need to do?

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IDE :: Showing Content On 100% Browser Window - Without Using GAIA?

May 11, 2009

I am building a portfolio site, and I want my content to occupy all the browser window. [URL] I know GAIA have the ability to do this but I don't know how to use it, and the more I look to it, the more I think it will be overkill to use on my project. I want my background to occupy 100% of the browser window and have the content to be centered. Is there a much simpler way to do that without having to do it in a framework?

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IDE :: Debug Mode No Longer Providing Debug Info?

Dec 21, 2009

When I first downloaded Flash CS3 Professional, I was able to enter an exceedingly useful debug mode by compiling using ctrl+shift+enter instead of ctrl+enter. I could toggle break points, step in, step over and view values stored in variables at a whim.

I must have accidentally toggled some option somewhere, because this interface no longer shows up. Instead, the only extra interface I get is the output menu with the following text "Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL <file path> [SWF] <file path> - 71984 bytes after decompression" and while the swf does halt if the as3 code reaches a break point, it doesn't tell me which break point nor give me any options to progress the flow (not even through the pull down menu I have to utilize in order to end the so called debug session).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Showing Trace From Output Window On Stage?

Mar 4, 2010

I am currently developing a flash application that would allow a user to control a movieclip on the stage using 2 keyboard inputs (like turning 2 knobs in order to align something).I have it set up that on the 2 keyboard inputs, the movieclip moves.What I am looking at doing is using trace statements that I use to track the position of the movieclip, which is just a simple black dot, and having the values of the trace statement show up on screen in 2 dynamic text fields, after being rounded to the nearest whole integer. The dot is in the movieclip entitled mCoordPlane.My script is below:

var letterK:Boolean=false;var letterJ:Boolean=false;var letterD:Boolean=false;var letterF:Boolean=false;[code]......

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Flex :: Adobe Title Window Showing Mirror Image Of Itself?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a flex 3 application with 2 titlewindows. When I compile it with the flex 4.1 sdk in flash builder, the titlewindows show up as mirror images of themselves with all text invisible (i.e alpha = 0).

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Remove Built In Delay On Showing Flex Title Window?

Mar 30, 2011

The flex title window component is nice and all, but before it shows up it insists on blurring out the background of your window if it's set to modal. What if I want it to just show up immediately or at least speed it up so that the user doesn't have to wait around to enter data. Am I going to have to build a custom component based on TitleWindow to get this or not have it be modal? If I were to do that could I extend current TitleWindow or just copy out the source directly?

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Flash :: Debug An Inner Swf That's Loaded From A Non-debug Outer Swf?

Apr 4, 2009

I have a swf that I need to attach the flex builder debugger to. I have full access to the source code, and can make a debug build of this swf.

However, this swf is being loaded by a non-debug build of another swf which I don't have source code to, and can't make a debug build with.

I've tried mocking this up with two very simple swfs, and while it works fine when both are debug builds, when the outer swf is a non-debug build, while I can get the debugger to connect, I don't get trace messages, breakpoints don't work, and it seems to lock up the flash app.

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Change Flash Version From Non-debug To Debug?

Jan 3, 2012

I have flash installed on my mac 10.6.7 and it's version is (Non-debug).How do i convert it into debug.

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Eclipse :: Eclipse - Compiling A Debug Version Without Opening The Debug Perspective?

Dec 27, 2011

I've migrated to FDT from flashdevelop and kind of have a hard time getting things to work the way I'm used to. In Flashdevelop, you could easily choose if the compiled swf was a release or debug version. In FDT however, it seems like there is no way to compile a version that has debugging information without it automatically opening up the debug perspective with a ton of debug windows, a profiler and actually entering debug mode.

As an extra plus, I keep getting a message saying "This feature is only available in FDT Max", although from what I know the debugger is included in the free version. Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do or should I just get used to this new way of working?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Suddenly Not Working In IE?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a photo gallery I developed using AS2 in Flash 8 Pro. You can find it at [URL] I used a loadMovie to import different swf files into the main swf file when a button is clicked. It works great in Firefox and Safari but suddenly stopped working yesterday in IE. It worked in IE (6, 7 and 8) since last Friday when I uploaded it but stopped yesterday. I am using IE on Windows XP. I did try IE on Vista yesterday when I started having trouble with my XP IE and it seemed to work...however, this morning I can't even get my IE Vista to come up so am not sure it is still working on that version.I removed the preloaders that are in the imported swf files but it didn't help so I put them back in. I am using the following code in my html to embed the flash:


