Flash - Clear A Textfield When All Else Fails?

Jul 23, 2010

Is there a way to clear a textfield when all else fails? This is from a very long document I can't post. The textfield is on stage and worked fine until this call. There's no error, I just can change text

public function cx(e:MouseEvent):void{
V1 = 0;
V2 = 0;


Tried: FocusEvent, but it didn't work

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Clear A TextField When It's Clicked?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a similar problem where I want a text field that by default has the word NAME in it, to become empty when a user clicks on it.

The text field has the instance name 'nam' and is inside a movie with the instance name 'input_text'.

I've searched around and found samples of code where everyone keeps suggesting this:


textboxinstancename.onSetFocus = function() {
textboxinstancename.text = "";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Clear A Textfield

Feb 7, 2011

At the moment I have Clock and if I start it a message appears just above the clock saying "Timer started" and if I press the stop or reset, another message appears saying "Timer stopped" or "Timer reset", the only problem with it is that the previous message(s) are still on the screen.

I have an example attached below. I am wondering is there any way to get the textfield to refresh/remove the previous message before showing the current one?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear Text In Textfield?

Feb 20, 2006

I have a textfield with the text "type here" in it. I want it so that when the user clicks in it the text disappears.

The textfield uses an onChange listener to initiate a list filter function so I want to maintain this and add another function just to clear the text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Graphics Clear() Doesn't Clear Bitmap Data From BeginBitmapFill()?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm working on a game whose background has many layers that each scroll at different speeds.

Inside each layer I have a Sprite, I've started using graphics.beginBitmapFill, but what I've found is that the graphics.clear() function doesn't actually clear the contents set by the previous call to graphics.begin.BitmapFill. Each frame, I adjust the matrix to shift the layer as needed.  Then, I call graphics.clear() and graphics.beginBitmapFill() with the adjusted matrix. Since my layers have alphas in the bitmap, I can see the contents that was drawn the previous frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Line.clear - Doesn't Clear The Line When Mc1 Moved?

Jan 1, 2012


doesnt clear the line when mc1 moved ? How solve tihs problem?

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Professional :: Flash 10.02 Update In OS X Fails

Feb 17, 2010

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Dreamweaver, Acrobat and all others were installed but for some reason Flash is still at 10.0 I downloaded manually as well and still I'm on build

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Flash :: Professional CS5 Fails To Start?

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ExternalInterface class.[code]

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How to make it workable? Anyone faced with such error?

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Flash :: TabIndex Fails In A Swf Loaded Into A Flex App?

Jun 25, 2009

I feel like I'm missing something really simple here. I'm loading a AS3 swf containing a form (created by one of our designers) into a flex app. The swf's tabIndex properties work fine when the swf is viewed by itself, however, once it's loaded into the flex app:

<mx:SWFLoader source="form.swf" top="20" horizontalCenter="0" id="formSwf" complete="swfCompleteHandler(event)"/>

the form fields stop receiving focus on tab. I've been looking at the FocusManager in flex, for some sort of solution, but I can't seem to find any examples, and I'm not entirely sure I'm looking in the right place. Am I stuck redoing this form in flex?

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Xml :: Flash Projector Fails To Load Local On XP

Sep 25, 2010

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On one of the XP machines XML fails to load over some awkward reason. In most environments it works fine. The same app runs well on all Macs tested.

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Flash :: Loader Fails Without A Complete Event?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm trying to get a loader working in a flex web application, but it isn't responding to the complete event. Is there a change I should make to the code here, or some way that I can handle an error event to get more information?

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.cacheAsBitmap = true;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("logo.png");


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Actionscript 3 :: Retweet Via Twitter API Fails In Flash?

May 16, 2011

I am using the Tweetr AS3 library in Flash. Authentication, timeline retrieval and posting to Twitter all work fine. For some reason the Retweet function works only a small part of the time and fails most of the times - I get a Stream Error #2032 . When checking in Firebug I see that the call is made [URL].. but it returns a404 error. I can't see any difference between the times that it works and the times it doesn't.

Are there any known issues with Twitter's Retweet API that may cause this problem?

