Dynamically Controlling Many Instances At Once?
Mar 19, 2011
i am trying to control 30 instances of a movie clip dynamically. the instances are as follows
coming from php i would just set up an associative array like list array('speed'=>array(false,false,true,...),'weapon '=>array(true,false,....and so on I can not for the life of me figure out how to store this information and then use it as a variable name later.my end result should look something like this .. i just don't understand how to do this in as3 .. it seems unnecessarily convoluted.
foreach($upgrades['speed'] as $key => $val)
UpgradeScreen.'speed'.$key.visible = $val);
this would dynamically call
i know the above is incorrect.I want to create this so that it is completely dynamic and the instance names can be feed in dynamically as the array or whatever is being looped.
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var thumb:MovieClip = new ThumbClass();
my probem is that i need to find a way to control them after i created them.
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Jun 25, 2009
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I tried but I kept getting an error...I think I am a little confused as to how to make it work properly.
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Apr 13, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
//take mouse position and invert it
But sometimes during aggressive mouse movement over the menu mc, the mouse position variable goes beyond it's limits (I don't know why, latency error?) by 20-30 px. This makes the menu go way beyond its limits/bounding box and almost completely exits the screen.
I've tried adding mc that registers the movie area, limiting _x axis in the IF statement, but whatever script I make it either: glitches, doesn't move or just goes all over the place.
How can I make the menu mc move only in specified movie area?
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action script in MC "thermometer"=
onEnterFrame = function() {
if ((therm <= 15000) && (therm >= 0)){
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Jun 24, 2003
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goMovie(xMovie, xLevel){
loadMovieNum(xMovie, xLevel);
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var A:Array = new Array();
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TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()
// properties in class ----------
var circle_ary:Array = new Array;
var circ_num:int;//number of circles on the stage.
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TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter hitTestObject must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObject/_hitTest()
at flash.display::DisplayObject/hitTestObject()
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total = 5;
i = 1;
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Apr 20, 2011
i was wondering how to make a grid of squares with loops? also, how do i controle the clips that were dynamically created with the loop. like clip25 only?
total = 5;
i = 1;
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Mar 3, 2004
Im creating a booklet with turning pages, like the one previously posted, so all the content is loaded dynamically.On the right hand page i have text, of which some lines are interactive.On the left page, i have a hidden text box. When the user clicks on a certain line on the right page, the text box on the left page becomes visible, and the relevant txt is loaded into the text box.Now, i can make the text box on the left page invisible by placing _visible = 0; directly into the actionscript pane of the text box.What i cant do is make it visible by clicking on the right page text. Where should i put the code to make the text box visible?Is it as simple as movieClip._visible = 1; ?
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Mar 4, 2005
There is a nav section of just 2 buttons, one for the "previous step," and the other for the "next step."
Just to make it easier (or maybe not...) I've named all instances of my movieclips "mc1" "mc2" etc... And I've created ActionScript that notes what "page" you're on, and using a for loop, makes the movieclip that corresponds to the current page (page #2 >> mc2) visible while at the same time making every other movieclip invisible. I've got all of that working properly.
What I need to fix is... Say you view the first step's movieclip, and you go on to the next step, but then want to go back to the previous step to watch it again... What you'll see is the last stopped frame of that movieclip rather than seeing the entire animation over again.
You'll be able see what it's doing in the code...
// Declare variables
pageNumber = 1;
maxPageNumber = 12;
I know that I can use setProperty to reference something like "mc"+i, but can I do the same thing with play()? Obviously "mc"+i.play(); doesn't work...
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Mar 16, 2010
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MC Frame one.
this._alpha = 0;
but I cannot. How can i set the MC _alpha to 0 for all instances without adding it manually to each instance or setting it in the properties?
edit: or creating a class for it just to set the alpha.
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm trying to name the instances of MovieClips that I dynamically load.
I tried doing this:
comp = new Comp();
// and also tried doing this--> var comp:MovieClip = new Comp();
comp.name = "comp"; // comp is the name I want the instance to be
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Feb 16, 2009
Here is a simple example of what I need to be able to do:I have a movieclip, "main_movie", in the main frame, which has multiple instances inside of it...for example "mc_1", "mc_2", and "mc_3".I am unable to figure out how to dynamically reference them. Please look at the code below and let me know what I'm doing wrong.
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
main_movie.mc_[i]._visible = false;
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Jul 17, 2009
How could you do something like this? [code]...
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Nov 19, 2010
hmm how do I describe what I'm trying to do.. well here it is: In my flash library I have a series of movieclip with names like clip00, clip01, clip02 they are set to export for actionscript as the same name.
Now in my as file I'm importing a xml file that has the names of the clips which to place on the stage. Now if it were just a regular case I would do
I hope I am somewhat clear, please let me know if I can explain further. My project is really complex and I tried simplify it here. Please help or suggest alternative method.
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Jan 2, 2006
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Jan 11, 2008
I'm modifying a flash slideshow (actually the one from kirupa.com) and among other things, I'm trying to get it to generate small LEDs depending on the number of images the script finds in the xml file. I intend to make them light up depending on the image currently up (i.e. image #5 lights up led #5) and allow users to click on the LEDs to jump around between images.
The problem I'm having now is that I can't get the file to generate more than one LED at a time. In fact, it seems to only generate the last LED needed and places it in the final LED position. My only real guess at this point is either I'm not indicating a new depth properly, or I'm creating the new movieclip over and over again but not actually creating a duplicate of it, or something like that.[code]...
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Dec 14, 2009
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Mar 15, 2012
been working in Flash using AS2 and loading external XML data into the movie. I am able to load the data into in Flash and parse it, but I haven't been able to figure out how to load the names of buttons from separate nod values into a textfield.Unfortunately, I dont feel I know AS3 well enough and am a little bit rusty on my AS2.I created a movie clip which holds the dynamic textfield and placed 30 instances on the stage. Each instance is successively named "cityName[i]" where i is a number from 1-30. I've tried setting the instances as both buttons and movie clips. I also tried setting both the .text and.htmlText attributes, but neither works. Ive embedded the fonts on the dynamic text field. Ive also tried changing the field to input instead of dynamic but that doesnïwork either. Ive been tracing things to try to debug, but havenï found the issue yet.Here's the code:
ActionScript Code:
//load XML data
var citiesData:XML = new XML();
View 1 Replies
Mar 15, 2012
Ive been working in Flash using AS2 and loading external XML data into the movie. I am able to load the data into in Flash and parse it, but I haven't been able to figure out how to load the names of buttons from separate nod values into a textfield.
I created a movie clip which holds the dynamic textfield and placed 30 instances on the stage. Each instance is successively named "cityName[i]" where i is a number from 1-30. I've tried setting the instances as both buttons and movie clips. I also tried setting both the .text and.htmlText attributes, but neither works. Ive embedded the fonts on the dynamic text field. Ive also tried changing the field to input instead of dynamic but that doesnt work either. Ive been tracing things to try to debug, but havent found the issue yet.
Here's the code:
//load XML data
var citiesData:XML = new XML();
citiesData.ignoreWhite = true;
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm trying to create a form that based on the users input would determine how many forms to generate dynamically. I have a base state with a combo box that contains 1-4. Bases on the users selection I would like to have the next state generate the number of forms. So if you user selects 2 and click next - 2 copies of the form would be display.
I'm just wondering if this is possible how i would go about doing this or if any one knows of any examples?
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