Actionscript 3 :: Getter / Setter Class & Scope In OOP
Feb 19, 2012
I recently completed a tic-tac-toe game in AS3, using some simple function-based code I had written in C many years ago.Now I'm on a quest to do it the "right way" using OOP techniques and best practices.Everything is now divided into neat little packages, it looks pretty, and the last part of my journey is to get all the little buggers to communicate with each other.I want to move the code which holds the game state from my main to it's own class in com.okaygraphics.model.GameState.The problem is nearly every other package gets and sets these game state properties.I'm trying to figure out the simplest way to encapsulate this stuff, while still allowing my other classes to access it.
1) Do I need a constructor? I mean, my program will never have more than one GameState. If I should call my getters/setters as instance methods, how do I get each other class to reference the SAME instance from their respective packages?
2) Do I even need getters and setters? Perhaps the class could just have 3 public properties? If so, how would I acheive the proper scope with regard to my other classes?
3) Should I assign everything to the class itself using the static keyword? If so, how would I implement and use those static methods?
4) Is this a mistake? Did I totally just program myself into a corner?
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override public function execute():void {
// various line of code here
//Place screenshot image into an array from model for later reference.
model.unitScreenshots.push(screenShot); // screenshot is just a Bitmap object
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public function get unitScreenshots():Array {
return _unitScreenshots;
} public function set unitScreenshots(value:Array):void {
_unitScreenshots = value;
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public function setY(y):void {
y = y;
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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// snip
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// in
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private var prop:Object;
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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package Classes{
import flash.display.*;
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Oct 25, 2010
I am start developing small games (I have just finished reading a nice book from Rex van der Spuy) but I would like to use the best OO approach.Let's make a very simple example: suppose that i have a Player class which adds a listener to the stage waiting for keyboard events in order to move around the stage.I have also some enemies on the stage and the player must register a collision with them; what is the best approach in order to access the enemies on the stage and check for a collision with them on the ENTER_FRAME player's event? I have read a lot of solutions, but I am just starting coding and so I don't know which one is the best approach.
a) Access the document class directly with a getter (e.g. Main(root).allEnemies, supposing that every time an enemy is created it is added to the allEnemies array)?
b) A singleton class which has a reference to every instance in the stage?
c) I have read about using events, how?
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code].....
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Jun 9, 2006
Take a look at this code:
import mx.utils.Delegate;
class Test
Well... Doesnt work at all... In the class, there isnt a instance of i, so, how may i access this property inside a class function? But i still have an way to access the class.
I could do this way:
class Test
function Test(mc:MovieClip)
But this way, doesn't sounds good
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Oct 5, 2011
Specifies the value of thisObject to be used within any function that ActionScript calls. This method also specifies the parameters to be passed to any called function. Because apply() is a method of the Function class, it is also a method of every Function object in ActionScript. i don't get how "thisObject" is accessible from within the function invoked with it's apply method i'm trying to pass the scope of one class to the function of another so that the keyword "this" in the target function refers to the passed scope or am i misunderstanding the apply() method? it appears to behave differently between as2.0 and as3.0 as well, try this example code from the adobe docs
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Aug 10, 2006
How do I fix this? With this code in my class:
function moveDelay():Void {
myInterval = setInterval(this.movePoints, delay);
I lose scope when it calls the function. "this" becomes undefined.
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