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - AMF Zend Fails Silently

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a Zend-PHP service within a pure ActionScript program. I've managed to use the service successfully using Flex. (But Flex mobile apps are bloated, and typically 10x bigger than pure ActionScript apps - which is why I'm trying to write it in Pure Actionscript). I'm trying to access the PHP/Zend service that I downloaded, and used in the following tutorial:- [URL] The PHP code that I'm connecting to is available as a download from this site - as well as instructions about how to use it in Flex. And this is what I've written in ActionScript:-


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Flash App Loading Crossdomain.xml From App Server Fails?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm writing a web application using three tier architecture. I have three Amazon EC2 ubuntu servers. The first server handles the presentation of the application and includes my main flash file. The second EC2 instance represents my application server. It contains the AMFPHP files and corresponding web services. Finally, the third instance handles persistance and is running a MySQL database. Both the presentation and application servers are running an apache web server. I created security groups specific to each tier such that the presentation layer will accept all incoming traffic on port 80 while the application layer will only accept incoming traffic from the presentation server. This should allow anyone to request my web application from the presentation server but prevent anyone from accessing the web services on my application server.My flash application cannot make web service calls to my application server. When a request is sent, I never receive a response from the server and eventually receive a security sandbox error.[code]It seemed odd that I wasn't receiving a response, so I decided to try a couple of things:

1. I connected to my presentation tier via ssh and attempted to use lynx to connect to my application server's gateway.php. I was able to connect without any problems.

2. I used Chrome's developer tools window to observe network traffic when loading my site. I found that it is attempting to load the crossdomain.xml file (which resides in the root of my web server [/var/www] on the application tier) using a GET request; but strangely, it times out and fails. This is where I am confused. How come I can use lynx on the same machine to connect to the web server on the application tier but yet the flash app can't access the same file?

While running some tests, I decided to open up the application server instance's firewall such that it can receive http requests from my IP. As soon as I did this, the application being hosted on the presentation tier immediately began working (Received a response from the web service)! However, this means I would have to force my application tier to accept http requests from the internet in order to work, which is not something I want to do. I don't understand why making this change would allow the application to grab the crossdomain.xml file. If the application server's security group is set to accept incoming http requests from the presentation security group, it should have no problem acquiring the crossdomain. xml file residing in the web server root of the application server right? I've spent more time than I would like looking into this issue. I really would like to setup a three-tier environment for my application in which the flash application will be able to send web service requests to my application layer. The most confusing part about this is the fact that when I add my computer's IP address to the application server's firewall, everything seems to magically work as intended. Please correct me if I am setting my application up in the wrong way. I am basing my architecture off of the following:URL..

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Flash :: Actionscript 3 - Test If URLRequest Fails

Sep 11, 2011

I have a music player that loads 2 files, and then plays the 2 files on 2 separate soundchannels. I need to test to see if the 2nd music file is able to load, and then let the play controls check for this to determine how many sound channels to play.


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IDE :: Flash Connection To PHP Socket Fails When Online?

Sep 12, 2009

.to the letter after installing Apache and PHP on my pc. And i am geting really fraustrated because i cannot get the flash objects to connect to the PHP socket when they have been uploaded to the localhost server or any other online server. However it works no problem when i run the flash object straight from my HD. The socket is definately open because telnet connects to it fine.

My pc ip is And when I transfer the flash object to any other pc on my lan, if it is on the hd, it connects to my pc no problem. However, if i were to type in http:[url]... it DOESN'T WORK.

View 14 Replies

Professional :: Flash CS 5.5 - Loading Recent Item Fails

Dec 22, 2011

Flash CS 5.5 (
Mac OS 10.6.8

Situation: Work on a file, save it, and close it (example file is stored on local drive). Attempt to reload the file using the recent items list from the splash screen:
File does not load, and output screen message appears:
The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:
Cannot find file /Volumes/users/mt/Desktop/Working Files/TMK2079_HI/Flash/TMK2079_HI-SQ.fla.
This is the file just saved by Flash... and it cannot locate it. I can browse with File > Open, so it is not a critical work loss or stoppage issue, but it is annoying that it happens. It only seems to affect Flash as InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop behave as expected with the recent files. It seems to be able to find files saved to a network location, but not to the local machine (in this case a folder on the desktop). I tried renaming the "Working Files" folder to remove the space, but the issue persists. I tried a search but didn't get any hits that seemed relevant.

