Actionscript 3 :: Scaling And Resizing Flex Component?

Mar 30, 2011

I have custom flex component inherited from UIComponent (compiled, no source code access). It has fixed width-to-height proportions and it's scalable. If I set its width and height to 100%, it's trying to fit parent's size, but it keeps width-to-height proportion, so if it's proportion does not equal parent's proportion, there can appear empty space near this component when resizing parent.

What I need, is to fit my component completely to parent's size. Is there any nice way to do this? I could listen to parent's resize event, and play with component's scaleX and scaleY

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:ATE=""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A Sprite Without Scaling/streching Its Children?

Nov 29, 2009

I have a Bitmap. Let's say it's 100x100 in size. I would like to display that bitmap on a Sprite that for the sake of this example is 100x50. Since the height of the bitmap is double than the height of the sprite - I would have liked the bitmap to be cropped (and to later implement a "scroll-down" mechanism) - HOWEVER, apparently:

1. The size of an "empty" sprite is defined by the size of its first children(s) - once I addChild the bitmap into the sprite - the sprite becomes 100x100 (If I try to define the size of the sprite to 100x50 before adding the child, and then adding it - then nothing is displayed).

2. If I then try to resize the sprite by modifying its Height property - the bitmap get's "scaled-down", or rather "squashed-in" to fit the new size.I'd like the bitmap to retain its original size (and be cropped at the bottom).Can it be done (without copyPixeling to a different bitmap etc.), and if so how?

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<mx:Resize id="rs1" duration="1000"
heightTo="{radioVBox.y + radioVBox.height + 110}" />

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I think I need to add a listener of some sort to the stage, but I'm not sure how to do this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Button Background Without Scaling Text?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm building some navigation that extends all the way from left to right across my SWF. When the window resizes, I'd like the nav buttons to get wider but not have the text on the buttons get wider.

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newImgEdit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadImgComplete);
newImgEdit.source = myurl_ressource;
private function loadImgComplete(evt:Event):void {


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Actionscript 3 :: Resizing A Sprite Without Resizing Its BitmapFill (or Its Contents For That Matter)?

Nov 1, 2010

I am not simply trying to contain things and have the container resize without the contents resizing. I would just use a simple MovieClip for that.. My main focus is on the use of BitmapFill. I'm trying to make a repeating background image for a container; thus far I'm able to draw my BitmapFill sprite to the size I want. (Which is the stage's height) but when the stage is resized, I want to re-size my container but have my containers BitmapFill crop or add more as the window is resized bigger or smaller. Allow me to illustrate what I mean:

I've got a simple rectangle sprite that fills with a bitmap from the library and a simple resize handler function that detects when the window has been resized.what I would like to do is have my rectangle resize to the height of the stage.stageHeight maintaining its bitmap fill, but not resizing the bitmap fill or any children within the sprite.

From what I've read, this is a little tricky because the sprite resizes in relation to what it contains.. or.. something like that.. I really don't know any more.. I saw one example where a person extended the sprite class but I don't know why or how..

in my library there is an image called 'pattern' and my code looks like this:

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smooth Resizing As Opposed Going In And Resizing Every File Manually?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm loading a few pngs/jpgs externally so they can be swapped out occasionally, and the issue I'm running into is when they are shrunk they become fairly choppy. Is there a way to have flash re-render them, or do something to smooth the resizing as opposed to going in and resizing every file manually myself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Movieclip Not Scaling But Repeating?

May 20, 2010

i have a diagonal movieclip that I am trying to scale along with the background video. The background video scales perfect, I am attaching the diagonal movieclip (br in the code as bottomright) with addChild
Instead of scaling with the window, it seems to repeat such as the image is displaying. this is the main section of the code that is doing the scaling
var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling A Movieclip Without Scaling Its Contents

Apr 10, 2009

I am trying to achieve an effect of scaling a movie clip on click...very similar to [URL] When the user clicks on See, Hear, Play and Shop boxes, the boxes expand. I have created a box movieclip that has a bar on top. This bar is a movie clip inside the box movieclip. When i try to scale the main box movieclip, the internal bar movie clip scales as well. How to stop this?

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Flex :: Make A Custom Component Or Extend The List Component For A 2D Top Down View MAP ?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm building a top view 2D map, that it's objects are stored on the server.The kind of objects are 10 and might be a photo, label, button, lists, mix of them or labels with tooltips.The component must request the "areas" that are missing on screen.An area is 1000x1000 px and is cached in flex.To move in the map, will be like in google maps (drag-and-drop).I should be able to have another list and move objects from one to another using drag-an-drop on objects. Ex.: I grab an objects from a list and I move it on this map, I release the mouse button and the item is placed there.Now the problem is: I build a custom component for this trying to emulate the item renderer for performance and recyclage, implement drag-and-drop on objects and request the areas that are missing?


I extend the List component from spark and I add some features as multiple kind of itemrenderers and use recycle on them. Of course it must be able to request the missing areas on the screen and cache it's data.Maybe create a custom layout is needed too.What I need is something that must be really fluid, so the lighter this component is, the better.

UPDATE: *There will be not any object over another.

*I will not use hitTest on bitmaps because all bitmaps are wrapped in another component,as they,for now are itemrenderers.

Anyway I already begin to do this using a class that extends the SkinnableDataContainer and a custom layout. As the layout is not like a grid, is sparse, random items at diferent points(x, y).How to get the localX and localY, relative to item renderer and not to the Spark List, from a DragEvent in Flex 4?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Access Component Inside Another Component In MXML?

Sep 3, 2009

I have two components. One is called "InsideComp" and one is called "OutsideComp". OutsideComp has InsideComp as one piece of its component, and in my main MXML file, I have embedded an instance of OutsideComp. How do I access a public variable of InsideComp within my main MXML file?In Actionscript, I could just do something like:OutsideComp.InsideComp.valToChange = 5; But I dont know how to do it in MXML. I know this is probably an easy question.

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Flex :: Access The One Component Properties Form Other Component With Out Binding?

Sep 21, 2011

I would like to bind two components with out binding and which resides in different MXML.for eg: A.mxml has textinput and B.mxml has a combobox when choose one item in B.mxml selected item should be display in A.mxml textinput.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A Sprite Without Resizing Its Auto-fill?

Nov 2, 2010

I've got a little problem with BitmapFill, I'm trying to use a sprite as a container for various things and i would like it to have a filled pattern background. my problem is that i want it to resize the sprite to the height of the window but not have the background fill resize, and add more / crop as the window size is changed. to illustrate what i mean, please view the diagram attached to this post .

I have an image in my library called 'pattern' and my code is as follows:

ActionScript Code:
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;


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