Flex :: Change The Phase & Goal In Which The Plugin Is Run

Nov 18, 2009

I have integrated FlexPMD into my pom.xml file but I need to change the phase & goal in which the plugin is run. Currently it runs in the site phase but I need it to run in the test or compile phase. Is this possible?


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Jquery :: FullBg Plugin Mixed With .flash.js Plugin: Movie Disappear When Wmode=transparent?

Oct 16, 2011

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1. Intro
2. Pause where content is kept on page
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PHP Code:
mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, f);function f(e:MouseEvent):void { var t:Object = e.target; do switch(t.name) case"mc1": trace("hit mc1");


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[url].... was unable to load class com.adobe.flexbuilder.apollo.ui.wizards.flex.FlexApolloProjectWizard.
com/adobe/flexbuilder/editors/common/ui/project/wizards/AbstractFlexProjectWizar d

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# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d8832ca, pid=5688, tid=5152


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Apr 24, 2009

I'm trying out the Flex Builder 3 Plugin for Eclipse, and it doesn't seem to have quick fix or automatic imports. I use those two features a lot with Java and FDT. I've been googling, but all I've found is some plugin that someone wrote for Flex Builder 2, and no other mentions. Is Flex Builder supposed to have these features?

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Actionscript 3 :: Importing Mxml File In Action Script Using Flex Builder Plugin In Eclipse?

Aug 14, 2011

I am trying to create a flex app but facing a weird problem I have created a package to keep my mxml file separately and action script file separately. But the problem I am facing is when I am trying to import one of the .mxml component in my actionscript of main file of mxml application then I am not able to do so .can some one help me in importing one mxml file into other mxml file. my flash builder is not recognizing the package in which i have kept my other mxmk file

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Flex :: Make A Flash Browser App That Could Receive Data From Browser Plugin Or Other Windows App?

Dec 18, 2009

in other words, suppose I want to send data, like text, programmatically from a Windows app (such as a browser plugin) to a Flash app running in the browser. Well, conceptually, an example of this might be a Flash instant messenger with a textbox and button "Send"; so let's say I want to be able to programmatically paste the text and press Send or otherwise activate it. That's NOT what I am trying to do here in reality (i.e., no,I am not trying to spam other people's chat rooms or anything)but just an illustration of a similar situation.I can include in it whatever widget or hack that may be necessary.The reason why this problem is arising for me is that AFAIK the SDK that is providing me the data I want cannot be directly accessed from Flash, so I need a way to pipe the data from a regular app into Flash. can I have the Flash app interact with other apps through localhost IP? Or are there draconian restrictions on which server Flash in browser can and cannot interact?

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