Flash :: Absolute Positioning In A Flex 4 Application?

Feb 14, 2011

With flex 4 you can't seem to just do layout="absolute" any more. Is there a way to get the application layout set as absolute in flex 4?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tutorial On Absolute Positioning In Flash

Nov 1, 2005

I am looking for a tutorial on Absolute Positioning in Flash. I have noticed a ton of sites where something will stay in a spacific area. For instance in my new site, i am looking to give credit to people. I want it to be a hitTest area that stays on the bottom of the screen no matter how large or small the movie gets with a limit on the small side so it stops getting smaller when the screen is smaller than 800 x 600. This way the movie clip will expand depending upon the users screen size but the content of the hidden area will stay the same size so it does not distort. I think Solenior(sp) did this and maybe a few others. I am looking to learn the actions script behind it not just a "here you go" type of deal. I want to really learn AS not just copy and paste it.

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Flex :: Rewrite Absolute URL Request Made From A Flash (swf) File In Browser

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Flex :: Getting An Absolute Local Path?

Oct 9, 2010

I looked around, and the latest reference I saw was from 2008 stating that the standard FileReference browser does not support retrieving the user's file's absolute local path unless it's an AIR app, and indeed there's nothing in the docs suggesting otherwise. The reasoning behind this is apparently some misguided security concern... I get it's not a great idea to let any Flash app know your directory structure, but if the user actually grants your app a file, I think it doesn't invalidate the security model to know just that file's absolute path.

I'm wondering if the state of things has changed at all with Flex 4 and there's a method of getting the local filename of anything. I need it because I'm making an application that when distributed runs locally in 99% of cases, so doing a full file upload just to save it somewhere else on the local machine seems silly. (Plus the standard file uploading method doesn't support SOAP, which is what I'm using for all my other services...)

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Flex :: Calculate Absolute Height Of Dropdown?

Apr 5, 2012

I have many dropdowns in my flex application. Now I want to set rowCount property so that as many rows as possible so there is less scrolling when see the dropdown items.The flex application was running on a popup window. So I think I have to know the distance from dropdown to bottom border of window, and then calculate what number should be for the rowCount. Like Height/per row height.As I known, the dropdown.y is the relative y coordinate of itself. But my dropdown has many parent UI layout component, and also I have many dropdowns, it is hard to calculate one by one.

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Actionscript :: Convert A Relative URL To An Absolute URL In Flex

Jan 5, 2010

I am working with Flex, and I need to take a relative URL source property and convert it to an absolute URL before loading it.

The specific case I am working with involves tweaking SoundEffect's load method. I need to determine if a file will be loaded from the local file system or over the network from looking at the source property, and the easiest way I've found to do this is to generate the absolute URL.

I'm having trouble generating the absolute URL for sound effect in particular. Here were my initial thoughts, which haven't worked.

Look for the DisplayObject that the Sound Effect targets, and use its loaderInfo property. The target is null when the SoundEffect loads, so this doesn't work.
Look at FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication, at the url or loaderInfo properties. Neither of these are set, however. Look at the FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.systemManager.loaderInfo. This was also not set.

The SoundEffect.as code basically boils down to

var url:String = "mySound.mp3";
/*>> I'd like to convert the URL to absolute form here and tweak it as necessary <<*/
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

I would also be perfectly satisfied with some way to tell whether the url will be loaded from the local file system or over the network. Looking at an absolute URL it would just be easy to look at the prefix, like file:// or http://.

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Apr 24, 2011

My Dataprovider for a grid is an arrayCollection which is dynamically loaded with Objects . for example : a person object with persionID,PersonName ..etc . I applied a filter function on my dataprovider based on personID . below is my function

public function FilterFunc(item:Object):Boolean
var same:Boolean=String(item.personID ) == filterpersonID ;
return same;


this function is called whenever a new object is being added to the arraycollection . The problem now is dp.length in the above function is returning only the no of objects of the particular personID on which the filterFunction was applied instead of the absolute value . Its not limiting the size of the other objects which are runnning into thousand's causing memory issues . once i change the filterFunction to different personID , it slowly starts limiting the respective personID objects. So the sizeHandler() limits only the personID objects for which filterfunction was applied instead of the whole objects , this is the problem .

