Flash :: Make A Font Use The Light Weight Version?
May 14, 2010
With sifr, how do I make a font use the light weight version. I have...
var gillsans = { src: '/resources/swf/gillsans.swf' };
sIFR.replace(gillsans, {
which is displaying regular Gill Sans, the light version has been exported with the swf (said so in the export report), but how do I get it to display in sifr?
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Apr 27, 2010
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The application was originally developed as an English application, but during localization it became necessary to locate a unicode font capable of displaying Asian characters. The original implementation of the application uses four fonts to satisfy the various permutations of character emphasis. Bold, Bold Italic, Italic and Normal are all supplied through the corresponding Arial fonts in the Arial family.
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<object width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="abc1.swf">
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public static const ButtonAsset : Class;
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Jun 21, 2011
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Nov 6, 2008
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Nov 3, 2010
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Jan 5, 2003
How come when you make a button in flash, and you roll over it . the font seems to move some. It doesnt accually MOVE but it looks like a few pixels get bumped around. Its the wierdest thing.
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Dec 15, 2004
I've done a very simple tween of 25 lines of text, with one line fading in when the other fades out.The original was a bit different with 3 lines being displayed at the same time, but I needed to make a different version with one line visible only.BUT this new version is giving me weird artifacts on top of the text, like there's some irregular kind of mask on top of each layer.I'm really puzzled....I made it again, starting again from the original, but the same thing happened!!
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Oct 17, 2010
i have a Main class and a other class called Calc everything seems to works when its written fully written but when i condense it into a loop, behavior becomes different and broken posted the FLA and Class heres the working version [URL] and the loop [URL] im trying to get the loop version to behave just like the written out version,
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Feb 7, 2011
I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.
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