Flex :: Moving More Than One Divider At A Time In HDividedBox

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to have a minimap display with a draggable viewport below a chart. I essentially have this to control the viewport of the chart:

<mx:HDividedBox id="dividedBox" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="100%" height="100%" liveDragging="true" borderSides="bottom top">


Problem is, only one divider actually moves at a time. I found that if I set a timeout of about 50ms before moving the next divider that both dividers move. However, this seems like a rather awkward way to approach this and is error prone.

Anyone know if it's possible to move two dividers in a HDividedBox simultaneously or should I be taking another approach?

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<mx:HDividedBox width="100%"


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Flex :: Mouseover - HDividedBox Flicker With LiveDragging Enabled *only* When Mouse Is Over Component?

Apr 15, 2011

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<mx:HDividedBox width="500" height="200" liveDragging="true">
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<s:SkinnableContainer minWidth="0" backgroundColor="blue" percentHeight="100"/>[code3].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: "TweenEvent.MOTION_START" - Start Moving The Second Movie Clip At The Same Time When The 1st Starts Moving

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Add Divider Between Horizontal Text?

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Home | About | Some Other Link | One Other Link

function initFooterNav () {
for (var a:Number = 0; a < 4; a++) {
var footer_div:FooterDivider = new FooterDivider();


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IDE :: Moving Frames In Time With Audio?

Sep 12, 2009

I'm putting together book in Flash. The audio starts with frame 2 but the naritive continues on frame 3 and 4. I can code a "next" button like so:

on (release) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Car At Time / Date For 11 Hours

Feb 15, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bug With Numbers And Moving A Simple MC Over Time?

May 23, 2011

This has been destroying my noggin for hours now. I have an MC within an MC that I want to move from left to right, starting at 6.5x and needing to end at its width +6.5c (so 494.5x every time). Depending on the TOTALSECONDS I put in, it changes every time. It is always off, never perfect, and it is boggling my mind. Here is my code.


TOTALSECONDS = 90; // you can make this any number
var pMove = (progressBar.blackBar.width + 6.5) / (TOTALSECONDS) /8;
progBarMovement = Math.round(pMove*1000)/1000;


progresBar.blackBar.width is equal to 488. Add 6.5 to it, and we have 494.5. Regardless of how many TOTALSECONDS I use, this bar needs to move across the screen from left to right perfectly until it reaches 494.5, which should equal the "total" found in the code. It works for some numbers, doesn't for others. It is like numbers are being lost in transit. If I set the TOTALSECONDS to 10, it works perfectly. If I set the TOTALSECONDS to 90, it ends up at 476x rather than 495x where it needs to be. The longer the time, the worse it gets.

This should work flawlessly each and every time. This could not get any simpler, yet it is not working. Simple simple math and yet it doesn't want to work. I have to be missing something. Maybe the .x coords can't move on certain decimal digits, so those are being lost?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Moving 2 Different MovieClips At Same Time OnPress Function

Jun 17, 2010

I am using the following code to simulate a volume control bar filling on vol+ and unfilling on vol-. The dragger is a mask that causes the fill to appear and disappear when the mouse is pressed and dragged on the volume controller. It works well, but I would like to add a "switch" that moves at the same time and in the same location as the fill, but on top of it... I created the movieClip for the switch and tried all kinds of variations to the following code with its instance in the code, but cant seem to get it working... below is the code which works with just the mask filling / unfilling.

this.ratio = 0;dragger.onPress = function() {this.startDrag(true, 0, 0, line._width, 0);
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
ratio = Math.round(this._x*100/line._width);
_root.volume = ratio; }; };
dragger.onRelease = dragger.onRelease=stopDrag;

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Flash CS5 - Moving Object Around In Circle One Degree At A Time

Aug 2, 2011

I have an object called point that I can move around the screen with my mouse. This object has a vector mapped through it (_v1) using the center of the stage and "point"s x,y location in order to draw the vector (note all of this is working fine). My problem is occurring when I set up was a button that simply sets a value to true if you press it. The idea behind this button is that when pressed, whatever location "point" is at, it will move 1 degree clockwise in a circle around the center of the stage (this is all happening in the frameHandler so I can keep clicking the button to make it continue around the stage).