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Flex :: Positioning / Scrolling Problem With Flex Popup?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm trying to work out a specific problem I'm having with positioning in Flex using the PopUpManager. Basically I'm wanting to create a popup which will scroll with the parent container - this is necessary because the parent container is large and if the user's browser window isn't large enough (this will be the case the majority of the time) - they will have to use the scrollbar of the container to scroll down. The problem is that the popup is positioned relative to another component, and it needs to stay by that component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">


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<mx:HBox width="100%">
<mx:Text text="left" id="textLeft"/>
<mx:Text text="center" id="textCenter"/>


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Aug 31, 2010

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Also need fonts to resize as the buttons get smaller

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how this can be achieved? It needs to work on all resolutions .. is there any parent/stage object available to find out the resolution of the system?

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Mar 4, 2011

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Aug 4, 2011

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<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%"


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Flex :: Delete Application Storage Directory Instance / Data When Uninstalling Any Air Application?

Dec 22, 2011

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Flex :: Gui - Switch Between Different Applications(mxml File With Application As The Root Tag) In A Big Application?

May 16, 2010

I'm new to flex. Now I'm writing an flex application. I plan to split my application into some MXML files(Application as the root tag). How can I switch from one mxml to another?BTW, what is the best practice for design large flex application? Just one MXML Application and many MXML component or many MXML Application?

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Actionscript 3 :: Using External Xml Data In A Flex Application Without Compiling The Source Into The Application?

Jul 15, 2011

I want to read xml data to a mxml application from a xml file on my filesystem. The example I found was for AIR,link2, link3. But I want to target the Flash Player runtime. If I use the the tag, I can do it; however the xml compiles into my swf. How can I retain the xml file in my release build?

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Flex :: SystemManager.addEventListener Of Sub Application Is Not Working In Main Application?

Mar 31, 2011

i used systemManager.addEventListener in sub application...... it is working well....but when i load sub application into main application through swfloader it doesnot working..

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Ios :: Embed Adobe Air / Flex Application Inside A Standard Application

Aug 29, 2011

I have a native (Obj-C, standard Xcode project) application and I'd like to integrate a partners iOS application (or specifically, it's functionality) into it as just another view in my application. The problem is that their application is a Flex/Air app. I really don't understand the Adobe compilation process on how it gets from a bunch of flex code down to an IPA. I don't see intermediate projects, shared objects, etc on the disk to produce that IPA. It looks like it doesn't rely on the Apple tool chain... as I understand it, you can produce the IPA on Windows as well. Is there any way to build that Flex app in such a way that I can import it into Xcode so I can link against it and use it as a library from within my application? While I specifically used iOS as an example since that is the most important platform, we'll want to apply this solution to our respective Android and Blackberry 6 apps as well.

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Flex :: 3 - Auto-sizing - Automatically Resize To Fit The Length Of The Content And Positioning

Jan 4, 2010

I am working on a flex app that uses XML templates to dynamically create DisplayObjects. These templates define different layouts that can be used for each page of content in the app (ie , 2 columns, 3 columns etc etc). The administrator can select from one of these and populate each area with their content.

The templates add one of 3 types of DisplayObject - HBox, VBox or a third component - LibraryContentContainer (an mxml component that is defined as part of the app) - which is effectively a canvas element with a TextArea inside. The problem that I am getting is that I need each of these areas to automatically resize to fit the length of the content but don't seem to be able to find an effective way to do so.

In the LibraryContentContainer, when the value of the TextArea is set, I am calling .validateNow() on the LibraryContentContainer. I then set the height property on both the TextArea and LibraryContentContainer to match the textHeight property of the TextArea. In the following example, this is the LibraryContentContainer, viewer is the TextArea and the value property of the TextArea is bound to this.__Value. v is the variable containing the content for the textarea


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Javascript ::Relative Positioning At Bottom Of The Screen Issue With Flex And Different Browsers?

Jul 4, 2010

I have a flex component like this:

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex - Application.application.nativeWindow.activate() On Windows?

Dec 8, 2009

I have an AIR application with a system tray icon. When clicked it shows and activates the app. This is working as expected when the app is hidden (docked), however if I select another application so my app is in the background clicking on the system tray icon does nothing.

Oddly I also have a contextual menu on the system tray icon, which has an option to restore, this calls the same event handler as ScreenMouseEvent.CLICK, yet works.

I expect it's something to do with the contextual menu changing the focus, perhaps it's a bug in how AIR works with the system tray, perhaps it's just something I'm missing. Would be good to know if that's the case.

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