Actionscript 3 :: Views And Controllers Invisible To Each Other?

Mar 18, 2011

I have read that Views and Controllers should be invisible to each other.How does the controller then listen for say a button click in the UI view?Surely the controller needs to know about the view to addEventListeners or the UI view needs to call functions in the controller, or dispatch events to the controller.

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Sep 13, 2011

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Apr 7, 2011

Why when I view my flash files in the flash player or by using Control+Enter or F12, are they never centered so that I can see the whole page at once? Toggling, by first zooming in and then fighting to push and pull it the right way, is not only a pain and frustrating, but it also decreases the quality of the image. I know what it looks like when it's clear, but if I need to send it to someone else who doesn't have the program and only the flash player, they are not going to be able to view the image at it's best. Does the problem have to do with how the image is centered on the stage when I save, the file size, what?

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Often multiple instances of the view component would be used in multiple places in an application. Each time I do this, I register the same mediator with a different name. When a notification is dispatched, I attach the name of the mediator to the body of the notification, like so:


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Android :: Sharing Data When Popping Views?

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Is there a way to set a global variable that's accessible from all views, or a way to retain data when a user navigates back to a view using the back button?

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Flex :: Passing Parameters Between Views In ViewStack?

Mar 19, 2011

how I would pass a value to "SelectedChild" in ViewStack:

In the example below, I am trying to set a public property in a form called "register" after I have navigated there from another form called "login".

The result I get seems to be a compilation error:

Error: Access of possibly undefined property pagename through a reference
with static type mx.core:INavigatorContent.
vsMain.selectedChild.pagename = "register page";


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Flex :: Passing Data Into Tabbed Views?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a project that has 4 views where I'm using the tabBar with viewStack/NavigatorContent. I have a couple HTTPServices set up gathering the XML and converting to Bindable ArrayCollections. When and how is the best way to pass that data to such things as charts, dataGrids, etc. that aren't seen until the user clicks a tab? Right now I have each item set up with creationComplete functions that pass it then. Although it seems to be working, is this the best way, or is there something better and maybe even quicker?

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Flash :: Share Same NetConnection Object Between Two Views?

Jun 11, 2011

Flex Mobile applications are view based. And I'm using Adobe Cirrus (im assuming its the same for any FMS netConnection) Does anyone know how to maintain a persistent netConnection between views in a flex Mobile Application?[code]I want to be able to trace(netConnection.nearID) on this view, go to another view and trace(netConnection.nearID) and get the same result. and be able to have a cirrusStatusHandler() function like I have a above to listen for cirrus events. Then be able to do netConnection.close() on another view if i wanted to to be able to close the connection.

Brainstorming Ideas what I was thinking I could do:I was thinking I could maybe set up the connection on the main ViewNavigatorApplication mxml file, but i have so much going on and being triggered based on netConnection status events it seems it might be really complicated to handle everything from that mxml file on each of the views. Maybe I could declare the netCon vars in the ViewNavigatorApplication mxml file, and just add event listeners to those vars on each view? But i'm not familiar with accessing vars that exist in the mainViewNavigatorApplication mxml file.I just need to be able to make the connection once, and then it stays persistent until I call netConnection.close()I guess I could use separate views where I dont need the netConnection and just have this particular view use "states" inside the view where the netCon needs to be persistent. It just seems silly be be using states since this is a view based application.[code]and the same in my Home View but i'm getting a null error when i try and call trace(netConnection.nearID) in the crationComplete function on profileView (which is after homeView) to see if it still has the same netConnection and should then be able to get the same nearID

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Actionscript :: Flex 4.5 - Global Variable Across All Views?

Nov 20, 2011

How do you define a global variable that is accessible across all views on Flex mobile / Flex 4.5/4.6

(Edited for clarification)

Is it still necessary to have to use a separate global class?

(additional) There is a new PersistanceManager in Flex 4.5, is there something like a GlobalObjectsManager that can be used to just set/get stuff in memory?

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Flex :: Modularity - Decompose An Application In Views?

