Actionscript 3 :: Flash Is Not Showing Errors/Stacktraces In Debug Player

Jul 29, 2011

I am trying to debug application which fails on me silently online. I am a 100% certain that I am running the flash debug player. To even make sure I am not losing it, i throw an Error ON PURPOSE. But flash shows not a single stracktrace in the browsers. I am kind of close of losing it. Any clues ? I am trying this on chrome, and firefox. WTH? Compiling with FDT, debug mode, even set the compiler argument debug=true. This is normally not the case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Could Not Connect To The Debug Player - Debug Session Will Terminate?

Apr 29, 2011

In CS5 I get the above message. I need to debug so it's very important. Anything I need to do?

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Flash :: Debug Run Time Errors In Released Flex App

Feb 10, 2012

There doesn't seem to be a way to access stack traces for a released version of a Flex app running on a generic user's non-debugger version of flash. I can still get access to the error number, but that's just not good enough in some cases.

Was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to approach this. All I can think of is logging as many events as possible in some buffer and then dumping that to the server when a crash happens. I've implemented this and it's ok but, unfortunately, adding logging all over the place doesn't seem very practical if your code base is reasonably extensive. But maybe there's a catch all way to log all sorts of stuff in some simple way that I have not thought of - some sort of centralized listener? Or maybe some other approach?

Will take any advice (although ideally skip the "you should test your app before you release it"?).

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Flash :: Debug - Flex App Compiled With Eclipse Fdt Doesn't Show Line Numbers On Errors

Mar 28, 2011

I have firefox 3.6.15 with flash debug version 10.3. whenever an error occurs a popups comes up with the error and a stack trace but it does not line numbers of each leaf in the stack trace which makes it more difficult to debug. how to configure it to actually show line numbers ?

I think it may relate to how I compile my flash application. (i think!) i use eclipse FDT 4.2 to compile and i added the following compiler flags: -debug=true -compiler.verbose-stacktraces i think these parameters should be enough but I may be wrong.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Debug Player Different Than Normal Flash Player

Dec 17, 2010

Is it possible for Flash debug player to show Flash website online a bit different than what the normal Flash player shows?

By different i mean...the content of the liquid Flash website instead of playing right in the middle it shows a bit off center.,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Turn On And Off Flash Debug Player?

May 20, 2009

Is it possible to have both the regular Flash Player and the Flash Debug Player installed simultaneously, and switch between the two? In order to accurately test my project I want to use the regular player.

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Flex :: Get Debug Symbols For Flash Player?

Oct 14, 2009

The company I am working for has a flash component (using flex and cs4) that crashes intermittently in chrome, FF and IE. (so far only win32 platforms)

I submitted a bug report to Adobe but have not heard anything back from them. Their support process seems like a black hole. WE can get a dump from Flash using these steps but after submitting the bug we got no help at all.

We loaded this into MS visual studio but can;t get decent stack information because there are no symbols for the flash stuff.

Microsoft and other companies provide symbols to help with debugging and we would like to get that from adobe. Is there any way to make progress on this?

Does anyone know where to get flash symbols or how else we can make progress?

It is hard to debug the process if the container just dies.

the binary is flash10c.ocx

I just spent a painful hour on the phone with adobe folks - and the final answer from one of them (I spoke to about 8 people) was that they do not have a per incident purchase plan for developer support for flash.

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Actionscript 3 :: Toggle Flash Player Release / Debug?

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Actionscript 3 :: Target Debug Player In Flash Builder 4 On Mac OS X?

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I'm pulling my hair out with this one.

How do I set which Flash Player to use when running a project?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Publish To Flash Player Debug Version?

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I'm working on code in FlashDevelop and compiling into Flash CS5.5. I want to use the debugger and I've downloaded the stand alone Flash Player Debug Version from the Adobe site. So how do I launch to and test using the Debug Player?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex App Not Working Without Debug Version Of Flash Player

Jul 16, 2009

Recently, when I tried to show the results of my work (some Flex app) to my boss, i was quite suprised that application which run perfectly well on my pc, on my boss' pc wasn't displayed properly (the only thing visible was a default grey background). After 3h of trying absolutely everything, finally the app showed up when I changed his Flash Player version from standard one to debug (both was v. Does anyone know what can be the reason of this (any compiler flag or sth). Forcing my boss to installing debug FP was quite ok, but forcing final user of the app to do so is unacceptable.

PS: By showing I mean deploying to Tomcat on my pc and giving my boss a link to the app. We both use Win XP. Also when I installed debug FP for Netscape browsers and standard FP for IE (on my pc) the result is the same - working in Firefox, Opera, Chrome and grey background in IE. I've compiled both as a Debug and as a Release. I'm using Flash Develop 3.0.2 RTM After stripping my app to sth like this - it still works only in debug FP


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Mar 18, 2011

I know I can look at plugins and their version under Firefox, but how can I tell if I'm running the debug version of the Flash Player?

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Pop Up In Flash Player Debug

Jul 6, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL] confirms that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing. Does anyone have the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix this strange behavior?

I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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Aug 2, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Debug Player Causing TypeError Error 1009?

May 6, 2010

I'm receiving the following error when trying to access a property of my array. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.The value I'm accessing works completely fine but the error above pops up when using the flash debug player only. My Firefox uses the flash debug player, Player Version: WIN 10,0,45,2 Debug Player: Yes. My IE which doesn't receive the error uses Player Version: WIN 10,0,45,2 Debug Player: No. The Player version info received by vising the flash version test page.

I'm using a custom event that gets dispatched from a class that makes a web service call.The web service call returns JSON data which I convert to an Object using JSON.decode from adobe corelib. After I have the Object, I use the below code to create an array from the Object.


