Actionscript 3 :: OnPeerConnect Method Using Adobe Cirrus Does Not Get Triggered?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a NetGroup established using Adobe Cirrus. All clients can connect fine and see each other, since I receive NetGroup.Neighbor. Connect and NetGroup.MulticastStream.PublishNotify events when a new stream is being published.However, if a user subscribes to a published stream, the publisher does not receive a notification (no NetStatusEvent and no callback to the onPeerConnect method). The subscriber receives the stream without problems, though.All other questions about the non working onPeerConnect method were related to NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS, but in my case, I am using a NetGroup.

What is wrong here? Only the relevant parts, a few things have been stripped (e.g. connect the netGroup only when the NetConnection has been established etc.)

var groupSpecifier:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier("group");
groupSpecifier.multicastEnabled = true;
groupSpecifier.postingEnabled = true;[code].....

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Flex :: What Hinders NetStream.onPeerConnect From Being Triggered

Dec 2, 2010

I'm using Adobe Stratus (now renamed to Cirrus) to build a p2p application. Inside the application, I used NetStream.onPeerConnect callback function and expected it to be triggered every time when a peer is connected. However, it always failed with my friend A while strangely friend B managed to have the function called without any problem.

Here are how the code pieces look like.First of all, create a NetConnection.

netConnection = new NetConnection();
netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netConnectionHandler);

Secondly, create NetStream upon NetConnection successfully connected.

private function netConnectionHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void{

switch ({
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
sendStream = new NetStream(netConnection, NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS);


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Flash :: OnPeerConnect Not Working Properly With Adobe ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Only RTMFP For Random Matching (Adobe Cirrus)

Mar 8, 2012

I'm trying to come up with the best way to do some random match making in a simple game.While experimenting with netStreams using Adobe Cirrus, I can easily set up direct connections, send data, text, video, sound all using Cirrus which is great. I find it pretty easy to get a simple P2P connection going, and it works just like i need it to.But I really want to implement a random matchmaking feature using ONLY cirrus so everything is though p2p...How would I go about grabbing a random peer in the same group...that's not in a direct connection with someone else already?

-I was thinking maybe I could use object replication...and when someone connects to the GroupSpecifier, I could then push another object into this shared array that has the local peerID and their status. then i could just alter the array when theyre in a game. But then im worried there is no guarantee that their entry will get removed if the person just closes the web window.

-I also thought about just doing a "post" to the group containing the nearID, and other peers can get the post...and those that aren't in a game will try and direct connect back. Then that side will then connect to them. so then theyll both be in direct connections with each other. But then i feel like if potentially 100s of people that are "available"...get the post...then they all try and connect to one person, then it could cause problems.

-Also, I thought about just doing sendToNearest...but wouldnt that not be the best way to match people...because you can only have so many neighbors i think... if there were 1000 people in the group. youll only be able to connect to a few peers actually considered your neighbor right? Then basically you could end up just matching up with the same 5-10 people or however are technically considered a neighbor.

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Jun 17, 2011

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Has anyone successfully implemented a one to one messaging strategy (not one to many), which can still message between non-connected peers - (Directed Routing) or solved this problem successfully?

I am considering various workarounds, but I am quite perplexed that these NetGroup methods: sendToNearest, sendToNeighbour & sendToAllNeighbours just seem to fail, for no apparent reason.

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Feb 3, 2011

Error #2030: End of file was encountered.

This method is not working

I am using it like this

var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba = bmd.getPixels(bmd.rect);
bmd.setPixels(srcRect, ba);
bm.bitmapData = bmd;
img.source = bm;

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File Read

var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var localFilePath:String = "/Videos/sample.txt";
var uploadedFile:File = new File(localFilePath);


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[Event(name="modelEvent", type="")]
public class LoginModel extends EventDispatcher
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AS3 :: NetStatusEvent Events Not Triggered?

Aug 19, 2010

NetStatusEvent has only one type of event: NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS; but it comes with many codes for various cases.

Here they are, listed.

