Actionscript 3 :: Set Custom Mouse Cursor In Flex?
Sep 22, 2010
following is my flex 3 code.
public var cursor:Class;
here what i am doing that there are four corners above the image for resizing purpose. and i have a single image for cursor. i want to use that image for all corners of the image. i.e i need to rotate that cursor image for different corners.
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Mar 18, 2010
I am making use of a custom cursor on itemRenderers in a List component. The custom cursor works just fine except when I mouse over the Text component which is a child of the itemRenderer at which point I get two cursors, the custom and an iBar one on top of the other.Here's the code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
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Aug 4, 2009
how to do this custom cursor when mouse is in movement like this link:direct me the link where i can find tuts.
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Sep 19, 2011
I have a problem with flickering mouse custom cursor. I have a timeline which is my main clip and I want to show a pencil like cursor when I am over the timeline movie clip. I am using standard Mouse events, MOUSE_OVER and MOUE_OUT, MOUSE_MOVE. Also I use Mouse.hide()/show() functions to show and hide the mouse.Also the same principal or the pencil movie clip which I show and Hide.
On MOUSE_MOVE is set the coordinates of the pencil movieclip to be those on the Mouse cursor. How ever I get a flickering of the mouse and the pencil movieclip while above the timeline movieclip. So they change from one to another all the time without stopping i.e filckering.
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Aug 4, 2009
how to do this custom cursor when mouse is in movement like this link: [URL]
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Feb 24, 2009
When I add a custom cursor it won't draw because when the mouse is down it's referencing the cursor and not the board. So drawing doesn't = true.
I can fix it by changing the eventlisteners to "stage" instead of "mBoard" but when I do that it will draw the the coordinates of where the mouse is on the cursor and the board.
So the Cursor could be x= 255 and y = 200 it will draw that coordinate but it will also draw the coordinate of where the mouse is over the cursor which could be x = 1 and y = 1. It will also draw that on the drawBoard.
Here are the examples in case I didn't make myself clear.
example 1 example 2
Here is the simplified code
package {
import flash.display.*;
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Jun 26, 2009
I have made custom mouse cursor (movie clip) everything works fine, default cursor is hidden, mc is following pointer, problem is- when flash is inactive custom cursor hangs in upper left corner of flash, I want to make it dissapear untill the moment you enter flash file. That would work like this: I am opening my web page, flash is loaded but custom cursor is hidden, I am moving my mouse into zone of flash -custom cursor appears on screen and follows mouse pointer.
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Oct 29, 2010
I'm trying to convert my sniper game to as3 but coming up with the problem of hitting the scope crosshairs (the cursor) and not bubbling down to the stick man.[ode]I've come up with two solutions but they both negatively impact the accuracy and game play.
1. use objectHitTest, this works but makes it frustrating to hit small objects
2. make a small hole in the scope, this would probably work but could also cause problems
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Jan 9, 2011
I've been searching around and can't find the solution to my problem. (firstly AS3.0 still confuses the hell out of me, having some real trouble getting my head around it).I've added a custom mouse cursor on my file, but with AS3.0 it already uses Mouse.Hide(); to hide the original mouse cursor and replace it with a symbol/mc.But i was already using both Mouse.Hide(); and Mouse.Show(); to hide the mouse at specific times. (so this new cursor has messed all that up).
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Jun 21, 2010
how to change the cursor when move over a chart in flex i have tried useHandCursor="true" but it's not working in charts.....and it should show values also....
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Dec 11, 2011
writing the title in question in www motors of search u can read a lot of comments on the novelties introduced with the new releases of the flex sdk [URL] where is used the new class MouseCursorData present in Flash.ui libraries.
Now: I use Flash Prof as Editor of my projects and I don't succeed in giving in meal to the editor the sdk so to have available the new class.
View 9 Replies
Apr 21, 2005
I have a menu for a website in flash where, an mc moves up and down and that when the projectile MC hits a button, it clicks it.
1.) How do I make it so that the MC follows the mouse (like a custom cursor)..but is restricted to only going vertically
2.) how would you make it so that the mc can shoot anywhere....but when the fired MC hits a button, it acts as if it was clicked? My AS if you have any free time could you explain the codes? that I can learn from this...rather then just stealing your codes... but..if you want to just let me copy and paste...thats cool too
View 12 Replies
Dec 31, 2010
I have created a file where I have a custom mouse cursor using the following code:
Mouse.hide(); cursor_mc.startDrag(true); I have the mouse cursor in its own layer on the main timeline. In a layer below this one I have a movieclip symbol that when clicked I want to move to frame two of its own timeline and play.
The code I use for this is inside the movieclip symbol itself and it is:
squaremc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2(event:MouseEvent) :void
The problem is the darn thing only works when the cursor symbol is in a layer below the movieclip on the main timeline and not in a layer above the movieclip on the main timeline. It wont even work when the custom cursor is in the same layer as the movieclip symbol.
Is there a work around to this or something else I could try. In actioscript 2.0 this never was a problem.
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm working on my personal portfolio site and desperately need help with some AS3. my knowledge about AS3 is very rudimentary. Hope anyone who's I want to change the pointer cursor to custom movieclip when mouseover different invisible buttons. These buttons are mainly forward & backward button for my gallery. I got some help from other site but still unsolved. Please take a look at my fla attachment to point out what's wrong with the coding. To elaborate a little bit more as what I wish to achieve you can take a look at the sample URL...I just need the pointer cursor to turn to custom mc when it mouseover the hit area of the respective buttons.
