Flash :: Math - Fast Arithmetic Using The 3d Api?

Jun 3, 2011

Some computationally intensive software are now using the GPU to solve mathematical problems. Now that flash has GPU support, is it possible to use flash to crunch math problems? How would it be done. In other words, does flash expose sufficient low level API to control the behavior of the GPU sufficiently to perform such a task? Example of problems; Find a message with the following hash: 2987432847298374298374982374

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Math.cos - Change Arithmetic Positive Progression To Negative Progression

Jul 20, 2009

Code: Select allimport caurina.transitions.*;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME , kop)
function kop(e:Event):void {
dot.x = mouseX ;
dot.y = mouseY ;

What i done there i draw a box and made it to movieclip and instance named it hook and created a invisible dot and called it dot. Then I calculated distance from box to the mouse then i took that number and put it in Math.cos command. And finally i made tweener to change box scale depending what my mouse distance from it.So if my mouse is close the box is big , if far - box is small. Ok, I want to know is there another way to do this ? Cuz , i cant think of other way to change arithmetic positive progression(like 3,6,9,12) to negative progression(like 12,9,6,3) than Math.cos command.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Math.floor Acting Like Math.round?

Mar 7, 2011

Here is the problem:

var p:int = 0;
var n:Number = 0;
n = 32.999999999999999;
p = Math.floor(n);
trace(p); // returns 33
n = 32.11111111111111;
p = Math.floor(n);
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I would expect both of these to return 32. I have searched, and it seems this is an unreported bug in AS3. Or ... am I doing something wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Simple Arithmetic Calculation - No 0 In Output

Feb 23, 2011

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this.sales_txt.text = "8.50"
this.buying_txt.text = "3"
var marginPerLitre:Number = parseFloat(this.sales_txt.text) - parseFloat(this.buying_txt.text)
trace(marginPerLitre) // = 5.5 <--
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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is The Diffrence Between Math.floor And Math.round

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Want to do:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Optimize Flash File To Load Fast

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Flash :: The Math Class Does Not Appear To Exist?

Dec 11, 2011

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Apr 11, 2007

how to code where it should move towards (that's easy), and I know somewhat how to use math stuff on flash. But when I tried to implement it on this, it doesn't work. See code:

angleA = Math.atan2(TARGET._y-HERO._y, TARGET._x-HERO._x);
var degrees = angleA/(Math.PI/360);
BULLET._rotation = degrees;

It is correctly placed, don't worry about that.

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Actionscript 3 :: Fast Library(s) For Finding Human Eyes And Mouth In Flash?

Apr 2, 2010

So I have real time video stream. With 1 (one) person on It . It Is Black and White, I need to be able to capture this persons eyes and mouth (direction (at least X,Y), state (at least opened or closed) )

So Is there any fast library(s) for finding human eyes and mouth in Flash in such case? (pure Actionscript or HaxeJavaC++C port in SWC form.. What do I know Is - some libs are described in this presentation [URL]..
Grate example for eyes is here http://play.blog2t.net/files/black-or-white/


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Actionscript 3 :: Remove Flickering From A Fast Series Of Image Loads In Flash?

May 26, 2010

working on making a flash program that loads about 1000 jpegs and then plays them like a movie. Have all the buttons and stuff working but the time it takes for an image to load is so high that the movie can't be played at 30 fps. I've tried multiple ways of fixing this
using 1 scrollpane and changing its source ever 30 ms. This one is the worst but simplest. Flickers cause strobing and it is unwatchable.

used 2 scrollpanes that were duplicates of each other until I had to load. I would then make that one invisible, load it , then make it visible. Then load the background one. Works but same problem as the first at high speeds, just less severe. used 1 scrollpane per image . This works great, except that it fails miserably on any more than 100 of them due to the number of objects.Currently using action script 3, but will change if its not possible in that.

Also, I want to be able to zoom in and then scroll around the window hence the scrollpanes, but if that's not possible its a sacrifice I'm willing to make

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Jan 13, 2011

I need to resize images in actionscript maintaining the quality aka bicubic or bilinear resizing. At the moment my algorithm just loops through every single pixel and calculates the new pixel. example:


This is really slow and shamefully there is no multi-threading in the flash player, so I was wondering what tricks I can use to speed things up?

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Flash :: Performance - Get Object To Load As Fast Using Swfobject As It Does Via Embed Or Iframe?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm using swfobject to load a flash object on my site and it's loading very slowly on pages with a lot of data...as if swfobject waits until the page loads before loading the swf. Here's an example page with swfobject: [URL] If I change out the swfobject code with an iframe (with the swf as the src) or just use object embed, the flash object loads much, much faster...before the rest of the page loads.

I know there are a ton of page load time improvements I could make to that page (I'm working on that as well), but I'm wondering if there are some specific changes I could make to the way I'm using swfobject to get the same loading speed as an iframe or object embed?

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Flash :: Draw A Triangle In A Math Graph?

Mar 31, 2010

How to draw a triangle in a math graph which displays X and Y axis.

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Flash - Float And Math Precision On Different Systems?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to implement a gameplay recording feature in a project, which would only record player input and seed of the RNG at the beginning of the level. Then I could take such record and play it on my computer in order to test it for validity.I'm only concerned with some numerical differences which might appear between different Flash Player version, Operating Systems or CPUs (or whatever else that might be affected). The project would be written for Flash Player 10.0.0+. What stuff I am concerned with:


I won't be using stuff like hitTest, getObjectsUnderPoint, hitTestPoint, getBounds and so on, all collisions will be geometrical.So, are there any chances that using any of the pointed things above will yield different results on different systems? If so, what can I do to avoid them?

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