AttachMovie Not Loading On Correct Level?

May 1, 2010


thumb03.onRelease = function(){
submenu01_holder.attachMovie( "submenu01", "submenu01_new",this.getNextHighestDepth());
getURL("./htm/03.html", "tracker");

So I'm working on a portfolio and I'm trying to load an image with a submenu on top of it that will let you click through a couple different related images. However, right now the submenu keeps loading underneath the image, so the buttons are there and you can see it a split second before the other image loads over the top. I tried manually putting in levels for the image and submenu and no luck.

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note that I specify level 0. However, all the objects in the movieclip are still there. I thought they were supposed to be replaced, since they lie on level 0. Is that supposed to happen?So how can I delete whatever's in this movieclip? I also tried mc.clear() but it doesn't work either.

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var imagesx = new XML();
imagesx.ignoreWhite = true;
imagesx.onLoad = function (success)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: AttachMovie Is Not Loading Variables?

Jan 20, 2011

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_root.contenedorPop.attachMovie("popup", "popnoticia", this.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.popnoticia.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.noticiaTitulo.text = "textoooo";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: AttachMovie Bug - If Click One Of The 2 Loading Buttons Twice?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AttachMovie - Loading MovieClip When Button Pressed

Apr 11, 2008

Adobe Flash CS3
publishing as Flash 8, AS 2.0
I have a movieclip named menu (instance name = mainmenu). Inside of that there is a button named btn_about (instance name = about). On the main stage there is an empty movieclip named empty_mc (instance name = mcholder, linkage id = empty). I want a user to press the button which causes a movieclip in the library named tesst (Linkage name = testid) to load into the empty movieclip (mc_holder).

Here is the code on the button:
on (release) {
this._parent.mcholder.attachMovie("testid", "tesst1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
It does not work.

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Top level = main.swf bottom level = pagexx.swf (xx = 1,2,3,etc)

Problem: When loading another swf from the main.swf into main.swf, it works fine. But now I have a problem of loading page2.swf from page1.swf which is now opened in main.swf. I've tried using loadmovienum but they overlap each other instead of page1.swf disappearing. Hope I explained the situation well enough. Here's the script from main.swf used to load page5.swf (where all the 5 = page5).

on(rollOver) {
if(<>5) {


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ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;


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How do I get the jpg to line up correctly?

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// Time value, in milliseconds, after which, failing any mouse movement, an action is to occur.
numMouseTimeoutMS = 30000;
// Define what is to happen should the mouse be moved.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movie Into Level?

Nov 5, 2002

I am loading a swf into a level, but need to use actionscript to manipulate its location in the root movie. This is my code:

stop ();
loadMovieNum ("logo_sm.swf", 1);
_level1._x = 300;
// whatever you want for upperleft x
_level1._y = 300;
// whatever you want for upperleft y

yet the loaded swf continues to load in its native position, rather than at any coordinate which I specify. It is riding in the upper left hand corner, even tho here I am indicating a much different position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A Sound In A Level Other Then Level0

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Jan 15, 2009

I am using levels for this project to allow transparency transitions between swf files as they load. I created two variables:levelvar=5;removevar=(levelvar - 2)The external swf files load into _level0.levelvar and removevar prevent the root file from unloading. All is well except on one button I want it to load the swf at a particular frame. I tried this:

button.onRelease = function() {
loadMovieNum("contact.swf", _level0.levelvar);
gotoAndPlay ("_level0.levelvar" 52);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Swf With Preloader At _root Level

Sep 30, 2009

I have a swf file ("myfile.swf") which i want to load using preloader.

I referred many tutorials for preloader but problem is I want to load "myfile.swf" at _root level as I have referenced many movieclips in it as for example _root.mc1.mc2

I tried following but may be i am mistaking somewhere...

1) I used preloader in frame 1 and frame 2 and swf content in frame 3 but the file is so huge that the preloading almost starts at around 69% or so

2) I kept preloader in scene 1 and swf content in scene 2. But i cannot see the preloader or i can see at 98% or 99%

3) I used preloader in "pre.swf" and used loadMovie() to load "myfile.swf" at _root. But as i m loading "myfile.swf" at _root so preloader's code is overwritten and so i m not able to see preloader

My "myfile.swf" is very complicated file and so i cannot change all the movieclips which i have referenced as "_root.mc1.mc2".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Text Onto Another Level?