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Flash :: Loaded SWF (using Loader) Event Listeners Sometimes Fails

Jun 9, 2011

i made a SWF which contains a loader which loads any SWF file passed to it... the problem I'm encountering is that for some SWFs, some event listeners doesn't fire anymore... my own SWF file (which contains the loader) doesn't really have any other element except for the Loader object and so I cannot understand what seems to be preventing the loaded SWF (loaded by my Loader) from receiving some mouse events

it seems that the for the SWF where I'm having this problem, the listener seems to be tied up to a location in the stage or somewhere else, and so whenever I resize, the listeners is not responding on the right place, for example, the button appears on a certain position but the listener's hit test or whatever the SWF is using to detect the mouse click is positioned somewhere else

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Flash :: ExternalInterface.addCallback Fails In Local Environment?

Jul 15, 2011

I thought this question would answer my question, but I have applied the following fixes:

param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />


And I am still seeing the ExternalInterface.addCallback method fail locally. It works on a web server, or in the dev folder. But not in an arbitrary local folder.

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Flash :: SWC File Fails To Load In Design Mode?

Feb 10, 2012

I am exporting an SWC via Flash Professional CS5 version with the latest Flex Component Kit (2.0.0) installed in the Extension Manager. In Symbol properties, I'm Exporting for Actionscript in Frame 1 with the Class name equal to the Symbol name.

I've imported the SWC into Flash Builder 4.6 with all the different available SDKs.

With all of them I get an error in Design Mode

"SWC File Failed to load. Any component dependent on this SWC will not be displayed in the design mode."

If I instantiate the component via the Source it runs ok and in the browser I see the component.

I know I could just say "whatever, I don't need Design mode" but I'd like to know what is happening.

Any ideas?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: #include Fails When Running Movie Outside Of Flash?

Aug 12, 2008

#include "script.as" seems to fail when i launch the movie outside of Flash environment. The AS file resides in the very same directory and Security Settings have been adjusted. why the include may not be working?

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IDE :: Redirect To New Page Fails After Flash Post To Server?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a rails app that embeds a swf. The swf takes user input and posts to the server. For testing purposes, the controller is just redirecting the browser back to another pagewithout processing the data. Interestingly, after the post, the server log and the firebug log shows what clearly looks like a successful redirect (200) showing the correct URL GET, but the browser does not actually move to the new page and is stuck on the same page with the flash app. Same behavior occurs in both Firefox and Safari.

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Flash :: Textfield Embedded Font Only Adjusts According To Textfield Height?

Jun 14, 2011

i would just like to ask why is the case that when i use embedfonts = true on a textfield, the textfield's text only resizes according to the textfield's height but not the textfield's width. meaning if i make the textfield's height bigger, the text also gets bigger in terms of height, but not width, can't the embedded font maintain aspect ratio according to the textfield height?

I'm only wondering about this because this is not the case when embedfonts= false

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Html :: If An <object> Plugin Fails (ie Flash) Have It Render Some Other Content?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a flash header that I show on one of my customers sites, but instead of creating an entire new website for non-flash, is there a way I can have it render a static image version of the header instead of either redirecting or just not rendering the flash content at all (ie with a FAIL message)?

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Actionscript 3 :: UrlLoader Open URL Fails In EXE Flash, Using Browser It Works

Apr 21, 2011

It rarely happened, I use a flash in exe type to access url in local server. It usually success to access the url. When it fail to access the url, open the ie to access the browser. the url works. After using browser, flash success to access the url. The url would return the JSON content. I use URLLoader to load url, and the return error is no responding when it happen.

If the error happen, it would not access the url even restart the computer.

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Eclipse :: Flash Builder Export Release Build Fails

May 10, 2011

I'm having an issue when trying to export the release build of my AIR application in Flash Builder 4.5. After choosing the key to sign the package and clicking finish to complete the export, it errors saying that "Error occurred while saving the project settings: "default" build target cannot be found for the selected project." I've included the error message output to the log in the .metadata folder.

!ENTRY com.adobe.flexbuilder.project 4 43 2011-05-10 15:56:11.432
!MESSAGE Failed to get build target settings: default


I have tried what J_A_X has recommended. Unfortunately none of those work. It seems to be a problem somewhere within the project settings. We have also tried running the export release build for this project on different machines with fresh installs of flash builder, but the same error message is produced every time. We've looked through so many settings it may come down to having to create a new project and copy all the code into the new application.

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Pop Up In Flash Player Debug

Jul 6, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL] confirms that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing. Does anyone have the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix this strange behavior?

I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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