The code I am using is based in an if statement listed below:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1angle:Number = _v1.angle;
v1angle++; //increase the angle by 1 degree
if(v1angle>180) {
v1angle -= 360; }
[Code] .....

So what is happening here is that clockwisePressed has been set to true so this fires off. My vector (_v1) is set up to tell me the angle (already converted from radians to degrees) but it's a read-only value. So I assign it (_v1.angle) to v1angle so I can mess with it and increase it by 1 so I'm moving clockwise around the center of the stage. Then I just check to make sure that it falls into a range between -180 and 180 (if I trace _v1.angle around the stage, 0 degrees is to the left, 90 degrees is straight up, 180 degrees is to the right, and -90 is straight down). Now using the formula I derived from this thread but converted to work with 0 degrees pointing to the left and the value for Y going up the further down the stage you go, I came up with

x = centerX - radius * cos(angle)
y = centerY - radius * sin(angle)

Now when I make a sample chart on paper and use these values on my calculator, this works like a charm. If I plug in an angle, the radius, and center I get a point right on my circle I draw on a sheet of graph paper. However, when I actually try this in flash, the "point" jumps all over the stage. (Note that _v1.m is just the magnitude of the vector between the center of the stage and "point" which is the same as the radius). So I trace everything and the values for cos and sin don't seem to be coming out right. For example, if my angle is -1.9581 and I take the cos of that on my calculator I get something along the lines of 0.9994 but flash traces Math.cos(angle) to be -0.3777. Isn't using Math.cos(-1.9581) the same as putting -1.9581 into your calculator and hitting cos?

Below is the corrected code that works:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1RadAngle:Number = Math.atan2(_v1.vy, _v1.vx); //get angle in radians
v1RadAngle += 0.0174; //increase the angle by ~1 degree more or less
//Now just move the crosshair and get it ready to be redrawn
point.x = centerX - _v1.m * Math.cos(v1RadAngle); //_v1.m = radius
point.y = centerY - _v1.m * Math.sin(v1RadAngle);
clockwisePressed = false; //remove button pressed boolean

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Audio And Moving Frames In Time?

Sep 14, 2009

What I'm looking to happen is that on frame 2 I want audio track 1 to play and:

after 1 min 45s move to frame 3
after 1 min 51s move to frame 4
after 2 min 47s move to frame 5
after 3 min 15s move to frame 6

How would I code this or what would be the easiest way to do it??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Random Moving Object Disappear After A Certain Time?

Feb 26, 2006

I've just finished using this bit of simple code to get an object to move around randomly. What I want to do is try and get it to disapear or move off the stage after say a minute (with a countdown clock in the corner starting from a minute and counting down).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Actions - Get The Picture Menu To Keep Moving And Not Just For The First Time When Click On The Arrows

Jul 25, 2010

I have got the banner on this webpage [URL] made from a guy in India but i want to add an additional feature. When i click the left or right button multiple times how do i get the picture menu to keep moving and not just for the first time i click on the arrows.. Is there some action script that i can include??

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Convert UTC Time To Date Time Format In Flex?

Jul 1, 2011

How to convert UTC time into date time format in flex. I am using sdk 3.5. for example I have current date time in UTC format as 1309522586000 (milliseconds) and I want to convert it to friday jul 1 2011. How can I do this??

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Flex :: Moving Down/up Row Of S:DataGrid?

Jul 25, 2011

Recently started Flex. Had some practice on how to use services in PHP that Flex client asks via zend AMF. As a part of my project I am planning to load data from Mysql using PHP (via service) and display it in a s:DataGrid.For this purposes I'm keen on knowing is it possible to move up/down datagrid row using ActionScript 3.0 depending on, say,specific row[r1][c1]'s value.Think that OnTimer event datagrid's content will be updated and sorted by column Time and dislplayed by ascending order, whenever i update the time the row which it's column's value was modified should move down or up using Animation like this example from Adobe Center

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Beat Em Up - Character Stop Moving If The Attack Is Pressed And Once It Is Released Start Moving Again?

