Flash :: Why A Movieclip Or Any Other Subcomponent Become Publically Accessible When Provided Instance Name

Nov 3, 2011

i placed a movieclip inside a movieclip A_Mc ( representing ClassA) . Now if i place another movieclip ( without naming, and making sure that automatic instance naming is Off via the flash IDE ), everything runs fine. But when i provide an instance name say b_Mc , then it MUST be able to be publically accessible. What is the logic behind this setup. Why while designing i cannot make a sub-movieclip which is private and inaccessible to others?

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Flash :: Assign Properties To A MovieClip In It And Have Them Accessible In Flex?

Feb 27, 2011

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In Flash Pro, I position the child clips with a high level of precision. From there, I want to assign properties to these "stars." Say, I want to assign "galaxyId" and "isRedGiant" but (and this is key) I want to edit those properties in Flash Professional and have those value accessible in Flex.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player Works Locally Not Publically

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Accessible MovieClip From Within Class

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to make a class that extends the movie clip class. I want to essentially have a movie clip class that has a "handle" by which I mean a settable reg point by referring to a parent container movie clip. I have many parts of it working. I have functions that can move the handle/parent to any location on the screen, one that centers, and a move method that moves the movie clip by moving the parent so it is being moved by the origin you specify etc.

But one thing I would like to have the handledMovieClip class to do is to make the handled movie clip and then automatically generate the parent movie clip with the same name appended with "h" and put the handledMovieClip into the parent MovieClip. The parent movie clip should then be accessible by actions on the main timeline. Suppose that the movieclip name is MC so then the parent would be called MCh. I do this by making a new movie clip and then changing the name to "MCh".

But when I try to use the dot syntax from the main time-line it doesn't seem to know the object. So I can't do something like "trace(MCh.width);". I can get what I want by creating the handled movie clip and then the parent and then putting the handledMovieClip into the parent with addChild. It works if I do it from the main time line, but not if I try to do the exact same thing within the class constructor. I thought it would be a nice feature if the user only had to make the handledMovieClip and if the parent was generated by the class constructor automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Accessible From Any Class?

Aug 21, 2010

How to make a movieclip accesible from any class and especially, hitTest-able? I.E. I can check collision it's with any class I want.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField On Stage Not Accessible In MovieClip Class

Dec 27, 2011

How can I achieve this ? I tried
stage,mytextfield.text = ... etc.
They all throw an null object reference problem.

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Flash :: Address A Named Instance Of A Movieclip From The Class File Of The Movieclip?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a movieclip instance named 'placeholder' on the canvas, and I want to change the alpha of the named movieclip from it's class without effecting the alpha of all the movieclips of the same type. How would I specifically target the named movieclip instance that is on the canvas?

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Actionscript :: Flex 3: Data Assignment To A Subcomponent Fails In An MXML Component

Aug 26, 2009

I'm trying to propagate an assignment to the data parameter of a sub-component through it's parent component's setter. Like this:



When I ran my application, the sub-component never received its data. When debugging and stepping to the line marked "ref #1", the debugger jumps out of the method and continues on to something else as if the method was complete. It seems like some exception or error was thrown but the console gives no indication of what is wrong with this assignment.

Environment: This is using Flex SDK 3.2, with the Flex Builder 3 plugin for Eclipse on Windows, with Flash 9 Debug ver. for IE7.

Note: With this particular example I'm trying to avoid Binding on purpose. I mean, why can't I manually push the data to the sub-component rather than binding it?

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Actionscript 3 :: Obtaining A HGroup Subcomponent That It Is In View Of A Scroller Container Adobe Flex 4.5

Feb 1, 2012

I have setup a Scroller container around an HGroup of labels. The Scroller is setup to only display a single label at a time. What I am trying to do is determine which label is in view of the Scroller when a button is clicked. I have scoured the reference material on Scrollers and HGroups, but cannot formulate a programmatic strategy to determine what element of the group is in view.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Basic Flash Calculator Except It Only Has To Be Able To Square The Number Provided By The User?

