Javascript :: Flash - Extend KmlPlacemark In The Google Earth API?

May 20, 2011

I'm trying to extend KmlPlacemark in the Google Earth API. Google uses factory methods to create the objects so I can't do something like this: = fuction(){...}

I tried to simply add methods to each of the objects after they were created

function foo(){...} = foo;

but it throws

Error: Trying to add unsupported property on NPObject!

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Javascript :: Integrate Google Earth Feature Into Flex?

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i have successfully integrated Google earth with Flex using"javascriptMethodName") method and writing the javascript stuff in the html file which embeds the swf file. it ran and loaded Google earth successfully.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script>


this is a snippet of that html file but when i add something like to the html file:

var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();

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I am studying land surveying and cartography and I am doing my final project. I am trying to make a google  earth like map in Flash.I already have the map , in the form of swf  files.

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Javascript :: Deploying A Google Chrome Extension; Adobe Flash Player Has Stopped A Potentially Unsafe Operation

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if (numPoints == 0) {
point1.x = evt.localX;
point1.y = evt.localY;
numPoints = 1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Doesn't Like MC Name 'earth'

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Javascript :: Handling File Uploads With Google Gears?

Feb 18, 2010

I've been using this method of file uploading for a bit, but it seems that Google Gears has poor support for the newer browsers that implement the HTML5 specs. I've heard the word deprecated floating around a few channels, so I'm looking for a replacement that can accomplish the following tasks, and support the new browsers. I can always fall back to gears / standard file POST's but these following items make my process much simpler:

Users MUST to be able to select multiple files for uploading in the dialog.I MUST be able to receive status updates on the transmission of a file. (progress bars)I would like to be able to use PUT requests instead of POST I would like to be able to easily attach these events to existing HTML elements using JavaScript. I.E. the File Selection should be triggered on a <button> click. I would like to be able to control response/request parameters easily using JavaScript.

An example of uploading code using gears:

// select some files:
var desktop = google.gears.factory.create('beta.desktop');


Edit: apparently flash isn't capable of using PUT requests, so I have changed it to a "like" instead of a "must".

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I'm using Chrome version 10.0.648.127 on a Mac, but I also tried it on a PC with the same results

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Javascript :: Google Visualization API - Error Calling Method On NPObject?

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Feb 24, 2012

I have a flash file and am using google's suggested method for as2 event tracking like so:

getURL("javascript:pageTracker._trackEvent('Refferal', 'Join', 'Benefits for HCAs/APs');");

The problem is that instead of silently communicating, pageTracker._trackEvent() appears to return a boolean value. Every time I click the button which this is located on I leave the page I was on and end up on a page that just contains the word "true".how to get around this? It makes the flash unusable.

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Jun 25, 2011

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IDE :: Map Of The Earth - If Someone Will Click USA On The Map, He Will Be Redirected To A Different Page, Relevant To USA?

Feb 11, 2009

i am trying to make a new website where i want to add the map of the earth.My problem is that i want to make each country on the map, a different link. so for example if someone will click USA on the map, he will be redirected to a different page, relevant to USA.

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Flex :: Dynamic Filtering (like Google's Or Google Finance)

Jun 21, 2010

I wanted to put a search box in my flex app that would act just like google or google finance: you start typing and a drop down list just below starts filtering the results dynamically. Does anyone know how to do this in flex? I am using flex and php so as the user types it will pull results off the server dynamically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Failed To Display The Animation Of Earth Object

Dec 16, 2011

package examples {
import away3d.animators.Animator;
import away3d.animators.BonesAnimator;
import away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D;
import away3d.containers.Scene3D;
import away3d.containers.View3D;

that is actually a tutorial that i got from internet. but, when i tried to change the object, i failed to display the animation of my earth object. i wonder, what is the 'default' means in that code.

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Professional :: Extend Memory Limits In Flash?

Mar 29, 2010

I'm been working on a large-scale Flash game for the past 13 months, and a few months ago I was encountering an error message when trying to export saying, "Error creating Flash movie. There was not enough memory available." Here is a screenshot <url...> This isn't due to large videos or photos in the file, it's because theres a huge amount of frame by frame animation, so I can't just reduce quality.

I was off of a crappy laptop so at first I just bought a new computer with tons of ram because I didn't realize the software was an issue. This did not change anything (though I can run flash with less lag).
Then, I decided to do as much optimizing as I could. After a few months, all opimization possible as been done, and I have reached the point where I get the error again.
Then, I decided to cut the main file up into smaller pieces and link them together. This worked, but now some individual pieces require too much memory and get the error.

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Flash :: Class Doesn't Extend MovieClip

Dec 17, 2010

I've a strange issue. In Flash CS3 IDE, I linked a MovieClip to a SubSimba class. This class doesn't extend MovieClip (it has MovieClip package as its base) but, instead, it extends SuperSimba (that extends MovieClip). What happens? I instantiate SubSimba in my Flash project and it behaves as I if I called super() inside the SubSimba constructor: is there anyone here who understands why?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - How To Extend WebService Class

Apr 24, 2006

I would like to extend the WebService class in order to add a couple of functions to it. The problem is, when I use the subclass, I get the following message:
'Error opening URL "file:///<PATH WHERE FLA IS SAVED>/undefined"'

The subclass looks like this:
class com.testing.TestWebService extends WebService{
var foo:String;
function TestWebService(){
[Code] .....

The strange thing is, if I extend the MovieClip class instead of the WebService class, everything is peachy. This makes me think there is something that I am missing, or do not know about the WebService class. The code above is the "I want to get it to load without errors" example. My reasons for extending the class go beyond adding a "foo" property. The WSDL path is to my local machine and therefore not accessible to the masses. Any WSDL should recreate the same results.

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Iframe - Make A Flash/Flex Drop Down Extend Outside The Flash Object Boundaries?

Jan 22, 2010

We are developing our app in flash/flex builder for the front end hitting .NET backend webservices. There is one section of the old app that will not be initially converted, so we need have it appear in an iFrame.

So far all that works fine.We shrink the size of the SWF in the host page to just be the menu/nav area. And underneat that I have an iframe control that loads in this page from the old site.Now the problem. in the SWF is a drop down list to enable picking a client. Since the SWF has been shrunk to about 100px high, the drop-down will only occupy within that 100px area which it's opened. This is NOT good as you can imagine. How can I make the drop-down list descend over-top of the IFRAME control and thus extend outside the SWF dimensions? Is this possible?

I tried to make the internal stage transparent and leave the SWF a little larger, about 400 px high, but the IFRAME still appears behind the SWF.

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Actionscript 3 :: Extend A Textfield That Is Allready On The Stage In Flash?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm looking for a way to extend a TextField that's allready on the stage in Flash (AS3) something like this:

public class ChildTextField extends TextField
//code for childTextField comes here

I've placed a TextField with instance name 'thetextfield' on the stage. Now I would like to tell flash this textfield is of type ChildTextField. So in my Document Class I declare that textfield as a ChildTextField:

public class DocumentClass extends Sprite()


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