Javascript :: SIFR 3 Not Displaying In IE Just Getting XXX?

Mar 7, 2010

I am having a problem with sIFR 3 not displaying in IE. I get 3 larges black XXX in IE yet it displays fine in Firefox. I have checked i do have the most recent version of flash installed correctly.


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Javascript :: Way To Make SIFR Work

Dec 3, 2009

It works perfectly when pulled within labels like in the demo.[code]note: (id="slidesbigtext") loads text from javascript without any issues, just can't find a way to make sIFR work in this situation..

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Javascript :: Use Various Selectors In SIFR 3r436?

Apr 15, 2010

sIFR.replace(neutra, {
selector: '#nav li',
css:[ 'a { color: #ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size:14px} a:hover { color:


and i need to style a b inside a span inside a div ... and i just can't find the way, if i add another sIFR.replace(blah... it won't work, it messes with the other replacement sometimes

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Javascript :: Get Colors To Work In SIFR 3 R436?

Dec 1, 2009

I've got a demo page up here; you can view source to see what I'm trying to do. As you can see, everything about it seems to be working except for colors. I'm trying to set the color to blue (#0000ff), but it stays as black. I created a custom SWF file for my font, embedding four different variations of a single font in order to accommodate for different styles per these instructions (because this particular font family stores regular, bold, italic, and bold italic as four disjoint font names).

For posterity I'll paste some of the source code from that demo page I linked to here:


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Javascript - Jquery And SIFR Link Management?

Feb 5, 2010

Ok, I'm using Jquery to build a dynamic menu, and sIFR to change the text to TrajanPro font.

This does not mix. I want to find a way to make it mix, though.

sIFR has automatic parsing of links, so that Flash sends you to the link location. What it doesn't do is pass on javascript triggers. I'm trying to make my menu as accessible as possible, by using hard links and then rewriting them with Jquery into managing the visibility of submenus, like this ~


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Flash :: Get SIFR To Render The .sIFR-alternate Correctly With FlashBlock Enabled?

Apr 10, 2010

So I've looked this up in a few different places, and the only answer I've seen is "style the span.sIFR-alternate element". Problem is, if I apply any styles to that element that will actually have it appear & be placed correctly, it shows up alongside the sIFR text when FlashBlock isn't present (e.g. in Safari/IE) or is disabled. Here's the default styles for .sIFR-alternate:


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Javascript :: SIFR 3 Showing On Home Page But Not On Any Other Pages

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Javascript :: Dynamically Add Wmode=opaque To Already Displaying Embed Elements?

Mar 17, 2012

How to dynamically add wmode="opaque" to already displaying embed elements? Without reloading the elements, the embedded content should not lose its state.

Just setting the wmode attribute with javascript doesn't work.

Removing the element and then adding it again makes wmode take effect, but the flash element loses its state, among other problems. E.g if it's a video player its position/playback status resets. So that solution is no good.

Any other way of displaying content over the embedded element is acceptable as well.

(I'm doing this trough a content script in a Chrome extension if that is of any help.)

This is not a duplicated of How to dynamically add wmode=transparent to Youtube embed code? as there the parameter is added to a frame and not directly to the element it self.

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Flash :: Update SIFR To AS3?

Jan 10, 2010

In my experience, the text rendering is better in flash 9/10 AS3. Are there any plans to get sIFR working with AS3?

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Css :: Sifr Not Replacing Font

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to use sIFR to replace the headlines (e.g. The Tour of A Lifetime) on this page: [URL] The font I want to swap in is Verlag by hoefler & frere jones. I had this working the other day but it suddenly stopped working: the font does not replace. All the js/css/flash files are linked correctly. I tested my verlag.swf and it works. And, I tested sIFR with a different font and the replacement worked. Am I having issues because I have yet to buy a Verlag license for the server?

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Flash :: Max Font Size For SIFR?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to implement a large font for sIFR, but it seems to have a ceiling where you cant go any higher. I have adjusted the the variable MAX_FONT_SIZE within the to no avail. Is this possible or is it a limitation with flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Translate SIFR (for Hyphenation And With The Help Of A Converter)?

May 12, 2010

One thing asked for a lot with sIFR is hyphenation.The only problem is that is written in AcionScript 3, while sIFR is in ActionScript 2.I found an AS2 to AS3 converter s3-converter-createtextfield-geturl-handling/ but the result is not working yet.

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Jquery :: Flash - SIFR Only Works Partially In IE?

