Actionscript 3 :: Find Out Object Item Names / Sub-objects

Jun 2, 2011

let's say you're passing an object to a function {title:"my title", data:"corresponding data"} how can I get the function to know what the names of the items/sub-objects are (title and data) without specifying them?

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contains = function (input, arrayData) {
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for( i =0; i < numbers_array.length; i++){


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<mi id="1" stuff="whatever"/>


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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How can I make an object that would look like:

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Feb 2, 2010

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Here's my goal:

I want to randomly color transition (using Tint) every country from white to red over 20 seconds.

Here's my issue:

Is there a way to do this without having to give each movieclip an instance name, creating an array and randomizing the array. Is there a simple loop I could create that color transitions every movieclip object inside map_mc?

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Putting Objects (Instance Names) Into Array In Flash CS4

Sep 15, 2009

I worked again on a new Project and stumbled while trying Arrays. I have two cubes(cube_mc, cube2_mc) in my scene.

My code:
var gy:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = .2
var moving:Array = new Array(cube_mc, cube2_mc);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gravityFUNC);
function gravityFUNC(event:Event):void{

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I have two cubes(cube_mc, cube2_mc) in my scene.

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Code:var gy:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = .2
var moving:Array = new Array(cube_mc, cube2_mc);


I was trying to put both cubes into the array,
and then affecting the whole Array with gravity.
When I test it nothing happens, and it shows no errors.

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Jan 19, 2009

I am trying to create a new "BitmapData" object via a variable name. The following code is an example of what I am trying to do, but of course it doesn't work.
import flash.display.*;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("bmp1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var BitmapNAME = "bmpData1"
var BitmapNAME:BitmapData = new BitmapData(200, 200, false, 0xaa3344);
bmp1.attachBitmap(bmpData1, 2, "auto", true);

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Sep 13, 2009

I want to create object instances based on user input but I can't figure out how to get a unique variable name for each instance (I want to be able to get at and manipulate them later). In other languages I would usually just use an eval() function to pull this off.


Code: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property charlie through a reference with static type poundConuter. poundConuter.mxml

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Copy Dragged-n-dropped Objects' Names Together

Nov 21, 2010

I'd like to create an ability to drag-n-drop ~10 max. objects onto target and to get a list or a line of names 'associated' with them, separated by commas or smth. Then, to be able to copy that list into clipboard.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Assign Instance Names To Xml Created Objects?

May 21, 2009

how to control dynamically created clips... What I've got is a series of objects on the stage, that have been created using an external xml file. here's the code for this...

Code: Select allfor each (var MenuItem:XML in myXML..MenuItem) {

code for setting the clips on the stage, positioning them, etc, } But what that doesn't do is give each clip an individual instance name, so I've no way of controlling them on the stage? I presume I need to create a variable and then loop through the MenuItem xml assigning a unique instance as it goes through it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Referencing Objects Names In Loop

Jul 12, 2009

The problem is referencing object names dynamically in AS3, in a loop. Example. I have an array called c4 which i would like to reference like this:

I have a number
var x:Number = 4

How can I do something like
(I know this is wrong!)

Same with other objects
E.g. Movieclip called mc4
["mc"+x].x = 100;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listing Objects And Their Instance Names (of Closed Source SWF)?

Mar 13, 2011

I have an API for a flash player that I want to use, but it is closed source. I know I could try a decompiler but I need to see what it loads and what it's doing at runtime.I'd like to see the objects (and all their info) that it loads and has on stage along with thier instance names. I'd like to see what this SWF has/does so I can write my AS3 code accordingly... maybe add some additional event listeners.Is there any was to go about doing this? I know there's some AS3 commands to get this information but I dont know what they are.

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Flex :: 3: Using Array Item Value As An Objects Name

Aug 19, 2011

If I have a list of items in an array that represent the names of modules:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Name Of All Objects?

Oct 5, 2010

what is a command to find out number of objects in a movieClip and

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Objects - Removing The Item From The 3D Space

Dec 10, 2008

I've created a navigation system using Flash 3D functionality. It consists of a MovieClip with a rounded rectangle + a text with no-antialias bitmap font. I'm using Tweener to modify the z co-ordinates of the mc to make it "slide onto" the stage. However when the mc is completed animating it is notably blurry (the text at least). I was wondering if it might just be because it's in 3D-space the perspective (which hasn't been modified) is throwing the rendering off. So onComplete of the animation I try assigning null to the z-value in hopes of removing the item from the 3D space. I've attached the package code I'm using to create and animate the navigation feature.

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