Flex :: Prevent Dragging Of A HDividedBox's Divider Based On A Condition

Feb 23, 2010

I'd love to be able to prevent dragging of a HDividedBox's divider based on a condition. for example:


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Flex :: Moving More Than One Divider At A Time In HDividedBox

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to have a minimap display with a draggable viewport below a chart. I essentially have this to control the viewport of the chart:

<mx:HDividedBox id="dividedBox" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="100%" height="100%" liveDragging="true" borderSides="bottom top">


Problem is, only one divider actually moves at a time. I found that if I set a timeout of about 50ms before moving the next divider that both dividers move. However, this seems like a rather awkward way to approach this and is error prone.

Anyone know if it's possible to move two dividers in a HDividedBox simultaneously or should I be taking another approach?

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Flex :: Drag And Drop - Prevent Dragging For Certain Items?

Mar 22, 2010

how would you prevent dragging for some items of your List or DataGrid?

Let's say I had a list with two items: 'Tom' and 'Jerry'. Only 'Tom' should be dragable, not 'Jerry'.

Ideally I had a 'isDragEnabled(item:Object):Boolean' function, which is being queried by the drag source.

My difficulties start with the fact that the 'dragStart' event handler has a null value for the dragSource, so right from the start I find it hard to find out what the drag-start is about..

PS There have been a few discussions on preventing or canceling a drop, but I haven't seen much about preventing the drag start, hence this question.

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Flex :: Prevent Dragging Outside The Parent Container In Flash?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a canvas onto which I draw shapes like rectangle etc. When I move the shape using my custom mouse down/mouse move handler, the shape can go outside the parent bounds.

I am checking if the child is outside the parent's bound to snap it back:

var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this.parent);
var p:Point;
if (bounds.x <0) {


The snapInside method gets called when I go outside the left or top boundary. But when the child is dragged outside the right or bottom boundary, I find Flex/Flash runtime automatically expands the parent's height and width. So say the parent size was initially 800x600, if child Y bounds exceed 800 by say 20 pixel, I find the this.parent.height automatically resized by flex to 820!!

How do I prevent the parent from resizing when child goes outside the original bounds of the parent ?

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Flex :: HDividedBox Accordion List Resize?

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<mx:HDividedBox width="100%"


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Dec 13, 2010

I am doing a simple combobox example. Now my requirement was, i want to differentiate the combobox values with some colors. I dont know how to do this. can you guys pls help me out on this. Suppose for ex: if my combobox data value exceeds 200 i want to display the items in "red" else i want to display in "green".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Sep 9, 2011

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Flex :: Mouseover - HDividedBox Flicker With LiveDragging Enabled *only* When Mouse Is Over Component?

Apr 15, 2011

I've noticed that an "out of the box" HDividedBox has some serious flickering issues when liveDragging is enabled, but only when the pointer is over the contents of the DividedBox while dragging. If you grab the BoxDivider and move the pointer off the component while dragging, the flicker goes away and the component renders properly.

I have tested this with both my customized component and an extremely basic HDividedBox implementation with Group, SkinnableContainer, and BoxContainer children as well as nested groups with clipping.All types of children exhibit the same behavior.

<mx:HDividedBox width="500" height="200" liveDragging="true">
<s:SkinnableContainer minWidth="0" backgroundColor="green" percentHeight="100"/>
<s:SkinnableContainer minWidth="0" backgroundColor="blue" percentHeight="100"/>[code3].....

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Halo ComboBox control. -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Home | About | Some Other Link | One Other Link

function initFooterNav () {
for (var a:Number = 0; a < 4; a++) {
var footer_div:FooterDivider = new FooterDivider();


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Oct 28, 2009

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private function configure():void
var selectedAlgos:Array = algosList.selectedItems;[code].....

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Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to set the row background color for the advanced data grid control in Flex 3. Does anyone know if this is possible using a style function. Currently my style function looks like:

public function myStyleFunc(data:Object, col:AdvancedDataGridColumn):Object
if (data["status"] == "PRICING")
return {color:0xFF0000 , fontWeight:"bold" , backgroundColor:0xFF0000};


However the background color does not change.

I have heard on the grape vine that I may need to override some methods to enable the background color property.

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Jan 7, 2011

I have a bindable getter in a component which informs me when a [hidden] timer is running. I also have a context menu which, if this timer is running, should disable one of the menu items.Is it possible to create a ChangeWatcher which watches for the negative condition of a bindable property/getter and changes the enabled property of the menu item?Class B:[code]In the code above, I have the inverse case: when isPlaying() is true, the menu item is enabled; I want it to only be enabled when the condition is false.[code]

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May 26, 2011

For example <s:TextInput id="sd" text="{if () {0} else if() {1} else {2}}"/>

Is it possible to do something like that?

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May 27, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Tic Tac Toe Game In Flex - Check The Winning Condition On Btn_click() Function

Jan 4, 2012

I am newer in FLEX and currently i am using FLEX 3.0 I want to develop a Tic Tac Toe game in FLEX. At first i think this one is the easiest for me but now its going to be very tough for me. I have searched on Internet but not a single link that much so please give me proper Idea with proper code. Here i am giving you the sample code. its a bit of complex so sorry for that.


I have check the winning condition on btn_click() function but you can give me the idea to change it when the one row is completed. I want to know how to handle the array of TicTacToe Game.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Condition - If The Variable Change Condition Don't Change

Sep 12, 2009

I have a BD return by PHP without problem : I have "all_good" and "no_good" If the variable change my condition don't change ..... why


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Dragging Components In Flex?

Apr 3, 2010

so I am trying to drag around some images in a canvas. I am adding eventlisteners to the components and calling startDrag() and stopDrag() to pick them up and stuff:

component.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, component.startDrag)

The problem is that it is selecting the image at its (0,0) location and not where I initially click on it. So there's a sudden "jump" when I click on the image. It is not smooth.

I noticed that startDrag() has two default parameters, one of them is lockCenter and it is default to false. Maybe do I set it equal to true somehow? (I don't know how to pass arguments to my second parameter in addeventlistener)

Another question: if I want to add more conditions to it, like make a new function that uses component.startDrag(), how do I pass the component to this function while adding event listener to it at the same time? for example: I want to do:

component.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, some_other_function);

where some_other_function uses component.startDrag();

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Flex :: Prevent Copying Style From One Flex TextArea To Another?

Nov 3, 2009

If you have two text areas with different styles (fontFamily, weight, color etc) and you copy text from one to the other it also copies the style from the originating text area. Is there any slick way to prevent that?

Here is a sample of code that will illustrate the problem. Type some text in the top box and some text in the bottom, then copy some characters from the top box to the bottom. I'm not using htmltext.[code]...

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Mar 23, 2010

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