However, a lot of them are not triggered for me. I know some are FMS specific but I'm talking about "NetStream.Play.Stop", "NetStream.Pause.Notify" or "NetStream.Unpause.Notify".

Is there a case when they shouldn't be triggered, even though I'm calling NetStream's control functions (which take effect), or a known issue around this matter?

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{.....} but if I use listenerObject, function inside another function is not triggered.


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IDE :: Event.Complete Not Triggered?

Nov 9, 2009

my completeHandlerI would like it to be triggered when the progress bar is complete.

// uploader script
var URLrequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://mysite.php");
// image types


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Jan 26, 2009

I am trying to extract the last part (after the last .) of what trace( shows, but when i try to use the code bellow to do it i get some of the info i get for the traces EventOb=_level0.RightSide.instance435.Ath (or whatever it is that triggered the event) Legth=Undefined

i get Undefined for all the string commands i have tied

example for with
i want to get just Ath


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Mc Disappear When Next Mc Is Triggered

Oct 5, 2010

I have a project that has 6 movie clips across the stage that are triggered by mouse click. The trouble I'm having is getting them each to dissapear when the next movie clip is triggered. You can click out w/ an "x" box but I want them to dissapear when the next mc is triggered also.

var mc:handfade;
hand_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handPage);
function handPage(e:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear OnClipEvent Once Triggered?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a file where user chooses xy cordinates which display in text box.... which is workin, but I want to have it only appear inside a box area? ie choose once only inside box area - once outside i want the mouse to behave as normal (no new pointer no xy tracking) not sure what if statement would work ?

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
duplicateMovieClip("../cue", "cue" add n, n);
setProperty("../cue" add n, _x, getProperty("_level0",_xmouse));


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GetURL Is Triggered When Animation Loops

Jan 10, 2011

I created a simple animation that needs to have a button on one segment of the animation. I created a button with a action of getURL in AS3, the problem I am having is that every time the animation loops from the first frame it triggers the button and the new page I requested pops up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event.DEACTIVATE Not Triggered?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm looking for an event that tells me when the browser is refreshed, or better to say, when my flash app exits. So I tried
stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, onDeactivate);
but its only triggered when closing the debug window and not on refreshing or closing the browser.

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Mar 13, 2012

I created a button that looks up the coordinates of the device. There is no errors in the code but for some reason which is eluding me, the event is not being triggered.

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protected function lblCheckIn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (Geolocation.isSupported)


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Jun 25, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
home.buttonMode = true;
function onOver (e:MouseEvent):void {


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Jun 4, 2006

What I am wanting to do is move multiple MCs when a MC (acting as a button) is released, the following is the code that i have tried but it doesn't want to work:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;[code]...........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Effect Triggered Whenever A Button Needs To Appear

Feb 11, 2007

I'm a beginner in AS and is trying to build my website entirely on AS2.0. Here's an effect ( I call it "appear effect" ) I wanna create with the tween class:


I would like to have this effect triggered whenever a button needs to appear. In total, I have about 10 btns. I believe I have to store it inside a function. Tat's all I know, can someone pls kindly guide me thru this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External SWF When Even Is Triggered?

Mar 3, 2008

Im going to repost this question but simplify it, I read this post afterwards and it even confused me... have 3 movie clips that are being used like a button, they appear in the middle of the screen, when clicked on the 3 movies move to the left of the screen.the top movie clip is at x: 30 y: 180the middle movie clip is at x: 30 y:345the bottom clip is at x: 30 y: 510if you click on the middle clip, it moves to the postion of the top clip,the top click then movies to the bottom, and the bottom moves to the middleif you click on the bottom clip, it moves to the top, the middle clip moves to the bottom, and the top clip moves to the middle.basicly the 3 clips cycle positions, depending on what clip the user clicks on, the button that was clicked on moves to the top.THE PROBLEM....I want to load an external movie clip. I want the clip to load when the the movie clip that the user cliced on moves to the top postion x: 30 y: 180,

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