Flex :: Error #1053 - Illegal Override Of AllowInsecureDomain In _MonkeyContacts_mx_managers_SystemManager (FlexMonkey Code Generation Example)?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm following along the MonkeyContactsCodeGenExample guide and when I run the ant target for test-with-launcher, I get a popup saying:VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of allowInsecureDomain in _MonkeyContacts_mx_managers_SystemManager.This is followed by:ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _MonkeyContacts_mx_managers_SystemManager is not defined.These popups are from the debug flash player - the normal flash player would silently supress these errors.

It seems that these sorts of errors occur when different files or swc components are compiled under different SDKs. If so, what parts would I need to recompile in this situation?I checked out the flex project sources and have rebuilt them under SDK 3.4, and I also got the project sources for fluint and have recompiled those already. The newly compiled fluint.swc was then copied to the lib directories of the MonkeyFluintAirTestRunner and MonkeyTestLauncher projects and then everything was re-built, but I still get this error with the MonkeyContacts example.

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PS here is compiled app.


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Actionscript 3 :: Error: 1024: Overriding A Function That Is Not Marked For Override?

Sep 1, 2011

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override function name()

As demonstrated by Grant Skinner, this is commonly and easily performed:

override public function dispatchEvent(evt:Event):Boolean {
// code here

And while a thorough google search will repeat this syntax successfully used in Class files, doing so inside timeline code, natively in the Flash IDE is proving impossible. The first issue being that the use of public throws the error 1114: The public attribute can only be used inside a package.That was obvious, however upon removing that, running the following (on the first frame of a new .fla file):

override function dispatchEvent(evt:Event):Boolean {
return super.dispatchEvent(evt);[code]..........

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nc.connect( "rtmp://localhost/test" ,true);

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Aug 20, 2010

I am currently developing a dynamic LineChart in FLEX 4.I am implementing a Tree control next to my LineChart, which will filter the LineChart dataprovider and lineseries. The tree control has several branches and ultimately 5 children (leaf nodes) at the bottom of the last branch.I need the leaf node/children to be displayed as checkboxes inside the tree control.As I understand,this will require overrides in the TreeItemRenderer class.This is where I am a little confused on how to implement that.Currently I can distinguish between leaf and branches using this code, in my main MXML component.I added this because it may be helpful to some beginning FLEXdevelopers, such as myself, who cannot easily find this functionality documented well:

private function treeClick(e:ListEvent):void {
_selectedItem = Tree(e.currentTarget).selectedItem;
if(mainTree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(_selectedItem)) {[code].....

I am looking at the TreeItemRenderer override class from the following example here: In the example, they override the "createChildden" super function to add checkboxes to the tree control.My question is, can I override the createChildren function directly in my MXML component, and not have to use an entire class file to override this functionality? Must I re-invent the wheel to do this?Also, how can I distinguish that my treeItem is a leaf node and not a parent, in the override function? I only want to add checkboxes to the leaf nodes, how can I differentiate? The following example adds checkboxes to all branches and leaf nodes, but I want to add checkboxes only to leaf node/children. How would you approach that?

override protected function createChildren( ): void
super.createChildren( );[code]............

Here is my tree tag:

<mx:Tree id="mainTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" itemRenderer="TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer" labelField="@label" showRoot="false" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="treeClick(event)" />

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.myButton {


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Flex :: When Should I Override 1 Of The Lifecycle Methods?

Feb 15, 2010

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Flex :: DownloadProgressBar Preloader Override?

Apr 10, 2010

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Flex :: Override Data Tip Circle?

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In flex charting you can customize the box which displays datatip information, but is there any easy way of changing the little circle which is displayed next to the datatip box?


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ActionScript :: Python - Using Dynamic Python Class Definition And Amfast Dynamic Class Mapping And Code Generation To Generate Class

Dec 19, 2011

I have an xml snippet that contains an object hierarchy:

doc = """
<RootObj val1="ValueOne" stat1="Stat1" stat2="Stat2">
<internalarray type="array">
<InternalObject val1="12" val2="12" />
<InternalObject val1="13" val2="13" />


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Flex :: Override Function Set Label Of A Button?

Sep 24, 2009

I trying here to avoid having to bind resources to all my components labels ( ie a button) and find a way to have this automated.

Problem: It corrupts the layout in design mode to bind directly in the mxml label="{resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit')}" and makes the design view useless. but when declaring bindings elsewhere, in actionScript or via a bind tag, it is counter productive and prone to many errors and miss.

Proposition: I would like to create my own button that automatically invoke resources to localize a button label. So the author puts "Submit" in the mxml description of my button, and when running it would take the value of the label ie "submit" and use resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit').

but I can't find the way to override the set label function, Is it possible if yes how? else how can I go about it?

Maybe I am missing an essential process here that would make the use of resources more elegant, as well as how to override such thing as a button's label.

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Mar 10, 2010

I have an HTTPRequest in mxml that has an mx:request defined inside it. I use the info in the mxml request 99% of the time (I thought it was 100% until I found this bug). So I need to send the HTTPRequest with one of the items in the request different. I tried using the send() method and sending my own object, much like you would if no request was defined in the mxml, but it doesn't seem to override it.

Any ideas how I can accomplish this without re-writing every call to send this httpRequest?

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AS3 :: Import - Flex Override Function In Imported Swf?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm using a flex component that use a to load a .swf file.

The loaded .swf

- is passed to me as is and I can't edit

- it has some as3 functions in it

Is it possible in the "parent" application (the one with ) to override functions included in the "child" swf (the imported one)?

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Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to override the default panel style on Flex 3.And the following doesn't work.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="absolute" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"


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