Nov 21, 2011

What are the criteria for decomposing a Flex applicaiton to views? I find quite difficult to apply the Single Responsibility Principle in this context.I've come to the following conclusions through my experience:More monolithic approach(e.g. one view per tab, lots of panels in the same tab)Very easy communication between components as only one Presentation Model is used Cannot use multiple States, only on the top level component.More modular approach (e.g. one view per panel)(the opposite to the monolithic one)

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AS3 :: Flex - Inherited Classes And Dynamic Views In PureMVC

Jul 14, 2009

I was wondering best practices for views of inherited classes in PureMVC in this situation: Multiple classes inherit a BaseClass (lets say InheritedClass1 and InheritedClass2) Each InheritedClass has a respective view (derived from a base view class, but each unique) With a given dataset (lets say ArrayCollection of InheritedClass1/2 Objects), the respective views need to be dynamically loaded. The dataset is relatively large, so a TileList would be nice (since it only instantiates objects which are currently displayed) I can think of a couple solutions, but I find them to be too "hackish" to be the best solution:

In View: Repeater over a BaseClassView which attributes a view to a State (set to the "InheritedClass1" state to add a InheritedClass1 object) Pros: No unneeded memory increase (States' objects are instantiated when needed) Cons: View is dependent on the data types, so adds coupling In Mediator: Loop over the ArrayCollection and addChild() the views based on data type Pros: Works. Cons: Mediator is adding things to the View, which defeats the point of the separation of Mediator and View. Slower than a Repeater.

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Flex :: Single Model - Multiple Filtered Views

May 17, 2010

I have data model (dataProvider as ArrayCollection) i want to display in few views , each view should show filtered data. As you probably know, filterFunction is property of ArrayCollection,so I can't use this solution (unless creating new instance of ArrayCollection for each view on top original and impementing filterFunction).

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Flash :: HTTP Streaming For Less Than 1000 Daily Views?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to use http streaming (ie. partial download) to serve some videos (medium to HD quality) to public.Idea is to have videos on server and offer some web page with embedded video player for user to watch selected video.Planned capacity is about 250 to 1000 daily views, with low concurrency requirement (ie. not many users in parallel watching video)I am thinking of complete solution like FLVPlayer or flowplayer to support this.What bothers me are network bandwidth requirements (what is minimum kbps) mainly, and this video player performance when in "heavy" use.For "heavy use" I consider adding possibility to stream many separate video files that I will add in back-end (via XML file or similar) and don't have experience with these players.

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Flash :: Flex - Builder - 4 - Using MXML As Views - Any References?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm looking to create a flashBuilder document which uses seperate MXML files as "views" which are controlled by states - I believe it's a design pattern of sorts but I'm relatively new to FlashBuilder. I was wondering if anyone knew what design pattern it was and if I can be pointed in the direction of some good references! FYI I'm looking into using FlashBuilder to design Android apps

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Flex :: Data - Pass Multiple Strings Between Views?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a list of txt files and when one is selected it is read and assigned to a string variable. this string is then pushed to a view : pushView(viewer, string), where the string is displayed in a textarea. I want to also pass the relative path of the file also. Is this possible to pass two strings?


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Flash :: PureMVC Mediators And Views - Creation And Control?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm making an app with flash AS3 and puremvc, the way to correctly handle view mediators is sort of throwing me a little...I have 3 or 4 distinct views, each governed by it's own mediator.Each view is only displayed on its own - ie. when 1 is visible/on stage - the others are invisible/removed from stage (over simplified, but I guess could be thought of as seperate pages, viewed one at a time, a nav bar allows a user to change views when they like)

At first each view mediator I had creating and added to stage it's own view component, and as such, when it was 'turn' to show or hide that view, it was simple - addChild and removeChild for it's view component.However, I read over at that it's not good practice to

a. pass round the stage (which was the viewComponent for each mediator in my case - where each view was added to - eg. viewComponent.addChild(foo)

b. create its own view - which allowed me to add and remove it in the first place.

So I changed to the recommended way - when I create each mediator, what I pass in is the view component it governs (rather than the stage/main doc class eg.

var view:MyView = new MyView();
facade.registerMediator( new MyViewMediator( view ) );

with that the case - I have no idea how I would go about removing/adding each view when needed.I could easily enough set the visibility from within each mediator, but I sort of wanted to avoid doing that - prefer removing when not in use for resource I am 'meant' to go about this (as in, when a view is no longer needed on stage, remove it - temporarily, and add it later on when it is needed?)

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Actionscript 3 :: Switching Views Creating Memory Leak?

Oct 28, 2011

I have been switching views with navigator.pushView over and over again but it seems to continually take up more memory.

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Flex :: MXML Views - Passing Dependencies Into Constructor Of Classes

Oct 6, 2009

I'm used to building applications using pure AS3. I always pass dependencies into the constructor of classes I make, but this method seems to not work out well for Flex MXML views. It seems like I should define setters on the MXML class, which map to attributes in the tag/class instantiation. But using this method I cannot specify which properties are required and in what order I expect them etc. What is the preferred method to give a Flex view it's dependencies?

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