Actionscript 3 :: Add A Needle Or Arrow From The Center Of Pie Chart?

Jul 27, 2010

here is the pie chart from center of that i need to draw or place needle sort of thing how to do it

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert .mp4 To .flv With Center Screen Play Arrow?

Dec 12, 2011

This has to be simple to do, but I can't find instruction to do it. My .mp4 file is 480x270 pixel, and the clip is about 12 seconds long.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Pie Chart - Drawing From Center To Circumference

Jan 31, 2011

I am having a problem creating a slice of a pie chart.
- The slices are accurate up to 90 deg,.
- I can't get both sides of the triangle to draw from the centre to the circumference.

//Input value = 10% of 100
var value1:Number = 10;
//Convert to decimal
var persent:Number = value1/100;
var deg:Number = persent*360;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Speedometer - Needle Movement Min / Max On Dial

Jun 21, 2004

I am currently trying to create a type of speedometer thing which reacts via various buttons on the screen. I done a simple script for the needle to move so many degrees left or right but this simple script doesn't stop the needle from continuing to go to far left or right (min/max on dial). Is there a way of stopping the needle once it has reached say 10 degrees and 120 degrees?

My script is:
bad_btn.onPress = function (){
needle_mc._rotation +=16;
} good_btn.onPress = function (){
needle_mc._rotation -=16;

Bad and good buttons determine the left and right. I am also interested in whether once the needle has reached it max point this would trigger of another function etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Develop Chart In Flash (eg. Bar Chart, Pie Chart)?

Mar 2, 2011

Is it possible to develop chart in flash (eg. bar chart, pie chart)?

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Flex :: Prevent A Default Chart Item Roll Over Highlight In A Spark Column Chart?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm trying to prevent a default chart item roll over highlight in a Spark column chart.If you look at any of the chart examples on this page , when you roll over any of the chart series items, they turn a darkened shade of their original colour. This is what I want to prevent.

So far I have had no luck with using the itemRollOverColor property, as this only allows you to set it to one specific colour for the whole chart (my app has several different coloured series on the chart at once). Also, trying to leverage the itemRollOver event (with preventDefault() etc) hasn't worked either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Animated Bar Chart Or Line Chart Type Of Component In Flash Programmatically?

Sep 14, 2009

How can I Create an animated Bar Chart or Line Chart type of component in flash programmatically, which should depends upon an incoming XML data, the chart should have the basic criteria like, Chart Label, Item Tooltips, background grids (without using any image). There also needs an ability to change the data which should reflect the chart as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling And Get The Center Window To Stay In The Center Of The Web Browser Screen

Aug 15, 2009

I have a center window and a background in my flash file. I am trying to get the center window to stay in the center of the web browser screen and get the background to expand and fill the entire web browser screen below center window layer. Sort of like this site [URL] I've currently converted the background to a movie clip and have this code.


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Keep Center Of The Movie In The Center Of The Scree Regardless Of Browser Size?

Mar 23, 2009

My flash movie is 1440x900 but the area where all the important stuff happens in within 1024x768, i am trying to keep the middle in the center regardless of browers size or aspect ratio.

I can center the page but it doesn't work as i need it to. If the browers is small (1024x768) the swf is justified against the left edge, but not keeping the middle in the middle of the brower.

[URL] is an example of exactly what i am trying to achieve.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go Back With The Back Arrow But Can't Go Forward With The Forward Arrow

Mar 5, 2011

I have been working on a tutorial in Flash on the topic of Flash () for two days, and I am just finishing up on a template. I have fixed five bugs, but I cannot think of how to fix this last one. I'd rather actually fix the problem this time, instead of improvising . So, here is what is going on:

I have this thing at the end where you have to enter in the code that I taught the viewer to proceed, then hit the continue button to finish the tutorial. But for some reason, whenever I try to go back with the back arrow, it does, but then I can't go forward with the forward arrow until I reach the first frame that contains actual tutorial ("page" 2). Then it works again. It seems really random, but there is [obviously] a good explanation for it. I thought it might have something to do with the fact that all of the arrows up to the "test" part, excluding the back arrow there, have the exact same instance name. However, "page" 2 is the 2nd time it is used (introduction, then the "page" 2, then 3, 4, 5, and 6, then the test part thing), so it makes less sense that it would work the 2nd time, but not the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth. And I know there's nothing wrong with the code itself:


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CS3 Arrow Movements In Flash CS4

Sep 13, 2009

It lets you move a Cube, with the arrow keys on the keyboard. This is the code.

function hearKey(yourEvent:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (yourEvent.keyCode==Keyboard.RIGHT){


I keep pressing the down key down and also press the left key down...

now it moves left...(not so good, i want it to move both left and down, how do i do that?)

now i release the left key but am still on the down key....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get The Fox - By Using The Arrow Keys?

Jul 14, 2009

The objective is to get the fox - by using the arrow keys - to move around on the stage and when he touches a duck the duck should disappear of the stage. The duck has a motion tween on it, to make it fly.Also if the fox touches one of the traps he should make a sound - using the redfox.wav sound  in the library and disappear off the stage.I have this code on the actionscript timeline //Program to generate a set number of traps

//Declaring Variables var numOfTraps:Number; var movieWidth:Number; var movieHeight:Number; var counter:Number; //setting variables values for traps numOfTraps = 6 movieWidth = Stage.width; movieHeight = Stage.height; //Program to generate a set number of traps //Declaring Variables     for (counter = 7; counter <= 13; counter++){ //Place 6 traps on the stage [code]....

