:: Flash Multi-file Uploaders?

Sep 22, 2011

I am considering using the MultiPowUpload control from element-it on a project, as well as perhaps on a second. Does anyone have any feedback on that particular control? Does it actually work as advertised, handle errors well, etc?Multi-select of files (from a single 'browse' click, not multi-textbox)Progress bar (client requirement)ueue for upload (it's ok if it can only upload immediately)
Feedback from server - custom error messages (permissions,etc)Pass the session ID automatically, but I can use a URL hack for the upload page too Be able to remove files from the queue Support large files (~50MB, really up to 300mb would be perfect) Accessible/usable JS api
Can change the view style a little bit at least! Localizable - we need english, chinese, italian, and possible a few others Resume incomplete transfers (eg, connection dropped, so on, not required, but ++)I've been working with all of these below, and gotten most of them working in demo pages, finding issues as I go along.


PL UPLOAD WON - for now! If we get complaints, or find it doesn't work in our real life scenarios, then we'll consider switching to MultiPowUpload. But it is good enough, and we can write some JS to do a few of the missing things. With chunking I had no problems with 300mb uploads. Yay.

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TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
at MethodInfo-8()

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.as file

package package1
public class page


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Automating Multi-file Flash Using XML File "run List"

May 2, 2011

I've created a multi-file interactive Flash "demo" for a client. It's very much like a website (though he's not using it as a website) in the way that it is laid out in that there is a main index page which can then direct you to different product categories, which you can click on to see. Each "page" contains product (or product category) information, photos, block diagrams, etc. There is nothing animated in the Flash.
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var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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var mcLoader:Loader = new

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[Embed(source = '../lib/lvl1front.txt', mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import Src.smoothAnimate;


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1151: A conflict exists with definition box_is in namespace internal.

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Apr 15, 2012

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Emailer registers an event listener for a frame change ( addEventListener("frame 2", onFrameChange) )On the 2nd frame of the MovieClip I am calling dispatchEvent(new Event("frame 2")); (I would prefer to not have this code on the frame, but I don't know what else to do)

My two complaints with this method are that, first I have calls to addEventListener spread out across different class methods (I would rather have all UI event listeners registered in one method), and second that I have to dispatch those custom "onFrameChange" events. The second complaint grows exponentially for MovieClips that have more than just 2 frames.

My so called solution feels makes me feel dirty and makes my brain hurt. I am looking for any advice on what to do differently. Perhaps there's a design pattern I should be looking at? Should I swallow my pride and write timeline code even though the rest of my application is written in class files (and I abhor the Flash IDE code editor)?

I absolutely LOVE the event system, and have no problem coding applications with it, but I feel like I'm stuck thinking in terms of AS2 when working with mutl-frame movieclips and code.

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Jul 16, 2011

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i make good Online Mulit Drawing example for you herethere is a Socket Server that i made, and swf to.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Multi-dimensional Array Search?

Dec 28, 2010

i do have problem with searching through my multi-dimensional Array to insert newly value to currently existing's the scenario...what I have now....

var someArr:Array = new Array(["apple"],["orange"],["watermelon"]);

so what I wanna do is I able to search the desire valeu 1st and append to existing value eg;

word search = apple

match and I can append new value to this particulars array and my expecting result

new array after append new value

var someArr:Array = new Array(["apple","expensive"],["orange"],["watermelon"]);

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CS3 : Flash Multi Flv Player With Dock Menu From Streaming Server?

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to create a menu, similar to a dock menu but that just magnifies the images when rolled over (rather than overly crazy carosels or massively zooming docks. and secondly...the dock menu would link to separate flvs that are on a streaming server. I've never worked with one before and wonder how to connect them to my flash. I'm trying to create an flv player, sorry, shouldve said earlier... but one that only plays 6 vids (linked to by the magnifying dock menu).

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Mar 25, 2011

I if create a sprite, and that sprite contains numerous child sprites (which themselves also contain child sprites), do I need to worry about garbage-collecting everything, or just the parent sprite? What if the child or grandchild sprites have listeners attached?

For example, let's say I have a class (a subclass of a Sprite) that creates a screen in an application.That screen contains numerous Sprites for all of the UI affordances on the screen (e.g., buttons, drop-down menus, textfields, etc.) Many of those sprites have event listeners on them.So, in my application, I have this:

var myscreen:MyScreenClass = new MyScreenClass();

Later, when the user is done with that screen, I remove it:

myscreen = null;

Is that all I need to do? Or, do I need to go recursively through myscreen, removing all it's child Sprites and Event Listeners?In other words, if you GC a parent, are all it's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. also GC'ed?(For what it's worth, I'm using weak-references in my event listeners...)

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I'm trying to create a multi-level dungeon adventure in Flash CS4. The layout is an instance created of a symbol called Level, within the symbol are multiple wall subsymbols (wall), instances of Wall. There is a collision routine to stop the player walking through the walls, called from Wall.As.Level is drawn about the centre point (0,0).When I create an instance on the stage of Level (level), the collision tester is using the xy coordinates for the walls drawn about 0,0, not the "real" xy where it's appearing on the stage. So what I need to know, is how to "update" the xy for each wall subsymbol with the live stage information, overriding the XYs drawn in the parent. It has to be updated unfortunately (I can't keep it static), as the levels are big so have to scroll.

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