Flash - JSFL: Delete All Strokes Which Match A Specific Color?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm looking for a jsfl function that can select all items on a frame and delete all strokes that match a specific color such as #0000ff

Basically I make a lot of notes with the pencil tool using red pencil strokes. But when Im done I just want to tell flash to delete all my red stokes from the screen and leave everything else intact. Any solutions to this?

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var cooldown:int = 200;
var cooldownMax:int = 200;
inputAnswer.restrict = "^A-Za-z";


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<field id="34" type="Nuber"/>

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js examples: [URL]

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user_co = SharedObject.getLocal("coment");
///////////////// if condition to out if the value of shared object undefiend ///////////////


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var encodedValue:uint;
encodedValue = uint(Shift) << 2 | uint(Alt) << 1 | uint(Ctrl);
encodedValue = encodedValue | (uint(key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)) << 24);
return encodedValue;

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/***Handles Keyback, it should delete the pevious char entered in the text box*/
private function handleDelCharEvent() {
aArray[nCurCharInd] = "";
Text_mc["TextEntry_txt"].text = "";
stmpTxt = "";
if (nCurCharInd > 0) {
[Code] .....

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var rangeA:Object = {min:0x0000FF, max:0x00FFFF} //hide
var rangeB:Object = {min:0x00FFFF, max:0xFFFF00}; //show
var rangeC:Object = {min:0xFFFF00, max:0xFF0000}; //hide

It is ok to apply different filter for each range.

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Nov 4, 2009

So, 8 weeks ago I started with my GameDevelopment branch of the MediaTechnology tree at my school, and I am currently in my 1st week of the 2d Semester (or Period, as we call it here), and AS3 is introduced this time (last Period were GameMaker and XNA). There's a problem though.. I have to work with Arrays now, and last time I worked with Arrays was during PHP last year; almost half a year ago >_<"

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Actionscript 3 :: Filter A Specific Color From A BitmapData Object (or Byte-array)?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm looking for an efficient way to filter a specific color from a bitmapData object in ActionScript 3. Currently I use a loop with readByte32(). This takes about a second to process which is unacceptable. I have been trying to get paletteMap() to work but so far haven't been able to grasp its API (any truly useful links? Google has failed me...). Here's my current logic, which I want to improve:


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Flash :: Fill Figure With JSFL?

Feb 14, 2010

I draw figure in Flsh ID with JSFL methods, for example

// draw rectangle
doc.addNewLine({x:0, y:0}, {x:2000, y:0});
doc.addNewLine({x:2000, y:0}, {x:2000, y:500});[code]....

how can I fill it, because this way doesn't work doc.setFillColor('#0000ff');

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JSFL For Automatically Import Ai File To Flash?

Nov 18, 2009

Is there a way to use JSFL to import ai file to flash and automatically create all shapes from illustrator as MovieClip? I want all of them to be in movieclip but amount of illustrator layers are too much to handle with manual hand-tick. Is there anyway to do this?

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Flash :: JSFL - Reading Metadata OnDocumentChanged?

Mar 24, 2011

I am building a flash panel that reads metadata from a .fla when it is active in the Flash IDE. This panel is also storing metadata in the .fla and that is no problem. What is problematic is that I do not know how to stop the event listener from listening for onDocumentChange.

I want it to listen for it as long as it is open, but when it's closed it should clean up after itself because trying to read metadata every time a new document is selected is not a very nice thing to do.

I have tried to listen for all kind of events in the panel to detect when the user closes it, but with no success.

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Sep 16, 2011

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Oct 28, 2011

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Can anyone tell me how to access this information using JSFL.

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Oct 25, 2011

I made a JSFL command and I am curious if there is a way I can run it from a flash or air project. So for example there would be a button that the user clikcs, and when its clicked it would run the desired JSFL commandd.

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Nov 12, 2010

I got these four errors when I tried to create a button on the stage that would delete the text I inputted in the inputtext(ti). Based on the scripts I have and the errors, what should I write to create the delete button?


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