Flex :: Get Width Of The Clipped Displayed Column

Jan 13, 2011

I have a DataGrid in my project. It doesn't fit's the width of the form, so the scrollBar appears. The DataGrid, on it's initial state, displays a few columns and a part of the next column (which would appear after scrolling). Is there any way, I can get the width of this, displaying part?

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Flex :: Flash - DataGrid Column Width: One Column To Rule Them All?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a Flex 4, mx:DataGrid with the following (pertinent) properties set:


I have the minWidth set on all of the DataGridColumns and the width set on one of them. If I simply maximize/minimize the display (in browser or stand-alone flash player) of the application, the columns scale up and down nicely. But if you grab the edge of the application and drag it to make it bigger, only one column grows really big. When you drag the size down again, the one column remains big, but all of the other columns get squished way down.

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Flex :: DataGrid Column Width?

Aug 17, 2009

In my flex app I store the widths and visiblility of columns in an xml file. When the app loads it reads from the xml file and sets he columns values as applicable:

for(i = 0; i < columnsOrder.length; i++){
newOrder[i] = myDG.columns[Number(columnsOrder[i]) - 1];
newOrder[i].visible = (Number(columnsVisiblity[i]) == 1);


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Mar 15, 2010

In flex, I have a datagrid with 22 columns. I initially display all the columns. The width of each column right is uniform. Now when i change the visiblity of a few columns, the width of each column varies. How do i maintain a uniform column width for each column whether or not there are any invisible columns? how do i get the count of number of visible columns. the ColumnCount property returns total number of columns and not the number of visible ones.

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Flex :: DataGrid Column Width Is Not Set Properly?

Jan 4, 2011

In the below example I has called the OptimizeDataGrid method on Button Click event to resize the Column according to the data. whereas on the First Time of the Button Click event It called the function whereas the Datagrdi Column width alone is not set properly.whereas on second time it is working properly.For Eg : In the below statement the text value is coming as 55 and widthPadding is comes as 25. but the sum of these two value is not in the dg.columns[col].width.

dg.columns[col].width = text + widthPadding;

But the same is working on the second time of the Button click event.

import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;[code].....

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Flex :: Dynamically Change The Width Of Datagrid Column?

Jun 16, 2009

Can we change the width of the datagrid column dynamically by clicking on the border of the column in order to display the complete string which is too long to be displayed and needs to be scrolled ? If so, How ?

Also, how can we ensure that the column width changes dynamically based on the number of characters / length of string; since many a times the data is too long to be displayed. Can we set the column width to take the length of data into consideration before displaying onto the datagrid ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change Column Width In Flex Grid

Jun 23, 2009

I'm using a mx.containers.Grid to layout some data, and the last column is a set of checkboxes. MXML Code snippet:[code]Basically, I want the labels & text values to align however the Grid component sees fit. However, I'd like the checkboxes to be right-aligned. I've tried setting the width of the textValues to 100% and it does nothing. I don't want to use hard-coded pixel values/canvases/etc because it is important that this is easy to change/update.

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Actionscript 3 :: Unable To Change Column Width Dynamically In Flex Datagrid

May 17, 2011

I am using a singleton class (popup, which means it doesn't forget the last used variables) which contains a datagrid. I am making various columns visible/invisible, setting the widths and headers in accordance to data received from a database call. Everything works fine except that when I put the breakpoints before and after the point where I change width of columns, I do not see the change in width of datagrid at all! Instead I see some values totally out of sync as widths of datagrid column! However, since it is a singleton class, the next time I call this popup, I see widths which I did set up in last call.

I must be messing up in calling the setWidth() function (which is my custom function which changes the width of datagrid in action script). What should be the point where I should call this function? I tried in creationComplete, show and in the setter of dataprovider.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Width Is Not Displayed?

Jun 25, 2009

Why I am not able to find out width of image ?
Error "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.    at Show/displayImage()    at Show$iinit()"
public function displayImage(imgPath:String,imgWidth:Number,imgHeigt:Number,imgXPos:N umber,imgYPos:Number)        {            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imgPath);            var loader:Loader = new Loader();            loader.load(request);            loader.x = imgXPos;            loader.y = imgYPos;                        addChild(loader);            trace(loader.content.width);                                                        }

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Flex :: Get Column Index Of Header Column In AdvancedDataGrid?

Mar 9, 2010

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Flex :: Drag And Drop Column Data To Another Column?

Jan 29, 2011

In Flex, using AdvancedDataGrid, I'm trying to achieve a drag and drop of one row's column data to another row's column or the same row but different column. Is this even possible? I've been googling for hours and all I can find are drag and drop whole columns just to rearrange their view order.

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Flex - Container's Clipped Children Not Visible On Scrolling?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a VBox inside a Canvas. The 'red bars' are custom components based on 'Canvas'. All red bars are of equal height. I have 20 red bars inside the VBox. The scrollbars visible in the screenshot are the Canvas's scrollbars. The scrollbars of the VBox are disabled using verticalScrollPolicy = off.

Without scrolling, only 16 red bars (and a part of the 17th bar) are visible. However, when I scroll down the Canvas I expect to see the remaining red bars - but the bars that are not visible when the application starts don't get 'drawn'. What am I doing wrong? I want the user to be able to see the 17th - 20th bars when the Canvas is scrolled down.

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List Component: Changing Column Width?

May 27, 2011

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 :: Flex AlivePDF Export Charts / Charts Being Clipped

Jan 12, 2010

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Is there a property that returns the width of the tileList minus the width of the scrollbar?

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Flex :: Setting Button Width To Text Width?