Jun 8, 2011

My sIFR 3 font replacement is working great in FF and IE except when I use it on a 'services' page that has an unrelated Flash object feature at the bottom. Only the first sIFR3'ed element shows up in IE on this page. I am also using jQuery 1.2.6 on this page to bring up random content. It is a windows xp pc.

In IE, the html on the 'services'page sIFR'ed elements has become garbled in the browser as I see when I view the source. Things like this: nodeIndex='1' and jQuery1307565945701='4' are added to the ul and li elements and should not be. The class 'sIFR-replaced' is not being added from sIFR like it is supposed to be.

The jQuery does not interfere with sIFR3 font replacement on my other pages because they don't have the extra Flash file on the bottom. The Flash file is a shockwave cab file, version 9,0,0,0 (that I did not add).I see this error in the console ' 'match(...).1' is null or not an object' but I got this same error elsewhere and it wasn't affecting anything.

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Html :: Clickable SIFR Inside Linked Elements

Dec 28, 2009

My site in progress has some large graphical buttons that uses sIFR to display their headings. The structure looks like this:


I'm replacing the <h2> element with sIFR 3, revision 436. Everything works great until I activate sIFR. The font is replaced just fine, but the heading can no longer be clicked even though the rest of the button can. I tried to add another <a> inside the <h2> heading but that broke the whole layout since multiple <a> tags can't be nested. Is there a "correct" way to fix this or should I work around it with something ugly like a z-indexed clickable blank.gif on top of the whole thing? Or is there something else wrong that I've missed?

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Flash :: Sifr 3 Barebones Test - Unusual Line Breaks?

Nov 13, 2009

I want to use a non-standard font on the web in a various combinations of font-color and font-size without having to assign individual configs for each. So far sIFR seems to pick up font-size no problem. but not font color, so I am working on a work around.

The problem I am running into: sIFR is breaking text to the next line without a linebreak <BR> being present.


For the sake of the project I am working on, it looks like setting the standard to block level elements only with font-sizes of 18px and above will be the route taken to keep from holding it up further, but I still have personal interest and would like to pursue understanding sIFR and the line breaking further.

I am new to Stack Overflow and am concerned this may be an 'extended discussion' which the FAQ says is beyond the scope of this site.

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Flash :: Sifr 2.0.7 Only Working When Font Is Installed On User's Computer?

Apr 1, 2010

I am using sifr 2.0.7 and here's the deal. The sifr is working (I can see it in the DOM) however, the font is wrong.It doesn't pick up my swf font (DIN) unless you have it installed on your computer?The css font style is: HelveticaNeue which is what the sifr seems to render if you don't have DIN installed.I see it on my computer but my friend see DIN.

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SIFR 3 Rev.436 Is Unable To Sucessfully Publish Movie - The Flash File Is Blank

Oct 24, 2010

I have been trying to get sIFR 3 rev.436 working on my site but I stuck at publishing the movie. I did everything the instruction had told me to but when I published the movie and double clicked it to test, it failed, the movie was blank with the following error. Someone said the Action Scripts should be in the same folder as the sifr.fla, it was but it didn't help at all.

Scene=Scene 1, layer=code, frame=1, Line 19

The class or interface 'sIFR' could not be loaded.I was puzzled and after hours of looping in the situation I downloaded rev.432 and tested it out. To my delight, everything turned out right and I published the movie successfully!

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Make Right Click Menu In Flash With "open In New Window" For SIFR Link?

Nov 10, 2009

How to make right click menu in Flash with "open in new window" for sIFR link?

Can we make in sIFR3 directly?

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Javascript :: Javascript - Target Multiple Objects With A Single Operation Using ECMAScript's `with` Statement?

May 2, 2011

The following doesn't work (although it gives no explicit error), but why not?nd... Is there really no way around it, strictly using the with statement? Forget using for / foreach.

with (object1, object2) {
attribute = value;

Why the code above gives no syntax error, doesn't work but is accepted by with?If it's possible, how could we change multiple objects with same attribute using with?

var object1 = { attribute: 3 };
var object2 = { attribute: 2, method: function() { alert('blah'); } };
var object3 = { method: function() {alert('bleh'); } };


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Javascript :: Insert Javascript Functions To An HTML Document From The Child Flash Swf File?

Jan 29, 2012

I need to execute some javascript string code from flash swf file using actionscript 3.
I read that it could be done by passing the javascript code to the parent html document , using function. Then I assume it will be faster if I can declare functions in the javascript code in the HTML document in the first use of funtion ; if flash code calls the javascript code repeatedly. So let me ask you how to do that. For details , any javascript to be loaded is unknown in design time and I can not prepare a javascript file to be loaded.

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Javascript :: Unable To Communicate With Javascript From Flex After Dymanically Loading A Swf?