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
width="815" height="570">


I thought maybe there was a change in the way my server was serving the flash so I uploaded onto another server...still not working in IE. I also checked to see that the server did not store my swf files in all lowercase names.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5 Suddenly Not Parcing When I Compile It Into Swf

Jun 25, 2011

Im really confused...Why is CS5 Suddenly not parcing my AS3 when I compile it into an swf? I'm using flash player 10. The only thing I did to CS5 was add the molehill api and I installed it just fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Suddenly Not Working In IE - Won't LoadMovie

Nov 10, 2009

I have a photo gallery I developed using AS2 in Flash 8 Pro. You can find it at [URL]. I used a loadMovie to import different swf files into the main swf file when a button is clicked. It works great in Firefox and Safari but suddenly stopped working yesterday in IE. It worked in IE (6, 7 and 8) since last Friday when I uploaded it but stopped yesterday. I am using IE on Windows XP. I did try IE on Vista yesterday when I started having trouble with my XP IE and it seemed to work...however, this morning I can't even get my IE Vista to come up so am not sure it is still working on that version. I removed the preloaders that are in the imported swf files but it didn't help so I put them back in. I am using the following code in my html to embed the flash:


View 8 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Tween Class Bug - Suddenly Stop?

Nov 12, 2007

If I put several tweens in a loop - rewind and start them again - they suddenly stop(!!) after a while (about 10 sec). [URL] But when I put the code in an extended Sprite Class with the DisplayObject everything works as expected. [URL] Ok, "problem solved", but why is this? I don't understand. Is it a bug, or am I doing it wrong? It works in AS2 (Test 3). [URL]

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Actionscript 3 :: Deployed Applet Suddenly Not Working?

Apr 12, 2011

I put together an applet that uploads images via as3httpclientlib to a servlet. The applet works fine in debug mode (through flash builder) and until today it worked when deployed. From the servlet logs, it appears the servlet never receives the image(s) byte stream, therefore my hunch is the applet is not posting the multipart data.

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Flash :: IDE - Suddenly Took 10 Minutes To Open A Document

Dec 14, 2009

i have had cs4 for a long time now, and yesterday it suddenly took flash 10 minutes to open a document. i have loaded different documents to see what is the problem and found out it was the documents containing a lot of code (on frame1) that made him almost freeze. it takes ages to open medium size .as files, and even editing normal stage objects takes about 5 times longer. flash takes about 25% of cpu. i reinstalled, restarted, cleared aso, nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash [Embed] Suddenly Not Working

Nov 15, 2010

I've been using the embed tag for a while and it has been working perfectly. I've got an XML file that I have embedded into my .swf, using


I had added a new function just before this error started appearing, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the embedding and the problem still happens after I comment out everything I added before the error.

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Media Server :: Serverside Recording Suddenly Stops?

Jun 3, 2009

I've implemented a serverside script that records the current stream to disk. This record method is called from another clientside flash application. On some occasions the recording suddenly stops after a few hours without giving any errors, and without there being any network dropouts (Flash Media Encoder doesn't report any dropouts). What can be the cause of this, and what can I do to make the recording more stable?

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Professional :: Motion Tween Suddenly Pauses In The Middle?

Jun 8, 2011

I recently made a flash file with a fps of 24 with a motion tweened oobject which moves from below and stops when it's already on the upper part. the only code i added is the stop(); on the last frame. When I Shift+Enter it, the motion tween works flawlessly. The problem is, when I Ctrl+Enter it, the motion tweened object suddenly pauses three times in the middle part.
All images included have "Allow Smoothing" checked.

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Media Server :: Recording Stream Suddenly Stops

Sep 2, 2011

Our team is developing an application that allows users to communicate via their own camera, and make a record of all user's cameras that are in the same room. However we have come across an issue with our FMS 4 server. The issue is that sometimes when a user records all streams in a room at one point the recording process for particular streams suddenly stops but at the same time streaming is still working. For example, 2 users were broadcasting and one of them was recording their streams. At the end of the recording there were 2 flv files, however one of them was only a quarter of the actual length. The logs for the damaged stream were:

- publish stream at 10:48:38
- play stream at 10:48:38
- record stream at 10:48:44
- unpublish stream at10:53:11
- stop stream at 10:53:12

Total length of the flv file should be more than 4 min but actually it is only 1 min 12 sec.

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