ActionScript 3.0 :: Communicate An Object To Another Class With A Getter?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a document class .as file and I'm trying to communicate an object to another class with a getter. But it's nested inside another movie clip. The compiler says the movie clip it's nested in is undefined. Also, the moviecllip it's nested in is on the stage, dragged manually from the FLA LIbrary and has the instance name, gamelevel1 in the instance name box. I referred to it when I put the _player movie clip, which I'm trying to communicate with the getter, on the stage via and addChild method. Anyway here's the friggin' document class script:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


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Actionscript 3 :: Getter / Setter Class & Scope In OOP

Feb 19, 2012

I recently completed a tic-tac-toe game in AS3, using some simple function-based code I had written in C many years ago.Now I'm on a quest to do it the "right way" using OOP techniques and best practices.Everything is now divided into neat little packages, it looks pretty, and the last part of my journey is to get all the little buggers to communicate with each other.I want to move the code which holds the game state from my main to it's own class in com.okaygraphics.model.GameState.The problem is nearly every other package gets and sets these game state properties.I'm trying to figure out the simplest way to encapsulate this stuff, while still allowing my other classes to access it.

1) Do I need a constructor? I mean, my program will never have more than one GameState. If I should call my getters/setters as instance methods, how do I get each other class to reference the SAME instance from their respective packages?

2) Do I even need getters and setters? Perhaps the class could just have 3 public properties? If so, how would I acheive the proper scope with regard to my other classes?

3) Should I assign everything to the class itself using the static keyword? If so, how would I implement and use those static methods?

4) Is this a mistake? Did I totally just program myself into a corner?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class Setter / Getter Are Blank

Oct 23, 2009

I have written a class, which is basically a textfield for forms. It will eventually have several validation modes built into it too, which will be set by setting a property of the object.anyway, my problem. Basically my setters are empty if the movie is used as a loaded swf within another movie.I have an Event listener within the class listening for the Event.ACTIVATE event (still not sure exactly what this does...) though i do know that i need this in place for the setters/getters to work.If i create objects from my class, set some properties everything is spot on, though the moment i load this working movie into another movie the Event.ACTIVATE does not fire.[code]Now, if i run this movie its perfect - everything works as it should, right down to the validation.however, this movie is to be used within another movie. When i load this movie into a parent movie my fields aren't added to the movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access The Document Class Directly With A Getter?

Oct 25, 2010

I am start developing small games (I have just finished reading a nice book from Rex van der Spuy) but I would like to use the best OO approach.Let's make a very simple example: suppose that i have a Player class which adds a listener to the stage waiting for keyboard events in order to move around the stage.I have also some enemies on the stage and the player must register a collision with them; what is the best approach in order to access the enemies on the stage and check for a collision with them on the ENTER_FRAME player's event? I have read a lot of solutions, but I am just starting coding and so I don't know which one is the best approach.

a) Access the document class directly with a getter (e.g. Main(root).allEnemies, supposing that every time an enemy is created it is added to the allEnemies array)?

b) A singleton class which has a reference to every instance in the stage?

c) I have read about using events, how?

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sub-class Refer/communicate With Super Class?

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SubClass.myParent = ParentClass;

//i know that there is already a "parent" keyword in flash objects if i extend one but is that a decent way to communicate with super class

e.g SubClass.myParent.removeChild(this);//sounds a bad call

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public class Button
//add event listeners[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communicate Between Custom Class?

Feb 21, 2011

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For example: how to get public var value in document class from another class in another package.
i know two ways but i need to know what if i am in the right side or not:
1- public static var Root:Main = this; and then call Main.Root.PublicVarName from another class.
2- make instance from the class ( var classInstance:ClassName = new ClassName() )  then to call function or var ... ( classInstance.PublicVarName ) but in this case i can't call the Main ( Document class ) as i got an error when try to create instance from Document class.

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Flash :: Communicate With Object From WebBrowser With C# .Net

Oct 24, 2010

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HtmlElement password = wb.Document.All["sPass"];
assword.SetAttribute("value", this.password);

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you must use the ExternalInterface API. If you need to call ActionScript from JavaScript, the ScriptBridge class is recommended. The rest of the section describes the ExternalInterface research makes me believe that this new Flash Player plugin API is most likely resulting from implementing recent changes in the Netscape Plugin API. Hopefully it should be as simple as having the player script NPObject properties and functions to use to access objects, packages and classes of the flash application.

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With as2 I would have used a global variable to indicate the users choice but of course that's not longer an option, and I don't think I can send an event because the next page isn't loaded yet.

So how do I communicate with a class belonging to a dynamically loaded swf that isn't loaded yet?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Getter Not Returning Value

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import mx.controls.Alert;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A Getter/Setter Pair?

Nov 9, 2009

I'm having trouble updating a property value of a custom class (SubLoader) using a getter and setter. Inside the if() statement of the main fla you can see my attempt to set the percent value. Running a trace() method before the if() statement always outputs '0' for some reason. Tracing after the if() statment outputs an actual value. I can't figure out why the percent property always traces as '0' before the if statement even though I am updating it with each progress event.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ASDoc And Getter/setters?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm finally reading up on commenting code with ASDoc (http:url]....) but the way ASDoc is set up doesn't seem to agree with the way I write my getter/setters.Here is how I write them:

//I want to add the ASDoc tags here, before this chunk of code
private var _enabled:Boolean = true;
public function get enabled():Boolean[code]...

if I ad the tags where I want them, if I understand correctly, they will comment the private variable instead. Bummer.So, either I change the coding style I have been using for the past three years, or insert the tags inside of my code, making it ugly and less structured. I'm leaning towards option do YOU write your getter/setters so they are ASDoc friendly?

