Javascript :: Display Local Image Using Flash?

May 18, 2011

Suppose that, I have local image path that get from <input type="file"... web control using javascript.I want to pass this path to Flash object and display that image in it.

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Javascript :: Access An Local Image (not In App Workspace) From A Local HTML File (in App Workspace)

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I have a HTML box and load a local html file from the project. In this HTML file I use jquery and I want to load an image from my user directory. I see the image from my user directory but jquery doesn't works. I get this error:


But if I load an image from the app workspace, everything works fine (I see the image and Jquery works). Is this a policy problem? The error says that is a "null object reference" problem, but this can't be true...

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Javascript :: Display Image Above Flash Object?

Feb 5, 2010

I am facing a tricky situation here...this is the problem...I have a flash object over which i want to display an image These are the tricks that i tried...1.Playing with z-index(no use) 2.Setting the wmode parameter to transparent/opaque(again no use)3.Using javascript and displaying image only after the page is loaded(still no use)

<div style="position:absolute; top:0px; z-index:-2000;">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1" codebase=",0,40,0" border="0" width="176" height="146">


also tried with value="opaque"

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Javascript :: Backup Image Will Display In Place Of The Flash

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I would like to make sure that if the user has a old version of flash player, or doesn't have it at all, a backup image will display in place of the flash, how can I accomplish that?

Iss Javascript or jquery an option?

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Javascript :: Display A Flash File And An Image With Fancybox?

Feb 17, 2011

I just tried to display a flash file and an image with Fancybox.

To imagine about what am I talking, take a look on the next snapshoot:


fancybox to be loaded automatically on pageload with the .swf file and the .jpg .swf file to be centered as it is also on the example above .jpg file to be positioned on the right bottom of the screen/page


Can this be done, to show up 2 media files on a fancybox overlay at the same time?

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Read A Local Text File Using Flash Or Javascript?

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Is something like this possible in flash?

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Flash :: Display Local PDF In Flex Mobile Project?

Jan 23, 2012

I am running Flex mobile project and I would like my mobile app to be able to load and display pdf files that are saved locally. I do not want to go out to the web to access these pdf files.

I cant figure out how to make this code work for a locally saved file.

Error MSG: "Error #2044: Unhandled ErrorEvent:. text=Load error."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx=""
overlayControls="true" title="PDF Display"


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Display GeoLocation With Flash/AS/Javascript?

Oct 8, 2011

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After much searching, I believe that I may have found a solution, but I do not know how to implement it. It requires the use of a ".as" file, which I have no idea what to do with. Here is where I am at:

I am not allowed to post URLs, but you can google the phrase "flash geoip javascript" and it's the first link. -MaxMind GS WebService

That URL shows the javascripts to use (which are easy enough to implement by themselves), but at the very bottom of that page is a link to an "ActionScript wrapper" which allegedly facilitates usage with Flash. I just don't know what do with with the "ActionScript wrapper" or where to go from here.

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Actionscript 3 :: Display An Image In Flash Datagrid After Selecting An Image For Uploading?

Feb 27, 2010

After browsing for the images, and selecting them. How can I display a preview of the image in the datagrid? I am able to display the file name, file size, but was unable to display the image. Below are the codes I have written, it is not a complete code but just enough to make it understandable.

// variables used
var list:Array = new Array();
var listDP:Array = new Array();


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Mar 18, 2011

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var str:String = '<head>'+
'<script src="myLocalJs.js"/>'+
webView:StageWebView = new StageWebView();

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Javascript :: HTML5 Local Storage Fallback Solutions

Jan 14, 2011

I'm looking for javascript libraries and code that can simulate localStorage on browsers that do not have native support.Basically, I'd like to code my site using localStorage to store data and know that it will still work on browsers that don't natively support it. This would mean a library would detect if window.localStorage exists and use it if it does. If it doesn't exist, then it would create some sort of fallback method of local storage, by creating its own implementation in the window.localStorage namespace.I understand that Flash and Silverlight can be used for local storage as well, but haven't found anything on using them as a fallback for standard HTML5 localStorage. Perhaps Google Gears has this capability too?Please share any related libraries, resources, or code snippets that you've found! I'd be especially interested in pure javascript or jquery-based solutions, but am guessing that is unlikely.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2148: Only Local-with-filesystem And Trusted Local SWF Files May Access Local Resources

Jul 4, 2010

I'm trying to load a local xml file:

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("../xml/xmlData.xml"));

But I'm getting this security sandbox violation:

#2148: Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.

I don't get this error when I embed the XML file directly with the EMBED metadata tag.

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Javascript - Browser-neutral Way To Start Local Process From Intranet?

Sep 15, 2010

We currently have a corporate intranet built with ASP.NET and originally designed for IE. One of the purposes of the intranet is to manage file versioning and to launch programs with the current file version. This requires the intranet to start processes on the machine locally, and is done using ActiveX.