Jul 19, 2004

I have figured out how to randomly load and fade in poems from text files. Only, after trying to add additional functionality, namely, an index from which visitors may choose a poem to load, I have run into problems. To put it simply, I can't figure out how to modify the code he provided to load text onto lvl0 so far. Here's some sample code I placed on the first button, which is an mc inside an mc (and that mc is placed on the stage, which is a separate swf loaded on an upper level by lvl0):


on (release){
var poem = new LoadVars();
poem.onLoad = function(ok) {


Here's the url for the files [URL] Main.swf is the main site, which provides a button labeled "INDEX". PoemIndex.fla is the source for the swf loaded when the user clicks the INDEX button. "mcButtons" holds all the buttons for each individual poem (wish I didn't have to hard code all of it), and I've also provided "poem1.txt", for testing purposes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading .swfs Into A Movieclip, Same Level?

Nov 24, 2010

My problem is on my stage i have a loader_mc invisible movieclip that i want to load .swfs into using addchild

Problem is, everytime i click on a button that addchild the .swf keeps adding ontop like layers, therefore in my function button i tried to removechild before addchild but i will keep getting error #1009

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at bla_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

I was wondering if anyone can teach me any other better ways how to load movies like in as2, on the same level when the button is clicked, the previous .swf is kicked aside and the new one will load.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movie Diamonds.swf Onto Level

Apr 19, 2004

I have a button that is a few levels down in movie clips. When It is pressed, it is supposed to load diamonds.swf. It does this, but not on the first press. On the first press the _root time line goes to and plays "fade," but doesn't execute the rest of the script.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear A Loaded Swf From A Level Without Loading?

Sep 3, 2004

Is there a way to clear a loaded swf from a level without loading something in its place? I just want to be able to clear out levels that aren't in use anymore.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Depths Of All The Blocks To Be At The Correct Levels At The Correct Times

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Nov 12, 2010

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I want to make a main progress bar, that represents the loading of all the levels, not a progress bar for each level.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Loading Of External Swf Files Into Level 2

Nov 10, 2011

I've got main time line as Main.swf (level 0) and few external swf files: Message_01, Message_02, Message_03 etc.By the end of the main time line there is a key frame with the script (AS2).The script should call randomly one of the external swf and load it to level 2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear A Loaded Swf From Level Without Loading Something In Its Place?

Sep 3, 2004

Is there a way to clear a loaded swf from a level without loading something in its place?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Top Level - Loading Objects In A Paper-vision Gallery Through Xml?

Nov 2, 2009

I am loading objects in a paper-vision gallery through xml. I have a footer with some links in them, but the problem is the XML stuff is being loaded on top, how do I get the links and such to be on top so they are not underneath?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Level Select Screen So The Buttons Unlock Complete A Level?

Apr 22, 2011

im trying to create a level select screen so the buttons unlock as you complete a level, so far i have this on each button:

if(this.number <= currentItem){


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ActionScript 1/2 :: OnLoad Working At _root Level But Not At Mc_target Level?

Aug 26, 2010

I have two layers in my FLA both with empty movie clips as follows:In mc_Empty1, I attach a faded background movieclip as I wait for mc_Empty2 to load a SWF.  Once the SWF is loaded into mc_Empty2, I want to remove the faded background movieclip from mc_Empty1.  When I load the SWF from the main timeline, the onLoad() function works and removes the faded background from mc_Empty1.  However, when I load the SWF from mc_target, the SWF loads, but the onLoad() function does not.  Here's my AS2 code:
//Loading SWF from main timeline
mc_Empty1.attachMovie("mcFadedBg", "mc_FadedBg", 1);
mc_Empty2.loadMovie("My.swf");mc_Empty2.onLoad = function():Void{    trace("loaded"); //This works    removeMovieClip(mc_Empty1.mc_FadedBg); //This works}

I know I'm targeting properly because the SWF loads as it should, but the onLoad() function does not. 

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