Flash :: Graphically Speaking Isn't What Really Makes A Game 'rich' Artwork?
Sep 10, 2010
I've been thinking about flash and html5 and though each of them can draw circles, rectangles, curves, and do things with images, doesn't it really come down to the artwork? Game play aside (I know ugly games can be fun), all the talk about which looks best canvas or flash or something else, kind of moot? Don't the great games, graphically speaking, have great artwork and modeling so that as long as the engine can handle it, the programming anything other than events associated with those models and artwork doesn't matter? I'm watching my kid play Frontiersville on Facebook and I'm thinking, I could program those events but it's the artwork that's grabbing people and good gameplay keeps them. In the end does the platform really matter for games?
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if( optionalArgs.length == 0 || optionalArgs[0]==0) {
mLog.htmlText = mLog.htmlText + '<b>' + s + '</b><br>';
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set ("boxStatus"); = "0"
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances
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-------> (Logic)
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Jan 6, 2010
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And the handleClick function and removing the listener all has to be handled on the timeline. And for a given task there might be an intro animation and the click area component might not come in until the end. So where to put that code and how to automate it becomes tricky. So I first dug up AsBroadcaster and could use it sort of like Mouse or Key classes.
function clicked(obj){
//handle click broadcast
[Code] .....
Would it be better to us AsBroadcaster or EventDispatcher?
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