Flash :: Overflow:hidden Equivalent For Movieclip?
Dec 27, 2011
I have imported movieclip on my stage. But this movieclip has objects which lay out of borders of this movieclip, so I've got part of objects on stage which must be invisible, but they are not invisible.
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mAboutGlow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mClickAbout);
function mClickAbout(e:MouseEvent):void {
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mcB = 400x400
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function someFunc(x1:String, x2:String, x3:Number=0):String
var my_result:String = "result";
return my_result;
someFunc("someVal1", "someVal2");
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PHP Code:
private function start():void {
service = new HTTPService();
service.url = "http://webServer.aspx";
My biggest problem is that I'm using Flash instead of Flex. What is the Flash (non-Flex) equivalent of HTTPService() method in the following code snippet?
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$('#button1').bind('click', function() {
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