Flex :: Use TweenMax With Filters Created In Flash IDE?

Dec 16, 2010

Is there a way to get TweenMax to tween the filters of an DisplayObject where The filters are added in the Flash IDE.

I want to Tween between two states and it would be nice if I could do it without creating the two states with bitmaps and tween between them. One state with the filters and one without the filters. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Multi Same-filters With TweenMax?

Jul 24, 2009

I know that we can tween multi-filters like this:

TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {glowFilter:{color:0x123456, alpha:1, blurX:3, blurY:3}, blurFilter:{blurX:20}});


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Flex :: Apply Filters On Publishing Stream

Dec 6, 2010

I've developed a Flash video recorder(using AS3, Flex) which captures live web cam and streams to Wowza media server.I am trying to apply sharpness, contrast, saturation and sharpness filters on the live video being captured.I am able to apply filter effects on the video being captured on the screen. How do we apply the filters so that it reflects in the stream being published ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Why Cannot Put Filters In A Group Container

May 19, 2011

I am trying to design a custom group container. This is my code below. I have a Group openning tag and a GlowFilter inside the declarations. When I run the code, it gives me error Code: ArgumentError: Error #2005: Parameter 0 is of the incorrect type. Should be type Filter. I have no idea what went wrong. The code compiles fine, but not able to run. The workaround is change the Group to BorderContainer or remove the filters, but I just don't see why Group has a problem with it. I have attached my simplest project file.


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Flex :: Retrieving Mouse Events When Using Masks And Filters

Apr 6, 2011

im working on:[code]For more detailed comprehension: corner is the black corner with the (i) and 'Promotion', text is some random text that can be displayed in the white remaining space, container contains corner and text, and finally this class contains container!I need to retrieve the event mouseevent.rollover/rollout from corner.And what's wrong?

1. When I put the mask on container (container.rawchildren.addchildren + container.mask = mask) and the dropshadowfilter on container (container. filters = [glow]), I cannot detect the mouse events.

2. When I put the mask on the promopanel (this.rawchildren.addchildren + this.mask = mask) and the dropshadowfilter on promopanel (this.filters = [glow]), I cannot detect the mouse events.

3. When I put the mask in a component and the filter in another, it does not work either.

4. If I remove the mask OR the filter, it works!! But I need them both...

So, does anyone has an idea on how to make this work? I've been trying to look for issues with filters, masks and mouseevents but haven't found anything that could enlighten this issue.

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Can Flash Load A Flex Mx:module Created In Flex Builder 4

Feb 16, 2011

I have a Flex module created in Flash Builder 4 as a swf file. I am trying to load and run in within a Flash application. I can get the module loaded but I can not get the flash application to access any module functions. Here is how I load the module in Flash and the error I get. If I change the module to an application type swf then it loads and runs but now I have two applications on top of each other. I would like the loaded module swf to be able to have access the Flash stage object.

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property application not found on MyModule__mx_core_FlexModuleFactory and there is no default value.
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Make Filters Scale Relatively With Parent DisplayObject?

Nov 28, 2009

(i'm using flashdevelop / flex sdk)IS there any way filters applied to a DisplayObject (drop shadow, glow, bevel) can scale relatively with the parent (the DisplayObject it is inside)?And what about other properties like .distance for drop shadow?

For example... If I have a 100px rectangle with a 10px glow inside a container object, and I set scaleX/scaleY of the container to .1, I want the glow to inherit the scale change from the parent (1/10th the size) just as the display object does that the filter is applied to.Instead, if you try this, you will see the glow stays at 10px no matter what scale the filter target or the container is transformed by.Pseudocode example (steps to reproduce),

1) create a sprite called _myOuterSprite on stage at scaleX = scaleY = 1

2) create a sprite called _myInnerSprite inside _myOuterSprite at scaleX = scaleY = 1

3) draw 100px rectangle into _myInnerSprite

4) apply 10px glow to _myInnerSprite

5) transform scale of _myOuterSprite to .1


- child sprite (rectangle) scales to 1/10th the size

- glow stays the same size

How can I make it so that glow scales to 1/10th as well?...without capturing and scaling bitmap data ...without losing interactivity on objects...in a way that would work visually for every filter, not just glow (drop shadow has distance property too, etc)

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Flash :: Animate OnRollover OnRollout With TweenMax

Mar 25, 2009

I'm using TweenMax to animate some arrows to move when I roll over a link, and the animate back, when I roll out. But it's not working, it animates on rollover, but not rollout.

function boxLink(mc_function:MovieClip, mc_target:MovieClip) {
mc_function.onRollOver = function() {
var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax(mc_target,0.5,{_x:"2", _alpha:50,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TweenMax - Property Volume Not Found On Flash