Aug 1, 2009

for some reason, whenever I dynamically load a swf on a $(document).ready() by writing to a div, I am unable to make javascript calls to the browser. Specifically, all calls to the browser return "null". This does not occur when embedding the swf normally on the page load, but I would like to prevent loading of the swf until a specified point in time.

What the heck is going on here? Is there something special about dynamically embedding a swf that prevents the swf from talking to the browser? The methods ARE called (I've proven such by showing alerts), but all return values to any function, regardless of type returned, shows as null when it gets to flash.

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Javascript :: Passing File Paths From Flash To JavaScript For Upload?

Sep 29, 2010

Is it possible to pass file names from a running Flash application, which only purpose is to enable multiple-file-selection, to a JavaScript application which handles upload of all files to the server?I have examined various Flash upload solutions (like SWFUpload, Uploadify, etc.) and none of them meets my needs. I want an easy to implement solution (like Uploadify) which also lets me specify various parts of the HTTP request.

The reason I need this is because my upload form uses session cookies (for user authentication) and an CSRF token both passed to the server when uploading files.Is it technically possible to pass filenames (+ paths) to a JavaScript application which then handles the upload?

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Javascript 3 :: Can A JavaScript Function Detect Which Flash DOM Object Called It

May 20, 2011

Here's the challenge: I have a Flash movie which will be embedded in a page using an unknown DOM ID that I want to be able to identify/store for callback in a JS function. My ideal user flow would be: User clicks button in Flash. Flash pauses any animations / video / sounds / etc. Flash calls an injected JS function to display a page-covering overlay experience. When user closes overlay experience, a callback method on the Flash object is called. Flash resumes playback.

The problem is, when AS3 uses the"functionName", args...) method, there doesn't seem to be a DOM event triggered, and thus it is impossible to tell which object called a JS function, so having a "registerMe()" function doesn't seem to work. Basically, the injected JS function has no way to determine which DOM object to call, because the ID of the Flash object is unknown.


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Javascript :: Call An External Javascript On Frame Action/change?

Aug 26, 2011

i have a flash movie with 2 frames. and i would like to call an external javasscript function on frame action.


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Javascript :: Flash - Call A Javascript Function From An Embedded .swf File

Apr 16, 2009

I'd like to call a javascript function from an embedded .swf file. Specifically, I'd like to call a function in one of my externally linked javascript files from within: function loadTrack(){


which is in an .as file which I assume somehow becomes the swf file. How would I go about this and 're-compile' the .as file?

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Javascript :: Cross-domain Browsing Javascript, Silverlight Flash?

Oct 2, 2011

I'm trying to write a web application that searches google and then downloads the result sites and parses them.The search has to be done on the client side. Without implementing a server side proxy.Can this be done using javascript/sliverlight/flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Javascript: Calling JavaScript Function From Flash (swfObject)?

Feb 29, 2012

let suppose i have a object named "data" which has a callBack function named "closeItem" which does something. So i have flash file which has a close button. on click of that i am calling this function which closes this item. So issue is? If i pass this "closeItemFunction" as global function this works fine. but if a pass this function as a "data.closeItem" this doesn;t work throwing some falsh error. so i just wanna ask that "does flash only call gobal scoped javascript function" ??

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Javascript :: Best HTML/JavaScript Framework For A Flex Application?

Oct 23, 2009

We're currently building a Flex application using the PureMVC framework with a shell.swf which loads/unloads modules dynamically. We're experiencing issues with memory and we're looking to replace the shell.swf with a JavaScript-based loader.Two questions:What would be a good framework to dynamically load the Flex components and allow the modules to communicate between each other?Would dynamically loading/unloading the modules via JavaScript take care of the typical memory problems associated with Flex/Flash applications?

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Javascript :: Flash - Security / Protecting Code In JavaScript?

May 10, 2010

With all the recent hype about JavaScript and HTML5 replacing Flash, I wanted to know - How would it be possible to protect client-side js code? Of course, it is possible to obfuscate it, but that would only make it a little harder. Also, for games which submit high scores to the server, wouldn't it be incredibly easy to modify those scores before they are sent to the server? I know even Flash files can be decompiled, but they can be obfuscated and flash decompilation is not as easy as modifying data in JS - could be done easily using a plugin such as Firebug. I'd like to know everyone's views on this.

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Javascript :: Flash - Create Rain Effect In Javascript?

Jun 12, 2010

I need to achieve something like this for my website: Flash Rain Effect

Is that possible to do in Javascript? I want it to be just as smooth as it is in Flash.

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