We are now reworking the intranet to be as browser-neutral as possible, but this local application launching thing has us stumped. Can anyone suggest a browser-neutral way to start processes locally? This is strictly for internal use on a corporate LAN with computers that are authenticated on a Windows domain.

Possibilities that we've floated, in rough order of preference:


Anyone have any thoughts on what is likely to work and be not a huge PITA to implement?

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Javascript :: Doesn't Run When Loading File From Local Disk On Android?

Jun 2, 2011

While trying to develop some Android app I ran into the following problem:I load an swf file to a WebView, that makes js calls. I want to catch those js calls, so I useWebViews.addJavascriptInterface() to do so.Everything worked just fine when i loaded the swf file from a remote server, but when I load the same swf file form the Android file system, the javascript methods seem not to run (at least I cannot see them).

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Flex Local SQLite BLOB Display?

Jul 29, 2011

I've got 3 columns in an SQLite db I built with Firefox's handy SQLite Manager. So, I created 3 columns, an index/reference that's just an incrementing INTEGER for easy reference, a descriptive title of the image (so it can be searchable later) in a TEXT, and a BLOB type that holds the pngs.

I'm trying to add this in an assets folder into my project (as a pre-populated database) and display the blob images, one at a time, in a window one after the other, scrollable by user. This is where I'm running into problems. Eventually I want to be able to encrypt it and add a search tool, but first things first, and that's displaying an image.

I have spent several hours scouring the web about this topic, but there isn't much help out there: Adobe has tips about using SQLite with AS3 (their reference documents and the support section of their website have some overview articles) but nothing refers to reading blob data in depth.

On this site, I've found some references to Adobe Air looking for extra byte information when reading blobs since they have a different syntax to write to the databases created within the program. See: What is the first bytes in a Blob column SQlite Adobe AIR? Blob Sizeinfo?

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Javascript :: Play Local XviD (.avi) Files That Are Chosen By The User In The Browser?

Dec 21, 2011

So I'm building a web application, and in part of the application the user should choose an XviD (.avi) video file from his machine, to be played in the browser (without uploading it). I decided to use Flash for this.

Now I have two questions about this:

Which Flash video player is free to use and capable of doing this? How should I let the user choose a video file, and how can I link the Flash video player to the file?

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Javascript :: Know Where Is The Image's Url In A Flash?

Jan 12, 2012


i want to know the image's url. but it's in a flash. i don't know how to see it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Mouse - Local X And Y Coordinates Of Display Object?

May 27, 2010

i'm trying to trace the x and y coordinates from within a sprite. i've added a rectangle to the stage:

var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 10, 200, 200);
rect.x = rect.y = 100;

adding a Mouse_Move event to the rect, i can trace mouseX and mouseY to receive the coordinates of the stage while moving over the rect, but how do i get the local x and y coordinates? so if i mouse over the very top left of the rect sprite, the mouseX and mouseY return 10 as the global coordinates, but how do i make it return 0 and the local coordinates of the sprite?

i assumed localX and localY was what i was looking for, but this doesn't work:

function mouseOverTraceCoords(evt:MouseEvent):void
trace(mouseX, mouseY, evt.localX, evt.localY);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Progress Display For Loading Big Local Files

May 9, 2011

i am currently building an application ( projektor) which loads big local files (no webserver) for some reason the flash player freezes until the whole file is loaded. i cannot display the load progress. the same code works fine when used with streaming from a server.

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Flash :: Execute An External .exe From A Local .swf Using A Local XML Socket Server (C#)

Jan 7, 2012

I'm developing a game add-on/plugin which replaces a built in feature of an online game. The game loads an .swf therefore, my solution also has to be an swf for it to work 'in-game'.

I would like to be able to have the user press a button in the custom .swf I am making - and this would open an external application (amongst other things). I.e. if there was a button that said Notepad, it would open Notepad.exe on the machine.

My initial thinking was that i could have a XML Socket server 'daemon' runnning (c#) , which i could connect to with flash - however, as both the swf and the daemon are local, flash complained and gave this error: "Error #2010: Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets."

The only way i know to fix this - is to change the security settings of flash - not very user friendly!

So! Any thoughts on how I could otherwise go about this? I was thinking a custom http server could do the trick (connected with URLRequest) although i'm not too sure.

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Flash :: Paste An Image Into Silverlight / JavaScript?

Mar 1, 2010

Is it possible to allow users to paste image data into a Website? That is, they have an image in the clipboard and can paste it into an HTML Site? (I would then somehow grab the bytes and store them - persistence isn't the problem here) It needs to be Cross-Browser IE8, FF3.5 and Chrome 4, but I can use browser plugins like Silverlight, Flash or bare JavaScript if possible (I might even use Browser Plugins, although that would be painful to manage and IE would need ActiveX is guess...). Also since it's an internal site, I can add the site to the Local Intranet Zone in IE (not sure if that changes stuff for Firefox and Chrome).

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