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Flash :: Speed Of An Arrow

Jan 8, 2012

I'm trying to program an arrow flying in the air, but the speed doesn't look well. But now the arrow moves very slow, here's a sample. (I know the arrow and the trajectory doesn't match 100%, it's just a sample.)


And now it looks good, but can someone tell me why I need to do this while in physics it normally would fly 15 times too fast?

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Next And Previous Arrow In Explorer And Fir

Apr 11, 2009

I made a full homepage which is working perfect in flash cs3, using as3, i upload it, and start navigating on the homepage, it still worked perfect, but the moment i wanted to go back to the previous page with the arrows in the top left corner of either explorer or firefox it jumped all the way back to my google startpage, what can be done about this, so visitors doesn´t have to log on to the homepage every time the click the arrows in explorer or firefox?In another forum someone recomended me to split up the pages and upload them seperately which i did but, the problem is that even though i organize my subdomains it doesn´t work it says that the link is broken.The link to the homepage is URL...Click on the spanish flag and you will see what i meen by not bieng able to use to arrows, and if you click on the brittish flag you will see what i meen but the link is broken, on which i used the actionscript 3 and the following text:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC With Following Arrow On (press) {?

Mar 19, 2004

I have 3 movie clips lined up as buttons. When you rollover one, the others fade out to an alpha of 20. I also added an arrow that is called when I click on a mc to align it self to the top center of the mc. When I added the arrow I lost my fading. Somewhere in the actions is messing this up.Here is a fla file. I am using Flash MX actionscriptI also have Flash MX 2004 but I dont like it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bow And Arrow-BalloonPop?

Dec 12, 2010

i have created a movie clip which are composed of balloon, archer,bow and arrow. but the main problem is when i clicked the mouse the arrow start to shows up but it does not move vertically, in short it does not shoot upward.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Arrow Point To The Mouse?

Apr 6, 2009

This is a fairly simple problem, yet I can't make it work. I have an arrow-shaped mc, and I want it to rotate, constantly, so it points at the mouse.

this is what i do every frame:vectorArrow.rotation = Math2.radsToDegs(Math.atan(-(root.mouseY - y)/ (root.mouseX - x) ) );

what happens is that it rotates strangely. It doesnt rotate fully, let alone point to the mouse. I've also tried someone elses code:


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MC Move With Arrow Keys Within Boundry

Mar 31, 2010

I have a file set up with a movie clip moving from side to side by itself and when it reaches the end of the stage it goes back in the opposite direction.[code]I know want to control the movie clips movement with arrow keys, just left and right so that it would stop when it reaches the edge and will only let me move it the opposite direction.I guess I'm just trying to set up a sort of template.

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Arrow Keys Goto Next Frame

Apr 29, 2011

I have been using powerpoint all long for my presentations, but I'd like to move on with Flash. My question is therefore as follows: How do I use the arrow keys to go to the next frame and optionally, the left key to go to the previous frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Where Character Jumps Up With Arrow Key

Feb 9, 2012

I need to know how to make it where my character jumps up with the arrow key, I need my character to make a sound, How do I do that?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Broken Arrow (Down And Right) Keys?

Jul 29, 2009

For some reason, the down and right keys aren't working. They work fine in other programs but in this program they fail.
paddle_ybase = paddle._yscale;paddleSpeed = 0;
onEnterFrame = function(){
if(Key.isDown(Key.UP)){paddleA._y -= 1;}if(Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)){paddeA._y += 1;}
if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){paddleA._x -= 1;}if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){paddeA._x += 1;}
steam(7);paddle._rotation = paddleSpeed;
} function steam(num){for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Animate Recycle Arrow?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to do a rather complicated mask in flash and can't quite get it right. I have a logo with three arrows on it. The arrows travel in water droplet pattern. Between the arrow heads is a small white space. I need to build this as a mask because the color of the arrows has a gradiation from light blue to dark blue.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movement With Arrow Keys

Apr 21, 2011

When I first put this code in, it worked.Now it doesn't Does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix it?[code]

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Arrow Up / Down Default Behaviour In A TextField

Jun 19, 2009

I am making a input field for keywords, and while the users writing I'm displaying suggestions for keyword on a list underneath the caret position.The input field is single line, so I am using the arrow up/down key to select a suggestion and Enter to insert it.And it's mostly working, with the big exception that the up/down key also changes the caret position to the begining/ending of the TextField.

I've tried using preventDefault() and stopImmediatePropagation() in the KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event listener that I also use to change the selected suggestion, but that does not change anything.I checked the carret has not yet moved when KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event is fired, bu visually I can see that it is being move before key is released (key up).

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Flex :: Disable Textfield Up Arrow?

Jun 15, 2009

The default behavior for textfield, when up arrow is pressed is, the cursor goes to the beginning or first character. I would like to disable this and add custom behavior when up arrow is pressed. I am able to add the custom behavior but I am not able to stop the default behavior.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Left & Right Arrow Navigation?

Apr 3, 2008

I'm not at all used to working with actionscript but sometime back in time I made a flash demo where I managed to map my left & right arrow keys to navigate to the frames of my choice.

To be able to navigate to specific frames in the timeline by pressing either Left arrow or Right arrow key.

This is the code Im trying to use

} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation With Arrow Keys?

Jun 29, 2010

im trying to make a navigation menu thats out of 5 buttons to go through them with arrow keys, right and left, figured i could do it with an array, but cant seem to work that out

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove The Last Element In A Arrow?

Aug 19, 2010

How do I remove the last element in a arrow?

I have an arrow called lagers.

When I press a button I want the last element in the arrow to be removed.

I heve tried this code, but I cant figure it out.


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