Aug 4, 2009

I am trying to fade out some audio, using the code below, but I keep getting this error -
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property volume not found on flash.media.Sound and there is no default value.
at gs::TweenLite/initTweenVals()
at gs::TweenMax/initTweenVals()

public function AudioStream(url, loop:Boolean = false) {
_sound = new Sound();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var context:SoundLoaderContext = new SoundLoaderContext(8000, true);
_sound.load(req, context);

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Animated Line Drawing With LineTo And Tweenmax?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to animate a line by drawing using tweenmax and lineTo, but flash seems a little confused about the coordinates of things. The lines are also drawn a little shaky. Here's my code:

var childArray:Array = new Array(sC0,sC1,sC2,sC3);
var curChild = 0;
function drawLines(){


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash As3 - Using Tweenmax And Flash's Graphics Class Together?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm trying to find a good way to use TweenMax and flash's drawing class together, but it always bogs down and crashes the flash player, and I can't really figure out what's going wrong. Really all I want to do is make sure that when two (or more) circles, connected by a line, move, that the line between them follows. This is my code:


Is there a better way to do this? Should I not be using a tweening library?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: System Resource Use - Flash Created Vs Photoshop Created?

Mar 14, 2009

I have only one question but phrased it 3 ways:

1) Is it better to pre=render things say in photoshop or have flash render them?

2) if I have a field of stars that drift along; is it better to create that Star Field in photoshop as a single picture (say a .png) or to create a star in my library and add it to a movie clip and then have that drift along?

Lets say I have a blur effect on my stars and have an equivalent on the photoshop.

3) I have heard (and experienced) adding effects like blur takes a fair amount of CPU and memory so was wondering if I created the effect in photoshop and then imported the 'blurred' object into my flash if I could cut down on system resources?

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Flash :: Saving Large Images Created In Flex?

Nov 25, 2009

I am attempting to capture a very large image that was made dynamically within the Flash Player (the size of the image is 2400px by 12,000px) and am running into some very serious issues... Let me run down how the image get's to that size in the first place:

User adds elements to a canvas and then when the user is finished the canvas scales up to 2400px wide and ~12,000px tall. The problem arises when I attempt to save the image to the hard drive. Now, I dont know if this will affect the recommended fix, but the rendered image wont be saved on the hard drive, it will be sent to a server. I know about the ~4050px limit in Flash Player and was thinking I could get around that by clipping the images with the ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData() method and keeping the required Rectangle variable below 4000px then repeat that down the large image until it reaches the end where the final images will be pieced together at a later time. However... As i mentioned the error comes when it reaches the 'fileReference.save(pngImage);' method..

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Javascript :: Detect If An Embedded Swf Is Created With Flex Or Flash?

Apr 15, 2011

Is there a way (in javascript) to detect if an embedded .swf was created with Flash Professional or Flex.We have a page with several tabs, each of which can contain an .swf.All tabs are defined within the same HTML file and the javascript framework calls a .rewind() and .play() on the swf when the containing tab becomes active.This works great on regular flash animation, making sure they start playing from the beginning when the tab is opened. On an swf created with Flex however, the rewind and play wreak havoc on the Flex framework and the application doesn't load.

The best way we've come up with to detect Flex is to count the number of frames the .swf has. With flex that's always 2. But this doesn't sound like the best way.We've also tried to add a callback method with ExternalInterface on the Flex application preinitialize event.Unfortunately this event is called quite late in the application startup and the javasctipt code checks the callback before the Flex code has added it.

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Missing Filters In Flash CS4?

Dec 18, 2009

When selecting a movieclip or text box, the "Graphic Effects: Filters" dropdown is NOT available in the "Properties" window. It's not grayed out....

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Flex :: Website Created By FlexBuilder Works On Every Browser That Use Flash?

Mar 20, 2010

Does websites created by Flex Builder works on every browsers that use Flash ?

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Flex :: Use TextMate With Existing Projects Created In Flash Builder?

Jul 23, 2010

I am wondring if anyone has a good resource for opening existing Flex projects that where created in Flex / Flash Builder and run them using the TextMate bundle for Flex and Actionscript projects.

Basically I just want to know if I can walk into an existing project and configure this easily or am I pretty much stuck with using Eclipse ?

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Professional :: Where Are Filters Menu In Flash CS4

Jun 7, 2009

According to flash documentation Filters are in PROPERTIES panal.But Filter are  not available.

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Flash Wont Export Filters?

Aug 30, 2009

i have on the timeline a movie clip symbol with a blur on it. its tweened keyframed.in the stage i can see the effect. when i apple enter to do a quick .swf of my video, it doesnt show up.the image is crisp and not blurry...so i then tried to render out a .mov of the project (because thats going to be my final file type).when i exported a quicktime, there was still no blur filter

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Flash 10 :: Movie Disappears When Using Filters?

