Flash :: Playing Swf External File?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to play a external SWF file (which is in server) in client side. It is working when I run through flash, but when double click on .swf it shows a dialog box:

Adobe Flash Player Security To let this application communicate with the internet click Settings.

So what settings do we need to change to play the swf file?

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Flash Player Not Playing External Flv File In IE And Chrome?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to play an FLV file in a flash player but it is not working in IE9 and Chrome. Works in firefox though.url...Theres 2 videos in the above linked page. One uses a simple flash player while the other uses JW player.Both give a "video not found" error in IE9 and Chrome. Both work in Firefox 5 though.(the link to the flv file is given as text on the page)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Flv File And After That Load External Swf File

Apr 7, 2009

i have a button that when it is pressed plays and loads an external flv file. this part works fine but directly after the flv video is finnished i want to load in an swf file. does some one have an idea how to do this? first show flv and then load swf?
this is the code as it looks now..


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Playing External .FLV File(s)?

Aug 24, 2009

I am fairly new to Flash and working with MX 2004 with Flash 2. I have tried several methods to play an external .FLV file. Some ideas from this forum and some from the Flash help system. Either I don't understand them and/or I am not implementing them correctly but nothing has worked. I have read of an FLVPlayback component and my system has a MediaPlayback component in the Component window. I have also seen yards of actionscript to play such files. Can anyone supply me with a basic/simple method, with code/example or buttons-to-push if necessary, to have an .SWF play an external .FLV via my MX 2004 system?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing An External .mp3 File?

May 5, 2009

stop();var pausePoint:Number = 0.00;var isPlaying:Boolean;
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();var sound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("Sounds/Music_File_2.mp3")); 

I am trying to play the .mp3 file called "Music_File_2.mp3" the music file is in a folder called "Sounds" 2buttons called Play_btn and Stop_btn plays and stops the music. Once the music playing if i click on the play button the music will pause.
Everything works fine when i launch the program though "Flash Player 10". but when i right click and open the .swf file with Internet explorer the whol project works fine, but the sounds would not play.

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Professional :: 5 Dots Appear When Playing External .swf File?

Nov 29, 2010

I have created a Flash Demo in AS3. I simply need to use the swf file to demonstrate a workflow. The file plays perfectly on my computer however when I sent it to my team, the content was replaced with 5 moving grey dots.The publish settings are at Flash Player 10. My team all have flash player 10 but no cigar.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Playing An External Video File?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable External FLV File From Playing Until Fully Loaded?

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So I need to load them all entirely, and have a single button that the user clicks to get them all to play simultaneously.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Loaded Swf Completes Playing Should Jump To Main File Specific Frame

Nov 28, 2009

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Professional :: Playing An External Video File And Upon Video Being Played, Move Onto Next Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

I suppose the title says it all.  I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play.  I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip.  The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end.  I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5. 

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Loading And Playing An External SWF In Flash CS3?

May 5, 2009

I've been trying to figure this one out for a couple of days now, and it's driving me nuts! I'm new to flash (I'm using CS3 with AS2), but I've managed to convert a template into an almost finished site. My problem is this: I've made an external slideshow swf which works fine if used by itself. It's saved as a flash 7 AS2 according to the program (Aleo Slideshow Gallery Maker) used to generate it. It's in the same directory as the main swf file. I'm not sure of the code to load and play the external slideshow swf with a button in the main swf file. Do I need to change the html as well as the swf script? I've tried all sorts of things, but I can't figure the script out on how to finish the flash to include the slideshow. The SWF files inquestion are attached - I'm just using sample iamages at the moment. When I go to the gallery page, I want to be able to click on the fly to load and play the slideshow.

slide_btn.swf (17.8 K)
backup70.swf (881.4 K)

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Flash :: AS3 Playing / Communicating With External Swf

Sep 2, 2011

so im bringing in a test external swf like so:


this simple external test swf has 10 frames. @ frame 1 theres a "intro" label, @ frame 5 theres a "stop" action, and on frame 6, theres an "outro" label. problem is that, when i click the button, it reloads the external swf and plays from frame 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect When A Playing Audio File Has Reached The End (stops Playing)?

Aug 31, 2009

I have some animation (programmatic, I'm NOT using keyframed animation in timeline), and some music I want to play in the background. Once the music file reaches the end (about 30 seconds long), I want to trigger the end of the animation functions.I figure I could either use an actionscript timer to trigger the end of the animation or a keyframe with actionscript that is placed on the timeline near the end of the song but these methods assume knowledge about the duration of the wave file. If I changed the framerate or updated the external wave file, these triggers would possibly no longer sync upIs there some sort of event listener or other detection method for an audio file to signal it has finished playing? Or maybe there is a way to get the duration of the audio file to use in the timer

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Flash :: Sound Keeps Playing After External Swf Was Unloaded

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The problem: If user didn't finish watching the video and skips to the next then I unload previous SWF file (unloadAndStop()) and load a new one. And because the previous SWF was playing it is not actually unloaded, it is still playing on the background (I hear two audio tracks: current and previous).

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package com
public class MainClass extends Sprite


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove / Unload External Swf File(s) From The Main Flash File And Load A New Swf File And Garbage Collection From Memory?