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Flash :: Access Object Property Or Function On Extended Class That Isn't In The Super Class?

Jan 29, 2012

If I have three classes:

public class Example {
public function Example () {

You can see that the two last classes extend the first one, and both have the 'variable' property. In case that I have an instance of Example and I am sure it is also an ExtendedExample OR AnotherExtendedExample instance, is there some way to access the 'variable' property? Something like

function functionThatReceivesAnExtendedExample (ex:Example):void {
if(some condition that I may need) {

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Reference A Display Object From A Class Other Than The Document Class

Jul 28, 2011

Using Flash CS5 Professional I have created a symbol, dragged it onto the stage, and given it an instance name of GreenLight1. If I want to make this visible from the document class, I can simply do the GreenLight1.visible=true; and poof it's good to go when I test the file. As long as I stay in the document class I am good to go, but now I'm trying to move to another class and hitting ALL kinds of trouble just trying to get Flash to allow me to access this simple object. All I am looking to do is have this GreenLight1 go invisible (visible=false) when a certain condition occurs in this new class and Flash just won't let me access GreenLight1 at all. Things I've tried thus far:

stage is passed to the class and is referenced by _stage and is working just fine when I do _stage.addchild or anything like that. So I have tried "_stage.GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property GreenLight1 not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default value." My document class extends Sprite, so I figured I'd try the root function. So I tried "Sprite(root).GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "1119: Access of possibly undefined property GreenLight1 through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite." I tried to create the Resource class as described therein. To which I came across the same problem that I started with in that it doesn't know what GreenLight1 is to begin with so I got "1120: Access of undefined property GreenLight1." Here is my code for (am I supposed to pass something to this class from the document class?)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Removal - Remove VideoPlayer Class From My Main Class

Nov 8, 2009

I have question regarding removing instantiated objects. Let's say i have a main class in which i instantiate a custom video player (or whatever) class:


From my experience, if i don't destroy for example event listeners from my VideoPlayer class and just remove VideoPlayer class the way described they still get fired with null exception messages etc. This is something that's bugging me for a while so i would really like to know what's best thing to do here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [object Class] Instead Of [object MovieClip] - Delete The Targets ENTER_FRAME Event?

Mar 15, 2009

When I use MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT the target is [object MovieClip], but when I use MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT I get [object Bildspel] - and Bildspel is my class. The thing is that when I use ROLL_OUT I'm not able to delete the targets ENTER_FRAME event.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting Stage Object Positions From Library Object Class File?

Sep 14, 2010

Ok. So heres what I am trying to do. I want one movie clip to follow another one that I move around with actions on the main timeline.The problem is that the follower clip is linked to a class file and I cannot find a way to find the players position.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Is Loading The File But When Return It To A New Xml Object In The Document Class It Doesnt Load It?

Aug 18, 2009

I found myself loading a new XML file every day and so decided to create a small class that will load the xml file and return it.The class is loading the file but when i try to return it to a new xml object in the document class it doesnt load it.I think that it's something to with the return being in a nested function but i tried a few ways and non seems to work.
loadXML:LoadXML = new LoadXML();
myXML:XML = new XML(loadXML.loadXMLFile("gallery.xml"));[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overriding The Width Getter On A DisplayObject

Dec 7, 2009

I frequently find myself wanting more granular control of the width/height properties. Consider either of the following cases:

- The DisplayObject is clipped with DisplayObject.mask, but Flash reports unmasked width.
- An image is displayed with a transform cage drawn over it. The width of the cage shouldn't be calculated when determining the DisplayObject's width.

The naive way to solve this problem is to override the width getter of the DisplayObject in question. The problem is that the core implementation of DisplayObject.width is written in native code. If after overriding the width getter, I call overridenObject.width, I get what I want; however, if I call overriddenObject.parent.width, DisplayObject.width ignores my override and calculates the dimensions based on its own internal display list representation.

Does anyone know of a technique to limit which children are considered when calculating width without having to override every parent's width getter? I've tried overriding width, getRect, getBounds, and scrollRect, but none of them seem to be referenced by DisplayObject.width's native implementation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Any Way To Make Static Getter / Setter?

Dec 29, 2009

Anyone know a workaround to make static getter/setters?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getter Function & Event Binding?

Jun 27, 2011

I found this snippet of code when I walked through a Flex3.6 project:

public function get currentPage ():int {
return this._currentPage;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pushing Value To Array Via Getter / Setter

Mar 22, 2012

I seem to have run into a situation where when I push a value to an array held within a singleton via a getter/setter , Flash seem so access the getter over the setter method. Within my command/controller (I am using RobotLegs)

override public function execute():void {
// various line of code here
//Place screenshot image into an array from model for later reference.
model.unitScreenshots.push(screenShot); // screenshot is just a Bitmap object

The getter and setter within my model e.g. robot legs singleton
public function get unitScreenshots():Array {
return _unitScreenshots;
} public function set unitScreenshots(value:Array):void {
_unitScreenshots = value;

When I set a break point on both the getter and setter, only the getter method is being called, why? I would think that a push value on the array would trigger the setter, not the getter.

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Actionscript 3 :: Write A Getter That Takes A Parameter?

May 25, 2011

I've found two very strange pieces of code in PureMVC's documentation:


(found in Best Practices [English], bottom of page 38 and top of page 39) I've always thought that getters must not accept a parameter (and FDT indeed tells me that "Parameters for getters are not allowed"), so I wonder what's going on here. Is that just an unfortunate typo (meant to be simply a normal function without the "get") or some hidden feature/voodoo?

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