Apr 15, 2011

I am creating an interactive canvas where a user can click on items (movie clips) in the canvas and the movie zooms in and displays the item.

The problem is when I add filters to these items some of them disappear in a minute or so.

here is the code:

public function setEffects(){
var BackValue = MovieClip(root).BackZ;
var halfChange = BackValue / 2;


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Flash :: Pass A Property From A HTML Page To Application Created With Flex?

May 11, 2011

I want to specify a string value in the HTML containing my Flash created using Flex 3. This value is a URL that is used by the Flex code and I want another dev to be able to update it. How do I do this? I'm using Flex Builder 3.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Downgraded When Filters Were Removed?

Mar 28, 2011

I don't understand why every flash program now seems to have no blur filters anymore. I use to use them all the time and now I have nothing to use for filters.I inspected the code:

import flash.filters.BlurFilter;var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(10, 0, 4);floodlight_beam.filters = [blur]

Doesn't seem to work.Thing is that the movieclip is in another movieclip so I had the code posted there. Also posted on the first scene. Nothing works.I can say flash downgraded when filters were removed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Some Realistic Photo Filters In Flash?

Apr 27, 2011

how to reproduce the Photoshop Image/Adjustments/Photo filters... in Flash with AS3. Is the same result that you get when you put a filter over the lenses of a camera. I exclude using tint and hue from the start because I think could get this from code by using color matrix class or convolution filter

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash ADDING Filters To Movieclip

Jun 7, 2010

Im interested in red glow effect, no applaying, instead of it i want adding filters, only for my mc.on click, i know to add event listener

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Get Some Realistic Photo Filters In Flash?

Apr 27, 2011

how to reproduce the Photoshop Image/Adjustments/Photo filters... in Flash with AS3. Is the same result that you get when you put a filter over the lenses of a camera. I exclude using tint and hue from the start because it doesn't

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Dynamically Removing Filters?

Aug 3, 2011

Basically, the effect I'm going for is, you click on a button that calls an mc to the stage and blurs everything below it. Within that mc is a button that when clicked, should remove both the mc and the blur filter.This is the code I have. (Also, just ignore my stupid function names. I pretty much just name them after the next word I hear in the song I'm listening to :)Main Timeline:

function manipulation(event:MouseEvent){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Data In Flash To Text Documents, Creating Textdocs With Flash & Mc Filters?

Apr 22, 2007

Question 1: How do I add a filter to a movieclip from actionscript,More specificly, the "adjust color" filter, and I want to decrease brightness, saturation,hue, and contrast... by actionscript...If you dont know what I mean, use the circle tool to create a circle, convert to movie clip, click the "filter" tab, then click + and add a adjust color filter, you'll see what I mean...Question 2: I need to output text to 'text' documents, no I cannot use shared objects for this, as it is a program for a client, and it isn't safe enough for me.

var archive:Array = [];
archive[7] = "Hello I am the 8th archive";


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Professional :: Optimizing Flash Graphics - Use Filters Or Vectors?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to lighten the load on the users' machine as much as possible. Which requires less resources: using Flash filters for Drop Shadow/Glow or creating vector shapes for the shadow/glow with the Modify > Shape > Soften Fill Edges command?

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Flex :: TextField Instance Inside A Button Created In A Separate Layer In Flash Is Null

Mar 25, 2010

I've created an button object in flash. The button contains 2 layers. One is the background image and on top of it is a textField. The textfield is dynamic. I use the button inside a movieclip and I export it in a SWC. The I'm trying to use it in flex.

I'm trying to do this:

var myComponent:MyComponent = new MyComponent();
myComponent.button01.theTextField.text = "Caption";

I get and instance of the button(myComponent.button01 is not null in Flex debugger), but the instance of the textField(myComponent.button01.theTextField) is null and I'm not able to change the text(but the default text appears onscreen). The code is compiled correctly in flex.

I exported the in swc the button control as well. So the button is not the default SimpleButton from Flash, but an derived class generated by flash(with the same name as the symbol defined in flash). It contains theTextField memeber, which is null.

Here is the button timeline(Layer 2 contains the textfield, and the textfield instance is named theTextField):

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AS3 :: Flash - OOP Visualization Logic - Linking Filters And Data Source?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm trying to visualize the results of a quiz in ActionScript 3.0.What I would like some input on is how to best link the "filters" (top right corner in attached image) to the data source in a flexible OOP way.The result array now contains both number of correct answers and meta data about the person taking the quiz. The meta data could be both discrete (sex) or continuous (age).

results = [{name: "Lisa", correct: 5, sex: 0, age: 52}, {name: "Peter", correct: 3, sex: 1, age: 32} ... ]

How do I tell the boxes to, for example, change color when I change filter?Should each box object hold its own data or should there be some sort of controller listening to the filter object to dispatch an event and thereafter call a box.setColor method?

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