Mar 28, 2010

I am creating a nav in flex that pulls in buttons dynamically from xml. THe problem i am having is setting the button width to the text width. currently the buttons are all the same width and if the text is larger then it just cuts off. I've tried a few ways of doing this:Setting button width to 100%On creation of the button try to set the width of the button to the text programmatically. Something like evt.target.width = evt.target.textWidth;

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Actionscript :: LoaderInfo.width != Stage.width In Flex 3.5?

Nov 21, 2011

Running into strange behaviour with flex 3.5. Here is a minimal code:build.xml target:

<target name="player">


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Sound Getting Clipped On Import?

Sep 5, 2009

I have a simple page with 8 buttons. Each button has a mp3 file that is set to play on mouseover. Each mp3 is 2 to 7 secs in duration. My problem is, 3 of the med length files are getting clipped at the beginning by a second or so. The others are fine, even the longest at 7 seconds. I have tested the files in the many media players I have and they are fine there. But I can see in the Flash Sound Edit window that the files are missing the beginning of the waveform.I have tried extending the timelines, but they won't budge. I have made other projects and imported the mp3's with the same results. If I import as a wav file, or any other, they come out perfect. It is only the mp3's that get clipped. I have even gone as far as to remix and remaster the clips with a tad of silence at both ends, rendered at different bitrates etc with no luck.

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When Place Theat Control In A New FLA It Is Clipped

Nov 14, 2006

I create a custom control in a FLA, and compile it to a SWC. It works no problem, even the ActionSciprt. When I place theat control in a new FLA, it is clipped. I only see the lower right, because it thinks the center is upper left. Adding a 2nd control then makes the first available. WHAT THE FUGK IS THAT ABOUT? Also, to move either control, you have to grip it by some new blue rectangly that is no part of the control. This, also, is way off center.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Clipped In Half On Stage

Jan 17, 2011

I have a movie clip that is 2000px wide but when I view the movieclip on the stage it is clipped to 1000 ish px and I can only view the whole thing when I am editing the movieclip.Is there a setting so I can view the whole movieclip?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Display A Multi-line Column Header Using The Flex Spark Data Grid?

Apr 13, 2011

How can you display a multi-line column header using the Flex Spark Data Grid for Flex 4.5?

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Flash :: Html - Piecemaker Slider Clipped By It's Container?

Jul 2, 2010

I am implementing the flash slider, Piecemaker, for the first time in my latest project. I've got a problem with it's animation being cropped by the width and height of its container, and I cannot for the life of me work out how to let it overflow outside its container during animations. There is also a weird problem I've just noticed that the top of the slider gets clipped off for some reason? who's worked with piecemaker, or something similar, or a css ninja see what the problem is? Here is the demo as it is at the moment - Link

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Flex - Check If A Menu Is Displayed

Aug 30, 2010

I create a menu with this:

menu = Menu.createMenu(parent, get_entries());
menu.labelField = "@label";
menu.show(position.x, position.y);

How can to check if the menu is still displayed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movies Are Clipped At Their Stage Dimensions For Html?

Jun 24, 2009

how do i make sure my flash movies are clipped at their stage dimensions for html.as it is now, anything thats big enough to over lap or are off my stage still show up.all i want displayed is whats on the stage, and nothing else. is there a specific code i need to use? or is it just a check box setting that i cant find in my publish settings?

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Actionscript 3 :: Reset A Flex Label Width To "auto" After Setting An Explicit Width?

Oct 12, 2009

Once I've set either the width or percentWidth property on a flex label, is there a way to reset the width to its default (i.e., the width of the text plus padding)? I'm using the label as a renderer. In some cases, I'd like it to automatically size to the text, and in other cases, I'd like it to be a percentage width of its container. Obviously, I could use two separate labels, one for each of the above cases, but I'm curious if it's possible to reset the label to its default behavior.

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Flex :: Force Validation When A Container Is Displayed

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Flex 3 app with a view in a viewstack, and that view must only be created when requested. I have declared validators for each of the controls on the view and I have created a method called checkAllValid() which runs Validator.validateAll(). This works great when I'm actually using the controls (using the change or focusOut events), but how can I get checkAllValid() to run when the view is first displayed to the user, so that they are immediately shown what is invalid once the data is populated in the controls?

I have tried putting the call in various events on the view itself (e.g. creationComplete, updateComplete, show, activate, etc.) but it always shows the following error when I start the application:

'The source attribute must be specified when the property attribute is specified.'

I have also tried setting the creationPolicy on the view to "all" but this does not help.

Some of the validators are only enabled when the form is in a certain state, but I have eliminated that as being the potential problem by commenting out all of my validators except for this most simple one:


I have also tried calling the single validator directly rather than using validateAll and the result is the same.

There must be a way I can force the view to validate when it is shown....

(by the way it's in the Cairngorm MVC framework and I have data bound to the controls)

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Mar 15, 2011

I have a Rect with the following fill:

<s:LinearGradient id="goldGradientFill">
<s:GradientEntry color="#6B4822" ratio="0" />


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Sep 12, 2009

is it possible to make the child elements of a vbox to occupy 100% of the width without indicating width=100% for each element ?

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Flex :: Click On Particular Column Alone?

Jul 29, 2009

How can i set click on particular column alone in Flex Data Grid... i want a click event for that column alone which should open a website.

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IDE :: Make A Table In Flash And Enable The Column Headers On The Table To Sort Column On Click?

May 4, 2009

How to make a table in Flash and enable the column headers on the table to sort column on click?I have seen some tutorials with mySQL but I'd like to start with something basic. Is a sortable table possible using just Flash and AS 2.0?

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