Dec 14, 2009

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import flash.events.MouseEvent;


I also need to have Input box and Error Messages & Highlighted Input Box.

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Flash :: Get Am Instance Name Of A Dynamically Created MovieClip Or Name?

Dec 4, 2009

For AS 3

I have a class which crate a panel with close button. and i create an instance of this class like this

function _smallThumbClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var _popup:Popup=new Popup( square.width ,evt.currentTarget.y, evt.currentTarget);

and this mouse event from the thumbnail(suppose), so if i click on the thumb it will create popup. so i want to close all other or previously opened pop window.

How do u get the popup class object to close from another class..

or is there any alternate method for detect instance of the movieclip or class..

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Flash :: Instance Class From Swc Inside A Movieclip

Feb 3, 2011

i'm trying to use compiled assets and code from a swc. Inside a new fla I select the swc to be included when exporting. When create the instance in the timeline of the code works and I can see assets that are inside the swc and trace a propertie from the same object. The problem is only when doing the same inside a movieclip, can't reach the assets (movieclip) but I can still trace properties from the class. I've uploaded the working files: master.fla is the one that creates the swc. template.fla is where I test the swc. files (This are cs4 .fla + .swc + .as)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Animate Instance Of A MovieClip?

Mar 29, 2011

In this example i created 3 movieclips and added 10textFields into it.After this i want to be able to let these 3 movieclips tween...
Atleast this is what i want but i cant seem to get it right.


import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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Can Dynamic XML Driven Flash Be Accessible?

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Swf - Accessible Flash Content For The Blind?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Captivate Accessible In Flash

Jul 24, 2009

I've got Captivate movies dynamically loading into a Flash movie. The problem is, the tab index which works so well when the Captivate movies are in stand-alone mode falls apart when loading the Captivate movie into a Flash shell. I've tried tabEnabled=false and tabChildren=true for the movie clip that contains the Captivate movie, but with no results. Does anyone know how to get the focus manager to tab to objects in a Captviate movie when that movie is running in a Flash shell?

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Flash :: Getting Instance Of Button/movieclip On It's Click's Handler?

Nov 25, 2011

It used to happen in AS2.0 as follows :

my_Mc.onPress = function()
trace( this)
//output :
[my_Mc Movieclip]


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Flash :: Creating An Instance Of A Movieclip With Event.target Information?

Jul 6, 2010

Is it possible to access the type of object being interacted with so I can create a new instance of the same object? So for example in the code below I have the movieclip myItem. After it's clicked it is removed from stage and then moved to the inventory. When I click on it there, is it possible to create a new instance of mcItemToDuplicate using the event information parameters? (while allowing myItem to be where it is).

My code looks something like this:

public function moveclip() {
var myItem:mcItemToDuplicate = new mcItemToDuplicate();


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Flash Simplebutton Inside Symbol (movieclip) Instance Not Working?

Apr 23, 2005

I have two flash files (say screenOne.fla and gameA.fla). After importing the main symbol of screenOne.fla into gameA.fla as a movieclip symbol (call it screenOneSymb), the simple buttons in the instance of screenOneSymb do not work. By "do not work" I mean they have no rollover, not mouse action, nothing. If I go into the edit "screenOneSymb" in gameA.fla and turn on "Control->enable simplebuttons" the buttons will work while in edit "screenOneSymb" but not on the main flash stage. I've worked around it, but this is driving me crazy. How do I import multi-layered movieclip symbols (with buttons and animations, etc, etc) and get them to work out of the box?

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Actionscript 3 - Flash Player Is Not Working In Domain / But Working If I Provided IP

Oct 14, 2010

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Making Flash Movie Accessible For Screen Readers?

Jul 12, 2009

I have just finished a flash movie for a client which is an interactive payslip to explain all the different sections. They have got back to me and said it's great but I need to make this accessible for screen readers etc, and sent me the following link: [URL]. I have read through it all and I am slightly confused as to now how to make my complete movie accessible. Can I just add in the text links on the Accessible panel for the movie clips or will I have to create a whole separate column of hidden content for people to tab through?