Sep 12, 2009

I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loading And Playing External Swf After Going To Frame Label?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a button on the main timeline. I would like to move the main timeline to a frame label called "history" and load and play a movie clip called "slideshow1".

I have the "gotoAndPlay" code working properly but can't seem to get the external swf "slideshow1" to load and play.

I've inserted the following code into the frame label "history" actionscript.


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Professional :: Playing AS2 SWF File In Flash CS4

Feb 23, 2010

How adobe plays the AS2 SWF file so beautifully, including being able to go to next frame or prev frame or zoom functions? I have tried many different ways to play an AS2 SWF in my flex (AS3) SWF loader and it is a very difficult problem. I use a AS2 Shell as a proxy and I use local connection to communicate between the two AVMs. The result is quite a horrible one because, I am not able to scale the swf very well and also have a torrid time with the debugger. Any special methods used by Adobe to achieve that in CS4 Flash or do they also use LocalConnection to play the AS2?

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Playing A Flash File In Android?

Dec 11, 2009

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Flash :: Loading And Playing More Than One .mp3 File?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm trying to set up a .flv file that will have buttons for two different pieces of sound.I've been able to get the first piece to load and to play and stop, but when I try to load the second piece, I trip up.I'm still a novice, but do think I understand the basic problem -- Actionscript can't distinguish between one sound request and another. The question is, how to fix this and get actionscript to understand that I'm trying to load and play two different sounds associated with two different buttons?I get error codes such as "1151: A conflict exists with definition s in namespace internal." , "duplicate function" problems and "duplicate variable" warnings. I've seen some discussion on this site of a recyclable sound object. I think I'm asking a similar question, but although the person who posed that question also posted a solution, I haven't been able to make it work.Here's the code:

var s:Sound = new Sound();
s.load(new URLRequest("http://www.website.com/Water.mp3"));


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IDE :: Runs While The Flash File Is Playing?

Apr 15, 2006

I 'm working in a flash website and I used a background music that runs while the flash file is playing, I used action script codes to run this music. Also, I used some simple sounds that plays when the user move his mouse over a button or some items, but I imported these sounds to its frames directly and I didn't use action script to run it.The problem is that I want to make a "MUTE" button to stop all sounds, but the background music only stopped because it was runned through Action Script, other buttons will produce the same sounds when moving the mouse over them Does anybody have an action script code to mute all sounds even if they were imported to frames directly??

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Professional :: Flash Crashes After Playing MP3 File

Feb 2, 2010

I use Hikari a C++ library which allow to display flash control in a texture for the Ogre 3D Engine. I have a flash control which play a sound (.mp3) when I set a param (param = 0 with arg = 1022). The string I sent to raw_CallFunction() is:
"<invoke name="SetParam" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>0</string><string>1022.000000</st ring></arguments></invoke>"

It works very well. But when I close the application, it crashes, even if the sound of the .mp3 is finished. It crashes only is an .mp3 sound have been played (all other setparams and getparams do not crash the application). I have the same problem with different flashes, and with different sounds. I don't think the source of the problem come from the Hikari library, but I think it come from the way i close the flash control. Is there something to do when I close the application after having played an mp3 in a flash control? A function to call?

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Professional :: Requirements For Playing Flash Exe File?

Jul 26, 2011

I have exported a flash file as exe which works fine on my machine but when it is delivered to the client it does not work. Does a exe file require that the machine have a browser flash environment. I that everthing was packages in the exe.

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Flash :: .swf File Stops Playing (ends Prematurely)

Sep 30, 2008

I have uploaded an .swf file to my site but when I embed it into my site page it won't play all the way through, it just freezes about half way. But the same .swf file will play fine in Flash.. I am using a content management system called Teamsite.

This file is not especially large only 377KB, I have tried removing images to reduce the size down to 96KB and it will still freeze. The file is just rotating images and uses no fancy effects just a simple fade.

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Javascript :: Detecting When A Flash File Has Finished Playing?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm using Javascript to embed a flash file into a website which I then need to remove once it's completed playing.

Is there a way to do this in plain Javascript? Or will it require a callback type function to be added into the Flash file itself?

How do I code this? ._.


jQuery('body').append('<embed id="flashIntro" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="' + flashIntro + '" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" />');

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Flash - Firing Events When SWF File Ends Playing?

Jun 15, 2011

What I want is to play a swf file in my site. And when that swf animation file ends that is fully watched by the User, I want to call a PHP page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trying To Open New Window Playing A FLV From Flash File

Feb 24, 2011

I have a swf embedded into a course and when a certain button is clicked, it needs to open a new blank window where it plays an FLV file with whatever width and height i specify.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Carousel From Playing Through Whole Flash File

Dec 28, 2010

Iv inserted actionscript in flash to create a 3D Carousel. I have included buttons and frame labels which allows me to create other pages.How do I stop my carousel from playing though my whole flash file as I only want it to play up to frame 20 as beyond this I have my second page.I am using Flash CS5.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Flash : Playing Speex Audio From A File

Aug 5, 2010

I have tried really hard to find an example showing how to play speex encoded audio in flash. I tried the following code -

var connect_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connect_nc);


I tested the above code with .flv videos and AAC encoded audio files and it works just fine. But when I try stream_ns.play("sample.spx") I get a stream not found exception.

Am I using the wrong container (.spx) for speex audio. Is playing speex audio from a file supported?

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