Flash :: Share Cookie / Data Between Multiple Domains And Swf's

Jan 4, 2010

I am trying to create a login system where a user would be able to login inside of one flash game on say, [URL], and then that same login data would be preserved for all the games on [URL] and also the games on [URL] and [URL] I am new to shared objects in flash so if anybody knows of a way to do this in either php, as3, html, js (or a mixture of all) then that would be great.

(PS. I would prefer not to use a method that requires a javascript bridge to retrieve cookies as this is impossible for games that are played on game-portal sites where only a swf file is used)

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What I thought of doing was to create 2 flash applications and used Shared Objects to pass data from one to the other. In the Clerk application, they would input the seats that are being requested and click Submit (or whatever). In the Public application, these seats would then be highlighted. Ideally, another dynamic image would change to show the view from that general area of seating.

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Apr 26, 2011

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I recently completed a project for a custom report UI in Flex. Now, I've been tasked with creating a new application that is essentially a "lite" version of the original UI. It will include only a few of the options that are in the original application. Also, it needs to be a separate application.

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Should I be extracting it all in the document class first, into arrays or objects, and then parsing the array or object to the relevant class? Or simply parsing the XML node that relates to the class and extracting the data there?I've also heard that looping through XML and storing the data in multi-dimentional arrays before parsing it, is the way to go.. some have also suggested using a separate public data class or singleton class to store all the variable data from xml.. and referencing it globally in each class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Store And Parse/share XML Data Between Classes?

Apr 26, 2011

I've been working in as3 for quite a while now, trying various methods of loading in XML and parsing it between classes - from storing the XML data using objects, storing it in arrays, or parsing XML nodes directly between their relevant classes. Should I be extracting it all in the document class first, into arrays, or objects and then parsing the array or object to the relevant class? Or simply parsing the XML node that relates to the class and extracting it there?I've also heard that looping through XML and storing the data in multi-dimentional arrays before parsing it, is the way to go.. some have also suggested using a separate public data class to store all the variables from xml.. and referencing it globally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A Local Connection To Share Data Between 2 Apps?

Jun 23, 2011

I am using a local connection to share data between 2 apps. The receiver has a function that runs every time new data is sent. I need to run another function every time that function runs, how can i do this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Share Embedded Fonts With Text Fields In Multiple Movie Clips?

Oct 25, 2010

After a lot of experiments and reading many articles, Q&As, I still didn't find the answers to my problem, then I decided to ask my question at great stackoverflow forum:-)

The setup of my project is as follows:

- Create an AS3 project in Flash Builder 4 (Main.as3proj), and write source code in it;
- Create graphical assets in Flash CS5;
- Load the graphical assets in the AS3 project;

In the graphical assets (swfs), there are text fields, we would like to use Embedded fonts for the text fields. But we don't want to embed the fonts in all swfs, we want to create a swf as a font library (FontLib.swf), that embed all the fonts needed across all the graphical assets (swfs).

After loading or embedding the FontLib.swf to the main application (Main.swf), the embedded fonts is availabe: TextField.isFontCompatible(myFontName, myFont)

is true. And when I create a TextField with the embedded font at runtime, it works fine. But besides this, I want to use the embedded fonts for the TextFields in other graphical assets like what I described at the begging, but when I try to change the text for the dynamic text field in a movie clip, the text field will disappear. (Before changing the text, it can be displayed because Flash CS5 automatically embed the fonts for the characters already input in the fla/swf file).

I tried to clone the text field with the same properties of the text field in the movie clip and replaced the old one, as I said, this works as other text fields created at run time. But I have other problem with cloning and replacing the text fields in movie clip. I wonder if there is a way to instruct the flash player to use the externally loaded embedded fonts for the text fields in movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Buttons Share Single Loader For Loading Each Of Their Target Contents?

Jun 26, 2009

I am trying to have one single loader for different buttons to load their specific target. lets say I have btnOne and btnTwo, each of them have their page to link to, btnOne to pageOne, btnTwo to pageTwo, page one and two are external swfs. so can I load them into stage by sharing one single loader?

this is simply my script:

ActionScript Code:
var swfURL:String = ("external.swf");
btnOne.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, startLoad);
btnTwo.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, startLoad);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Buttons Share Single Loader For Loading Each Of Their Target Contents

Jun 26, 2009

I am trying to have one single loader for different buttons to load their specific target.lets say I have btnOne and btnTwo, each of them have their page to link to, btnOne to pageOne, btnTwo to pageTwo, page one and two are external swfs. so can I load them into stage by sharing one single loader? this is simply my script:


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Flex :: Set Values In Cookie And Get Values From Cookie Not Using With Shared Object?

May 18, 2010

I need to save email-id in my login form through the cookies. if I use shared object I am able to save but my requirement is need to save in cookies. How can I save? I got sample code from net. Attaching that code `package com {

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

* The Cookie class provides a simple way to create or access
* cookies in the embedding HTML document of the application.


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