Flash :: Android - How To Kill The Softkeyboard From Player
May 6, 2011
I needed a way to invoke softkeyboard in android platforms, and i got to know how to do it form here Flash APIs for Android Platform. Now i need to kill the keyboard, basically there is a button which i want to use to toggle the keyboard. Flash has provided a way to invoke the keyboard but not to kill it.(never understood how they work). One more issue is that when i click the down button on softkeyboard which is located on bottom left of the screen, the Softkeyboard_Deactivate event is not fired. It seems its fired only when the focus shifts from one object to another.
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function handleKeys(event:KeyboardEvent):void{if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.BACK)
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Cannot play video
Sorry, this video cannot be played.
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05-31 18:13:15.498: DEBUG/FONT(9183): WARNING: **************************** Detect FLEngine error 1 ****************************
05-31 18:13:15.558: DEBUG/(9183): ---------------------------------------------------------------> call AudioTrack stop()
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mWebview.getSettings().setUserAgentString("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101019 Firefox/3.6.11");
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Apr 14, 2011
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protected boolean drawChild (Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
if (child.getClass().getName().equals("com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface")) {
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I have a mobile YouTube API-centric project nearly done. The last view is a component that is a player, naturally, and Flash is not diggin' the security issues at all. Violations ..... And I am passing my developer key in every call too! So what is the deal with simply loading a video into chromeless player on Android that needs my security attention?
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Jun 1, 2011
I need to add some animation to the UI of my application. Something similar to the Talking Tom application that is all the rage these days. I am a complete noob to animation, so had the following questions to zero in on a particular platform before I began with any development.
Out of Flash/Rendered Images/OpenGL which one would be the fastest to implement (assuming that I have a graphics designer to do the drawing)? If I was to go with flash, would I still be able to interact with the application or will it be more of a one-way play-and-stop kind of animation? I have looked over a lot of questions on SO about this issue and have not been able to make up my mind.
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There are way for:On USB connect to PC (or other flash drive reader) - hook process and allow access only specified files and folder on android (custom store)?
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Mar 29, 2012
my exit bttn in swf file using swf player for android doesnt work using fscommand. How?
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Sep 9, 2009
Here is the site homepage: [URL]. In firefox & netscape the drop down kills the flash presentation.
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Apr 20, 2011
Is there any way to embed YouTube video/video player into Android Flex AIR Mobile application?
I tried to use SWFLoader(...) but since its MX library class only works on the desktop runtime environment, but fails to work on actual Android device when debugging the application.
Maybe it's possible to embed HTML that contain YouTube video into some Flex media container like TextArea or something?
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