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Mar 3, 2011
I have a custom progress bar I want to show loading the data instead of the showBusyCursor in Flex 4. Is it possible to use the custom progress bar instead of the busy cursor? Here is the piece of code that currently uses the showBusyCursor
<npcsservice:NpcsService id="npcsService" fault=" + '
' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
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Jul 11, 2011
For the application that I am developing in AIR, I have removed the chrome through the app.xml. I am managing the features of minimizing, maximizing, close, resize and all other functions from within the application. I am facing a problem with resize feature. I have defined the grips for resizing and also I am able to display my custom cursor when mouse moves over it. The problem is that only the part of this cursor is visible which lies inside the boundary of the application rest of the cursor image is hidden.For implementing the custom cursor, I do the following.Embed the cursor image.
public var resizeRight:Class;
Add the event listener to the canvas that acts as a grip.
rightResizeGrip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(e)
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Jan 25, 2006
Is it possible to make a custom cursor with restraints (meaning you only see the cursor when you put your mouse in a certain spot, by defining both the max and min of the x & y), that is placed inside a movie clip; then make the movie clip move on the stage when you click certain buttons.
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Oct 17, 2009
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Jun 24, 2010
My Flex 3 application uses a custom cursor and has to show a customized context menu when the user performs a right click. The problem is the customized menu is shown only when the default arrow cursor is shown. When I change it to the custom cursor, the standard context menu appears instead of the customized one.
Is there a way to have both custom cursor and customized context menu in a flash application?
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Oct 29, 2011
I have a custom TextInput that listens for the FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN and FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT events:
textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusInHandler);
textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOutHandler);
My onFocusInHandler function basically removes a "promptview" that tells the user to type in a value, with the onFocusOutHandler doing the opposite.
For example, if the TextInput text was backspaced to a blank value and the user clicks out of the TextInput box, it would show a "Please enter a value" light-gray prompt in the TextInput.
This works fine until the user clicks our custom "Clear" button. The clear button sets the text to "", and I can tell the FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT is received because the prompt text is set to visible (its not being set anywhere else). The problem is, the cursor remains in the box as if it still has focus, so if the user immediately starts typing, both the prompt text "Please enter a value" and the user-entered text appears over the gray text, which looks pretty ugly and unreadable.
Why does the TextInput receive the FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT event if it's not actually losing focus?
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Oct 24, 2011
I'm working on an AS3 flash animation where I am using a custom cursor. At the end of the animation I want to default back to the regular arrow/hand cursor
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Mar 30, 2010
Can I change mouse cursor for textfield to appear as a clickable object?
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.utils.*;
import mx.core.*;
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Aug 31, 2010
Working on a small kiosk app that runs in Firefox for Ubuntu. Mouse.hide() works for everything else, but the cursor is showing up in Firefox for Ubuntu
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Jan 5, 2010
Is it possible to disable mousewheel scrolling on my webpage while the cursor is over my flex application?
My flex application is a map that allows user to zoom in and out using the mousewheel; however, when I put my flex app onto my webpage, the scrollwheel causes the page to scroll instead of zooming in and out.[code]...
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Feb 24, 2011
Within my component, I'm drawing some rectangles as below:
I need to display a custom tooltip for each rectange when the mouse cursor is hovering over it.
How can I do this? I'm using the MouseMove event to track when the cursor moves over these coordinates (that part is working), but when I change the tooltip text it's not refreshing
private function this_MOUSE_MOVE(event:MouseEvent):void
EDIT: The problem seems to be with the following line:
If I comment out the preceding line, it will display the new tooltip, but it will keep creating new ones and the old ones never get removed. But if I add that line, it doesn't add any tooltips! Is the code not being executed sequentially, i.e., is the code to remove the tooltip somehow getting executed after the code to add the tooltip?
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Jan 31, 2004
I am trying to make a simple game in flash it is a target shooting game i would like to make it so that the mouse cursor dissapears and a crosshair is shown as the cursor (if you get what i mean). I have created the crosshair and made it into a graphic symbol called: "crosshair" so what is the script i need to make it the cursor for the game
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Jun 5, 2010
in the swf, when my mouse reaches a dynamic text box, the cursor always changes to the 'I' cursor and the text can be to prevent this from occurring?
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May 24, 2010
I am aware that the follow will show a hand cursor:
component.mouseChildren = true;
component.useHandCursor = true;
component.buttonMode = true;
When I do the above on a List component, the hand button is shown and the whole component loses it's interactivity (Hand cursor is shown even on scrollbars).
So how can I show the hand cursor only when rolling over the list items?
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Dec 20, 2009
I want to have the mouse cursor to be changed to hand when used for entering the<mx:textInput>. When the field is already on focus, text selection should be available.I tried any combination of useHandCursor="true", buttonMode="true" and mouseChildren="false",and the closest result is when using all three of them. Then the hand cursor does appear, but the text field loses its selection 'abilities' (text cannot beselected using the mouse). This is logical, since mouseChildren="false" disables this. But how do I acheive the desired result?
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Mar 25, 2010
I have a sprite on which I have added two textfields side by side, horizontally. I have set the buttonmode of sprite = true. But the mouse cursor changes from regular to clickable only when I hover it on the textfields. In the empty area between the two textfields, the cursor still appears regular/normal.
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