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Actionscript :: Why Aren't 3d Properties Set On The Stage In Flash Cs4 Accessible

Mar 26, 2010

I have made a very simple swf in which I have a MovieClip which I have rotated on the stage. When I try to access this rotationX and rotationY properties of this clip using the constructor of the class assigned to this MovieClip they are coming back as 0 even though they shouldn't be. If I put an on rollover event of the MovieClip and trace out these properties here I get the correct values.

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;


I also get the correct values when I read the values from the stage timeline.

trace ("TEST "+testMC.rotationX+" "+testMC.rotationY); //returns correct value

Is there a specific event I need to be waiting for which will tell me when the 3d properties are available via ActionScript?

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Javascript :: Flash Variables Are Not Accessible In Chrome When It Is Turned Off

Mar 22, 2011

It appears that the flash variables are not accessible in Chrome when Javascript is turned off. Having said that, Youtube seem to work fine, when I test other sites like www.nhs.uk it does not seem to work, nor does mine.

I am using the most recent version of Chrome on Windows. Is there anything special that I need to target Chrome, how do I resolve this issue ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Keyboard Accessible Menu / Buttons

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to build a class that can handle a menu or other grid of buttons being keyboard accessible (navigate with arrowkeys, select with another key, here 'b'). So far I have the keyboard part working, but you have to click one of the buttons to 'activate' it, and I am unsure of the logic needed to do the mouse events. I have added mouse events but don't see a simple way of integrating them with the keyboard system. Code is here, and both the class and a test .fla are attached.

Basically, the list of instances are passed by the frame into the constructor in an array. The selector class manages the index in the array of the currently selected button. The frame adds a key event listener, and these keys are picked up by the class to change the selected button and call the roll out and roll over methods to change the states (for this test just adjusting scale to 1.4, but in future, causing them to run a function or similar).

What I would ideally like, ideally, is for the keyboard and mouse to work in sync, as in rolling over with the mouse will update the currentButton index... If not, just some explanation as to why one of the buttons in the array must be clicked first before I can start using the keyboard would be good.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Variable Or Method Accessible In All The Package?

Feb 18, 2011

I want to be able to have a variable and/or a method that's available to all the classes inside a package. What would be the best way to achieve that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect If Flash Created Some New Instance When Traversing A MovieClip Timeline?

Nov 10, 2011

Without trying to explain the odd issue i am seeing, is this possible?

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Actionscript 3 :: Calling MovieClip(root) From A Dynamic MovieClip Instance Produces Error 1034

Jan 14, 2012

For some reason, the same code works now, without any problem at all. I don't know what happened, or why, but I no longer have this problem Here's the original post: To put simply, I created a MovieClip, put it with addChild() to stage, and when I tried to call this piece of code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If Variable Is Provided?

Jun 28, 2009

Is there a good way to check if a variable has been passed into my flash movie?For example lets say I have an app that looks up some data based on location. And I allow for it to be added to the HTML tags, In Flash how to I say set a default location in case of there not being one in the HTML tags?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Movieclip Via Its Instance Name In Another Movieclip Class?

May 28, 2011

how can i access a movieclip via its instance name in another Movieclip class?

and a nother question how can i access a movieclip via its class name in another movieclip class?

BTW i want to access the movieclip child

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Reference To A Movieclip Instance That Is In Another Movieclip?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make a reference to a movieclip instance that is in another movieclip.

Here's the deal: I have a main timeline for different pages of a website...then within that I make all of the art on each page into a movieclip so I can do animations every time that main timeline frame is called to, yet still keep my main timeline clean.

Within one page's movieclip I have a few buttons that I want to use to go to other pages by referencing them on the main timeline.I have been using this: (home_about is the about us button on my home page, and frame 31 is on the main timeline).

home_about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_6(event:MouseEvent) :void

Since this home_about is within another movieclip,I get the access of undefined property error. Do I need to change the code I've pasted above or add in variable definitions to fix this?

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