Flex :: Mouseover - HDividedBox Flicker With LiveDragging Enabled *only* When Mouse Is Over Component?
Apr 15, 2011
I've noticed that an "out of the box" HDividedBox has some serious flickering issues when liveDragging is enabled, but only when the pointer is over the contents of the DividedBox while dragging. If you grab the BoxDivider and move the pointer off the component while dragging, the flicker goes away and the component renders properly.
I have tested this with both my customized component and an extremely basic HDividedBox implementation with Group, SkinnableContainer, and BoxContainer children as well as nested groups with clipping.All types of children exhibit the same behavior.
<mx:HDividedBox width="500" height="200" liveDragging="true">
<s:SkinnableContainer minWidth="0" backgroundColor="green" percentHeight="100"/>
<s:SkinnableContainer minWidth="0" backgroundColor="blue" percentHeight="100"/>[code3].....
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<mx:HDividedBox id="dividedBox" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="100%" height="100%" liveDragging="true" borderSides="bottom top">
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component.mouseChildren = true;
component.useHandCursor = true;
component.buttonMode = true;
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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates()
at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates()
at mx.automation::AutomationManager$/addDelegates()
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Feb 9, 2011
Since I updated to the latest build of Flex Hero ( AdvancedDataGrids flicker in design view with Flash Builder Burrito preview. Has anyone run into this and if so is there a work-around besides dropping back a version?
Update 02 19:29 : This did not occur in previous Hero builds, e.g 18623.I am using the default Spark theme, nothing else particularly special.
Update 01 19:15 : I tracked down the problem to an instance of a custom (default custom, i.e the result of doing new->component based on AdvancedDataGrid) on the same form.
The component declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" [code]......
The custom component instantiation. Note "fo" is a namespace representing the path to the package for which the custom component resides.
<fo:adgTest width="300" height="200">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="blah1" />[code]......
It turns out that this custom version of AdvancedDataGrid causes the design view to break down. Very odd.
Update 03 2011-02-11 13:36 : A custom AdvancedDataGrid does not cause design-view breakdown unless I add columns to it.
Update 04 2011-02-11 15:13 : Filed as a bug: https:[url].....
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Jun 16, 2010
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As an alternative I also tried adding a group container with the same dimensions as the HTMLLoader to detect the mouseDown events (so that the group container and HTMLLoader have the same Dragable parent container) and was able to capture mouseDown events and scroll the viewport as expected. However as the mouse event is handled by the group container, I am now unable to navigate the webpage.
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Jun 16, 2010
So I have that panel or any other mxml component. I want somehow to rotate it around like a wheel of a car with which you drive it... loke a Racing wheel... sow like when mousebutton is down it captures pont of component... when you move mouse component rotates (not moves) according to new mouse position... How to rotate MXML component round its center like a wheel respectfully to mouse?
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Nov 15, 2009
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