Nov 2, 2010

im currently making an "AS3 beat em up" ala streets of rage or double dragon.Currently i have my character moving and a few animations done and i am trying to figure out how to make attacks work.I have some "basic" animation for his attack, but im not sure how to get it to work correctley.What happens is, if you press control (the attack button) whilst the character is walking he just keeps moving and is stopped on the attack frame.I want the character to stop moving if the attack is pressed and once it is released start moving again.

var left:Boolean = false;
var right:Boolean = false;[code].......

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Apr 18, 2011

what changes I need to make?

What can be the possible issues in upgrading ? Benefits of upgrading from flex 3.2 to 3.5.

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Flex :: Moving Canvases Between Several Ui Elements?

Mar 1, 2010

I need to animate a lable movement between 2 canvases...The mxml example of the code is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="main()" frameRate="1">


Currently the problem is that the label actually do not leave borders of the first canvas (I see scrollbars instead of it).I think this is related to globalToLocal conversion problems, but do not understand how to use it.Also another question is how to animate the movement corretly, because move function performs movement without any visible action.

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Flex :: Moving TitleWindow Application In Air

Sep 20, 2011

I have problem. I'd like to make dragable am Air TitleWindow application only by titlebar/header. I have this code, but its dragable everywhere.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Associate Buttons With A Moving Moving Clip?

Jan 30, 2012

what i have is a tween on a movie clip of a popcorn kernel on one layer and a tween on a button on another layer to follow the movie clip. i want to be able to roll over the kernel and make it "pop". i changed my over on the button to popped corn (this works) but i want it to stay popped for the rest of the tween.

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Flex :: Detection And Moving Objects After Collision?

May 10, 2011

I am creating a scheduling application that shows projects (wrapped within a canvas) on a 2 week calendar timeline.If the user decides to move a project over by a day, i need to check and see if the moving project would then overlap with any other existing projects. If it does, one of the two projects would need to move down the screen along the y axis until the two projects no longer overlap.I've created a function that loops through a repeater item which is used to create the projects... the end result of this function is an arrayCollection that holds:

0. the id number within the repeater

1. the project title

2. x coordinate

3. y coordinate

4. the width of the project

5. the height of the project

I have also created a function that takes the two objects within the array collection and determines if they're overlapping.I can not, however, figure out a working loop that goes through the array collection, compares each item within it, checks to see if they overlap, moves the project if they do overlap, and then continues onto the next project.

Also, I need to make sure that moving one project will not make it overlap with another.I ended up having to reset each elements y value to 0 each time any project is moved and then re-evaluating whether or not they collide.

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Flex :: Reduce The Time Request Between Producer (Java) And Consumer (Flex) With JMS Message?

Jul 12, 2010

I have implemented application client-server with spring blazeDs message services using JMS message destination. The idea is a producer declared in Java send message using activeMQ and consumer declared in Flex receives them. I have configured the AMFChannel with a polling interval 0, but I have seen when the consumer subscribes to the destination in Flex, the time request can be of up to 3 seconds.


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Flex :: Preloader - Call Flex InitComplete At A Specific Time?

May 31, 2010

Below is the overriden on complete function for a preloader in Flex.

private function initComplete(e:Event):void
//dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
cp.status.text="Configuring... Please Wait";

What I want to do is when the app has finsihed loading I want to change the preloaders text to "configuring".Then I want to go and do a bunch of setup stuff in my code.Once I've done all the setup I wanted how can I get the Preloader to dispatch its Event.complete from else where in my code?I tried Application.application.preloader but it comes up null.So I guess my question really is how to access a preloader from anywhere in my application. Would a better approach be to have all setup classes as members of my preloader class?

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Flex :: Moving SWC To Libs Folder Breaks Project

Apr 20, 2010

I have a swc(degrafa) that I have been referencing externally in another folder on my computer. When I tried to move the swc to the libs folder I was no longer able to access the swc from my application.

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Flex :: Moving Single Rows In A DataGrid In Flashbuilder4?

Jan 16, 2011

Is it possible to have "Move-Up / Move-Down" buttons that can move a selected row in a dataGrid and move it to a different row in the database?

Where can I get more info or an example of this and what would this type of operation be called?

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