How To Install Tween Lite
Jul 12, 2011
I am trying to make the 3d photo panels but am having some trouble.Firstly how do you install the Tween lite.2nd problem is I have copied the code exactly and it keeps coming up with errors.I have pasted the action code below and under all the codes I will paste the problems does anyone know how to fix it?[code]
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Jan 11, 2011
edit2: Well I found out what was wrong. answered my own question. * Face-palm* sorry for this waste of space. (if you come across this randomly, my solution is answered at the bottom)Edit: While mulling over my code trying to find a solution, I noticed that when my .swf freezes as it is tweening out, an animated movie clip that is on the stage also freezes mid-animation. which brings me to believe that my problems may stem from the loading/creating image portion of my code. as a result, here is my loading function to supplement the code below:
function loadImage():void {
//if it's not already been loaded)
if ((currentImageNbr+1) > imagesLoaded || images.length == 0) {
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Line 15007: An ActionScript file must have at least one externally visible definition.
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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var homemanTween:Tween = new Tween(homeman_mc, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 1000, 50, 3, true);//frist tween
var adobeTween:Tween = new Tween(adobe_mc, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);//second tween
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Mar 4, 2010
If i have a clip with a bunch of stuff inside it (on layers) like other clips, bitmaps, etc. and perform a tween on that clip (via tween class), the stuff inside the clip seems to alpha at different rates.
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The bitmap is supposed to create a feathered edge on the photo but since they alpha at different rates, you always see the hard edge of the photo...
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I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.
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May 1, 2009
my movieclip button was working perfectly as a motion tween. Can you use shape tweens as movie clip buttons? I just made that change, and kept my code:
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Oct 2, 2010
Am trying to use the Tween class to scale and move a movieclip. Now the movieclip is within the loader, so I need the motion to be controlled by the percentage loaded. Now the code to move the movieclip to its final position is:
var xscaletween:Tween = new Tween(mstone, "_xscale", Regular.easeOut, mstone._xscale, 220, 6, true);
But this is the final location, I want to be able to change the properties of xscaletween, yscaletween, xmovetween and ymovetween as per percentage loaded.As in, within this final boundary limit of the tween, I want, for example, xscaletween, to scale only till 140 till percentage hits 50. Is this possible?? If not is there a workaround?Or do I have to use new tweens within each percentage limit?
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Mar 17, 2011
I am working on to slide a movieclip across the stage.The movie clip is five times the width of the stage and I am using the Tween Class to move it across the stage when a button is pressed.The interaction I want is that when the button is pressed the movie clip moves a certain amount.If the button is pressed again it moves further.The script I have come up with though is taking the movieclip back to the original position of the movieclip and then moving it as opposed to moving it from the position it reached after the first button click.I have tried a few things but nothing is working.The script I am using at present is:[code]
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm making a "master movie" for an assignment and I'm stuck right now. What I've got is an Intro page that will serve at the Parent.swf to load 4 other child swf's upon a mouse click. The problem is I have a theater stage where I tweened an animation to make it appear the curtain on the stage is going up but once it reaches it maximum height....the tween abruptly stops. I want it to HOLD there until a user clicks a button.
How would I make this happen? Here is the page in question: [URL]...
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Oct 27, 2009
I am trying to understand the thinking behind motion tweening using AS3 (rather than doing it on the timeline).I am trying to create a simple platform game, and while this is simply a learning project, I have an movieclip instance on the stage, and using basic x+5 logic I can get the instance to move left and right on the stage accordingly.Trying to make the instance 'jump' is a bit trickier. This is the code I am using:
ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code].....
I thought this code would move the instance from it's current y-position and tween it to it's highest jump point. From here I planned to use a MOTION.FINISH event to tell it to tween back to it's original position.Something strage happens though, rather than tween from the current y position and move up, the instance instantly transforms it's position to y+100 and then tween back to the original position. So it kind of turns out that it is the second part of the jumping action that I want to create.
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