//casts the right property to an array which has no problems
var resultArray:Array = as Array;
//Accessing the value causes the debug player error
output_txt.text = (resultArray.length.toString());

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Popup In Flash Player Debug?

Oct 27, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL]that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing.I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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Flex :: Manually Connecting Flash Player (debug) To Flash Builder?

Sep 22, 2009

Is it at all possible to connect the Flash Player debug version to the debugger in Flex Builder using source code? I'm running an app which has no right click menu, and I therefore can't right click and select connect to debugger.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash App Freezes In Production Flash Player 11, But Works As Expected In Debug Version?

Nov 25, 2011

I've just stumbled upon a case when Flash app freezes in production Flash Player and works smoothly in a debug version. It doesn't throw any errors or exceptions. Has anyone ever encountered anything like this? Why is it happening or how one is supposed to debug in such case?And a side question - what exactly is different in debug version from internal point of view? Any good writeup on the topic?

UPDATE:I didn't mention, but the trouble is with Flash Player 11, it probably matters, cause Flash Player 10 doesn't have any problems with the same code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: News_selector.selectedIndex Bit Is Showing As Undefined In The Debug Window?

Jul 23, 2004

I've got a combo box in my movie (called news_selector), whenever the selection of the combo box changes, I want to do something. Here's my code for the combobox so far...


trace("News feed changed to: " +news_selector.selectedIndex);[code].....

The problem is that the news_selector.selectedIndex bit is showing as undefined in the debug window, and thusly the if/else statements are ignored completely.

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Stop Errors Appearing In Another Window When Swf Is Run In Flash Player?

Jan 4, 2010

Stop errors appearing in another window when swf is run in flash player?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Player ( Debugger ) - Show Again The Errors?

Oct 12, 2011

I have pressed "Dissmiss all" button inside Debugger window of Flash player, and it stoped permanently showing me the errors on the page.How to resume showing the errors inside Flash debug window ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Flash Player Debugger Errors?

Feb 20, 2009

disable error messages generated by the debugger version of Flash Player 10? Error messages are great while I am developing, but not while browsing other sites It is a drag to keep reinstalling the player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DNS Load Balancing And Flash Player - Getting Security Errors

Mar 18, 2011

I have some Flash application that loads data (external images, SWFs, XMLs) from the same domain. And it was fine until client decided to add load balancers for server. Now we have a number of complaints from users about security errors. It looks like application can't load external resources treating them as resources from different domain without crossdomain.xml.
One of users that have this problem provided us with following info:

Browser: IE 8.0
OS: Windows 7
Flash Player version:

I have spoken with server administrator and he told me that we have load balancers that work like Round-robin DNS. In its simplest implementation Round-robin DNS works by responding to DNS requests not only with a single IP address, but a list of IP addresses of several servers that host identical services. The order in which IP addresses from the list are returned is the basis for the term round robin. With each DNS response, the IP address sequence in the list is permuted. Usually, basic IP clients attempt connections with the first address returned from a DNS query so that on different connection attempts clients would receive service from different providers, thus distributing the overall load among servers.

Finally we have: SWF loaded from IP1, data requested from IP2, crossdomain.xml loaded from IP1. All of them can be accessed through the same domain, but have different IPs.Because of IPs difference, Flash Player ignores crossdomain.xml and triggers security error.I'm not sure it happens exactly like that, since for older versions of Flash Player I have found the following words:

The basis of domain comparison is the domain name, not IP address.

So, I have two questions after all of that: How exactly domain comparison for HTTP-connections works in latest versions of Flash Player? Can two resources obtained by address with same domain name but from different IPs treatened as obtained from different domains? Maybe someone have info about DNS rebinding in different browsers?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert To Compiled Clip Showing Old Errors

Oct 4, 2006

I'm having some trouble with my component. Every time I make a change to the code in the linked .as file I have to literally close down Flash and re-open the file before I convert to compiled clip and test it. If I don't do this Flash will display old errors from the previous compilation. I've tried everything I can think of, but for some reason Flash won't read in the most up-to-date version of the code when I save it, only at startup.

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Flash - AsyncErrorEvent Isn't Working To Catch Errors For RTMP Video Player

Nov 19, 2009

I have this streaming video player with an asyncErrorHandler function which isn't working correctly.In Flash player 10 I get no errors, but in Flash player 9 I'll get a popup window with the error message that shows up in my output window when I test on my local machine.

Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback onBWDone. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onBWDone not found on src.display.VideoClass and there is no default value.

I feel that I have my AsyncErrorEvent setup correctly however, but am unsure as to why I still get a massive error in my output window, here is the popup window and code below:My statusEventHandler function

// ☼ --- Handle Status and Errors
function statusEventHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
trace("connected is: "+ncConnection.connected);
trace(" ";


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Flash Player 10 Vs FP 9 - Pile Of 1009 Errors And Many Of Tweenlite Instances Won't Work

Apr 7, 2010

My movie publishes fine in FP9. When I try to publish in FP10 (so I can use unloadAndStop() ) I get a pile of 1009 errors and many of my Tweenlite instances won't work. Is there something obvious I'm missing here? Are there big differences between FP10 and 9?

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Professional :: Video Doesn't Play In Authoring Player, Does Play In Debug Player

Nov 8, 2010

I just updated to CS5 - I'm working on a custom video player. It works fine embedded in a web page both locally and on the network. It works fine in the debug player. However, when I test it in the authoring player I get a NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error and no video. I have tried setting the Local Playback Security publish settings to both local and network - doesn't find the video either way.
It used to run fine in CS4 in the authoring environment.

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