Actionscript :: Flex Event.ID3 Dispatches Twice

Nov 28, 2009

Why does this code

mySound.addEventListener(Event.ID3, myID3Handler);

cause the myID3Handler to run twice ?!

I also notice that values provided to the handler are not the same, actually the second being the correct one.

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[Code] .....

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In component.

icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, iconClickHandler);
private function iconClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


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Scenario: I have a built-in component DropDownList on change of which I want to create a custom event refreshPreview and want to propagate it to a custom component PictureComponent.

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[Event(name="refreshPreview", type="")]

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<s:Group id="contentGroup">
<s:Group id="formGroup">
<s:Form x="11"


I am seeing that the refreshPreview event is not getting propagated to the custom component.

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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert events::MapEvent@a74ab51 to
dispatchEvent(new MapEvent(MapEvent.CLICKED_ON_MAP));

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Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to

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This is my custome event

package events


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Edit: Added whole stuff here.

<!-- AttributeMapping.mxml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:fx=""


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Mar 4, 2010

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class Foo {
[Bindable] public var property: String;

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overriding clone() while creating custom events?I read in the Flex cookbook that we need just in case we want to redispatch this event. Does this exactly means that when we want event to be bubbled up the display hierarchy , at that time our custom cloned event should be dispatched and not the Event object.

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[Event(name="modelEvent", type="")]
public class LoginModel extends EventDispatcher
I understand we need to extend EventDispatcher in case we want to dispatch evnet from class.. but In what cases i would need to specify the MetaData TAg

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What I really want to do is have a global event bus for it. Are there any specific libraries, already existing for such a process. Also, I would be using MVC, so it should also take care between events form the model to the view and vice-a-versa.

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Flex :: Get Preloader Event In Flex?

Dec 26, 2010

I know that preloader is the first piece downloaded and it will load the large part of the swf. I want to know the progress of the large part downloading, and for simplicity I don't need UI to display the percentage, the data will be passed to HTML, HTML will handle the UI.

Is there any easy way to get the preloader event in flex? Without adding a lot of code in flex?

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Flex :: Add A Datagrid Row On Key Down Event?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a datagrid with one row intially. When I click on the first row, i.e on key down event, I want another row to be added. Earlier I had a button, on clicking which I added the row. But now I want the row to be added automatically once I click the first row. How to do that?

I added keydown event to the datagrid, but it threw some error.

Can someone help me? I have given my code here. I have a text box and a button in the task component. When I click the text box in the task component, I want the addTaskRow function to be called..


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Flex :: Air - Event Will Only Fire Once

Oct 12, 2009

In an AIR application, I have a private variable and a setter:


The first time that I set "saveResult" the event fires. But it will never fire again unless I restart the application. If I change the setter to:


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Why we need to use event Propagation?

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Event Bubbling In Flex?

Jul 3, 2010

What is event bubbling in Flex?

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Oct 27, 2010

Actually I wanted to know what is bubbling event and how to make use of it. Also, what is the concept of capturing, targeting and bubbling too?

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Jan 31, 2011

I would like to know if it's possible to add some jobs on the onload of my air app, what I mean is: I have an eventHandler which get the event "FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE" but this event it`s dispatched after the progress bar ends, I would like to know if there is some event that I can handler and add my jobs there?!?

Or the only way to do this, it's doing a custom preloader??, like the link bellow:

Custom Preloader in Flex 4?

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Flex :: Flash Resizing Event

Jun 23, 2009

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